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  • Hello mate,

    Brilliant nightmare script, however just started it and it froze and said unexpected handling error, please contact the developer or something.

    Could I get a refund for this please?

    Hey, i've been using your Phosani bot and it works like a charm. I've been using it for almost a week now, without any problems. However just now, I tried to run it, but it froze twice. Could you give me a refund for those two hours maybe? Thanks in advance!
    make sure to restart both runelite and runemate after game updates

    sent you your credits back
    Vorkath Mate on death seems to want to take out all food + equipment from bank (more than 28 items) into the inventory without equiping equipment first then taking out food / pots. Attempted to pause/equip items and let it run, but it will 'deposit all equiped items' then try and pull all equip and food into invent again. restarted once, but didn't want to keep paying 20cents to troublshoot. Any suggestions?
    additionally, on death it deposits the rune pouch (as "unwanted item") and then can't find a tele to POH and stops.
    you're supposed to collect your items from Torfinn on death, so that makes little sense
    perfect scrip ! but everytime i die, my account just stand still and do nothing so it crashes the bot... even if i have multiple ros or tp in bank.. i tried multiple respawn ( lumb/prif/edge) but always do the same thing.. is there something i do wrong ?
    i don't know what bot you're talking about
    Looking to get the Tempoross pet or just level fishing? Use Tempoross Mate, with Solo support for better exp and permits!
    Hey, I've been using the vard and duke bot. The vard works well for the most part, but sometimes gets hit by the ranged attack and axe and ends up dying. The more problematic one is Duke. I've lost at least $1 as the bot keeps trying to eat when it's low but gets hit by the spikes as it tries to attack right after resulting in many deaths. Could you help with this?
    Hey mate. Really enjoying the duke script.
    The last 24hr i've run past quite a few issues. The bot constantly walks out into the smoke and gets hit while trying to attack (checked tick & world health everything is fine)

    This morning the bot keeps shutting down after entering the heavy door and says send info to developer. I've probably wasted like 80c-1.00 in the last 24hr dealing with this :( could you help me out?
    panic stopped when i started the bot without being logged in and it was trying to log without proper credentials. can i get my 0.20c back?

    3000kc from this bot love it ty
    Hello, I also tried the Prime Zulrah, meant to use Zulrah Mate. Can I get back my credits for the Prime Zulrah? Didn't get one kill as it kept teleporting back and forth to Ferox
    Good morning. I tried your Duke Succelus Mate bot and it crashed, causing me to lose 0.20. in credit. can I get a refund for that?
    Hey, not sure if this is the best way to contact you but I had some odd behavior with the Vorrath script (worked fine for the first time on trial) it would just repeatedly teleport between poh, lunar isle then go to Vorrath island without entering the arena and teleport back to poh I have a recording. Is there anyway I can get a refund for my time and some support, Thank you!
    Hey mate, is there any way to disable the [GameEventControllerImpl] Login Handler has been activated! on the Cerb script? It logs you out too much mid fight then instantly logs back in. Thanks <3
    Hey mate, is there any way to disable the [GameEventControllerImpl] Login Handler has been activated! on the Cerb script? It logs you out too much mid fight then instantly logs back in. Thanks <3
    That's a part of the client. You're most likely logging out from idling because the kills are too slow. I can add something to prevent that from happening in the next update.
    was using vorkath mate it work good but when i died it just stand there it dont log out or stop to bot. i standed 6 hours in lumbridge refund would be nice and some tips how to make bot work
    hi.. vorkath mate crashed on me 5 minutes into it ; can you please refund? its happened several times but ill settle for one or two. thanks great bot otherwise
    1 tick hunter - May i have a 24c refund please, think i got crashed and it lost the traps so forced the bot off and another time i the client crashed early. thank you
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