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ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.7.
  • Addressed issue where certain potions were not being handled properly when banking. If this issue still occurs for some users, please report it. I was not able to fully test this fix since I'm busy with hurricane stuff.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.6.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.5.
  • Improved logic that generates the bot's refresh area. The bot will no longer generate a distance that is over a certain threshold, preventing the long runs to refresh zones that some users were reporting.
  • Traversal steps are now taken with larger distances and delays between actions are now more humanlike.
  • Added Divine Super Attack, Strength, Defence, Combat, and Range potions.
  • Bot will no longer deposit Runes into the bank. This will allow players to train magic if they choose.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.4.
  • Fixed an occasional NPE that start occurring after the last update.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing some users from using the Break Handler feature.
  • Addressed an issue that was preventing the GUI from updating for some users.
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Reactions: l Am U
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.3.
  • Testing some backend GUI logic.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.2.
  • Addressed an issue that was preventing refreshing logic from executing, causing the bot to not reset aggression in some zones.
  • Fixed an issue where the bot could choose it's refresh area within an unreachable/fenced-in area.
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Reactions: jonkieftw
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.9.
  • Fixed a wrong value when determining the distance from the player the refresh area should generate at.
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Reactions: jonkieftw
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.8.
  • Restructured how the "Refresh Area" is calculated. This will allow the bot to exclude non-reachable areas such as trees or water when generating the area.
  • Optimized traversal to have more considerably more consistent results.
  • Optimized de-aggro detection and fixed a bug related to not detecting de-aggro for Fossil/Ammonite Crabs.
  • Optimized some distance algorithm calculations.
  • Bot will now pickup Unidentified Fossils when botting Ammonite Crabs / Fossil Island.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.6.
  • Addressed issue that was causing information in the "Info" and "Stats" column to not populate properly.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.5.
  • Made some adjustments and area accuracy improvements for Fossil Island location.
    • Still a WIP but wanted to get the current changes out for the weekend.