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ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.0.1.

  • Added RS3 support
  • Player healing is now supported
    • If the player is out of food, the bot will traverse to the refresh area and stop the bot.
    • Heal event is triggered by a threshold generated from the user-provided health tolerance.
    • Ex. If the user says heal when health is below 25%, the bot will generate a threshold between 17.5% and 32.5%. Once the event is triggered, a new threshold is generated in this range to provide a more human-like healing approach.
  • Fremennik Rock Crab area is reduced to be further away from the fence west of the location
  • The bot will now only query for crabs within the designated area. This fixed a bug regarding trying to target rock crabs from within Rellekka.
  • GUI Updated to have a more top-down execution flow and the inclusion of the healing tolerance slider