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  • Ever think about a soul wars bot? When i first tried Tempoross i thought it would be too complex to bot but you absolutely slayed it. I think if anyone could do it well, it would be you!
    I appreciate the kind words :)

    I've had Soul Wars requested before, but the main reason I'm not really interested is that the last time I played soul wars there was a clan orchestrating the entire game, and if you didn't do what they said they'd pile on you. So I have a feeling if/when anyone notices it's a bot they'll just keep killing it
    hit my gong
    hit my gong
    This would be awesome but I agree... The Soul Wars CC likes to keep things clean.
    Cloud updated Runemate to work with the latest game update & it should be fully functional. Please restart OSRS & Runemate before botting :)
    Looks like Runemate's broken after today's random game update. I'd recommend not running premium bots right now, as they seem to just crash.
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    Reactions: MrOwl
    Seems like updates are becoming more bizarre. Is there a reason for it?
    I think that Jagex has just been putting out some messy/large updates lately honestly. Especially with the new clans system, they're making a lot of infrastructure/core code changes.

    Cloud is working on the fix right now and it likely won't take too much longer.
    Mate, I applaud your bots, they have taken all my accounts from a mid-level grind to a high-level farm. Gold-farming isn't as much my concern as is to create flexible accounts and your bots have made it possible.
    I can't wait to see what else you have set as a goal and I'll be a long-term customer of yours!

    Cloud has released an update fixing the Login Handler issue & Runemate should be fully functional. Please restart OSRS & Runemate to update.
    bro 100% i love your scripts man. best ones ive used. by far. youre saving me alot of manual labor and i can focus on doing life stuff in the mean time. lol
    • Like
    Reactions: Good Luck
    thanks Dylan i learned all i know from open source Hosidius Fruit Stall Thieving 0.0.3
    Can we get an open source storm fisher plz.
    Anything to help israel
    FYI: Runemate is still partially broken after today's game update. It may work if you start bot logged in or just wait for full fix release.
    (But yeah I'd recommend just waiting for the client to be fully fixed before using)
    That's precisely the best option. I can imagine that re-adapting the client will take some time.

    0 bans in 4 weeks, on 5 accounts, I think its worth the wait!
    Thank you for giving us the update :D
    bro 100% i love your scripts man. best ones ive used. by far. youre saving me alot of manual labor and i can focus on doing life stuff in the mean time. lol
    Brother, I know a few people who would LOVE a karambwan fishing Script. Fishes near fairy ring DKP. Fairy ring to zanaris bank chest, fairy ring back to DKP and fish. Please <3
    This has been requested a few times, honestly I'm just really swamped in stuff on my todo list already tbh. I'll add it to my list of considerations though.
    Hopefully when things clear up for you :)
    Btw, i love you're scripts! Wish you made a "Jad-kill" script just for the last part of Fight Caves, to get that Firecape :)
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    I'd love to do a full fight caves bot, but I don't think I'd be able to do a full one justice...... buuut a Jad killer is a lot more doable and fun to make.

    I'll consider it, but even if I do make it it probably won't be soon tbh :p Just really busy lately.
    johnny arntsen
    johnny arntsen
    Yeah, would be nice with a Jad-killer, the early waves are no problem, just grinding, but it would be nice to KNOW FOR SURE, that Jad would go down, after 70-90 min grinding :p I Would pay for this! <3 Sure alot of others would :p
    Hey, i got error 2 times while trying to start bot with your cuppa miner, does it charge for each hour when i restart it ? :S
    @Johnny Arntsen yo yo. So charging is handled by Runemate's system, not directly by my bots. But yeah, the way premium bots on Runemate work is that they charge you on each startup and each subsequent hour (so unfortunately if you restart the bot multiple times it'll charge you each time).

    I've refunded you the 14cents though :)
    @Johnny Arntsen could you send me more info on what error you were getting and in what situation exactly? I haven't gotten any other error reports recently.
    johnny arntsen
    johnny arntsen
    @CuppaJava Oh, thanks! I was using your miner script, and each time i hit Run, i got this error when i was trying to start the script, i was messing arround with the Break handler atm. Restarted 2 times, and then it was working, i quit the whole client(both) and restarted and everything worked :S I dont remember what the error said thou :/
    Any thoughts on a wintertodt bot? Current ones tend to bug out / even when they work they have some trouble with getting the reward without fletching
    I don't really plan to tbh, Regal Wintertodt has been in the top trending bots for a while so it must be mostly working.

    Also ngl I've never actually even played Wintertodt before lmao
    I can tell you I got 200m FM xp and over 8k kc from regal wintertodt. So its a good bot.
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