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  • Hey mate, ran duke bot for 5 mins and then my net spat the dummy and dced so i died =/ could i please have the 20c refunded. Vardorvis worked amazing prior to that! silly net - thanks man
    Hey bro, started 1t Hunter and it crashed on me twice, charging both times, could i please have a 24c refund. bots perfect, i think it was me changing the display or something just made it say runescape has crashed and shut the bot down. thanks man
    Hey again bro, yeah must be at my end :( earIier i died 2 more times in quick succesion, it stopped on the way and died to the npc outside of vardorvis twice don't know why it stopped.. can probs see the logs of it going 10 minutes then turning off, I might run some of your less intense ones while i sort out my net, would appreciate 40 or 60c as im getting rekt today but defs at my end for most of it
    Going to try Vardovis one, Duke was running amazing yesterday but I've died 2 more times since my last post :( seems to be with the eating then re hitting, out of sync and takes the dukes damage. Ah well, probaly my fault.. another 20c or 40c down =/ any tips bro?
    if it worked for you previously it has to be a lag issue somewhere on your end
    Hey again bro, yeah must be at my end :( I just died 2 more times in quick succesion, it stopped on the way and died to the npc outside of vardorvis twice.. can probs see the logs of it going 10 minutes then turning off, I might run some of your less intense ones while i sort out my net, would appreciate 40 or 60c as im getting rekt today but defs at my end :( as i know the bots awesome.
    Hey bro, have died twice with Duke Sucellus mate script, it auto turns off the script which in turn requires a restart and charges the 20c again instantly =/ both times were early on in the hour so i lost out on 40c, it looks to be when it eats then attacks instantly not taking in what tick duke is on then gets hit, amazing bot and it's going great but it all adds up for me. Is there any chance of a 40c refund <3 ty
    Update, just restarted again and it died first kill, so I'm 60c down =/ was going flawlessly before, could be my net I'm unsure but it looked stable.. would appreciate any refund 40c or 60c
    Your a legend dude, unsure what happened. Am restarting net and running again
    Yo, can you help me with the settings of the 1 tick chin hunter bot? :)
    What do i need to do to have it 4 tick with celastrus bark + knife?
    Hey, i love the 3t mining bot and have been using it at shilo gems. I noticed that it doesnt empty the gem bag if it is in the inventory. Eventually sapphires start appearing. Is there a way to have it empty the gem bag?
    it doesn't support gem bag. it will bank underground so there's no need for it
    Hey bro, 1 tick hunter mate - great script - just had some issues starting up before, kept searching for marrentil, unsure why but i restarted it 3 times in a few minutes however it charges me for all 3x =/ could I please be refunded 2x $0.12c as I didn't realise it took it straight away every restart
    Great script! Is it possible to add weapon mapping for DHCB with KBD heads attached?
    The message you get should contain an id, which I'm going to need
    just started runnin new zulrah mate, you thinking about adding mage only mode, like the other zulrah?
    somewhere down the line, i don't think the strat is that popular anymore since bowfa is a thing for irons
    Hello I would like to request a refund on the Vorkath Mate due to last night's update for (2 credits). I did not understand the stackoverflow error either, and the it seems to be a be a very common issue for users to run into issues on update day - I did catch a temp ban for leaving angry reviews, I'll be sure to be more trusting of the devs going forward. Looking forward to running VM again Thank you.
    2 credits? does that mean you restarted it 10 times? please dm me a screenshot of your transaction logs
    After update i lose 1euro can i get refund? zulra bot take all time to much sharks and isntantly stop bot.
    Update your client. There was an update today.
    Vorkath mate is not working, I've tried restarting all clients just keep crashing with stackoverflow error notification. Tried to repatch runelite etc still no joy. The settings I used have been working fine for days but suddenly stopped working. Ive also been charged 5/6 botting hours trying to get it to work. Could this be refunded please? Cheers!
    The game update broke some quest related stuff which affects the vorkath bot. Party is working on it. I've refunded you your credits!
    • Like
    Reactions: Zekyr
    Thank you very much! Appreciate the quick reply. Hope its a quick fix for you all :)
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