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  • Hey bro, 1 tick hunter mate - great script - just had some issues starting up before, kept searching for marrentil, unsure why but i restarted it 3 times in a few minutes however it charges me for all 3x =/ could I please be refunded 2x $0.12c as I didn't realise it took it straight away every restart
    Great script! Is it possible to add weapon mapping for DHCB with KBD heads attached?
    The message you get should contain an id, which I'm going to need
    just started runnin new zulrah mate, you thinking about adding mage only mode, like the other zulrah?
    somewhere down the line, i don't think the strat is that popular anymore since bowfa is a thing for irons
    Hello I would like to request a refund on the Vorkath Mate due to last night's update for (2 credits). I did not understand the stackoverflow error either, and the it seems to be a be a very common issue for users to run into issues on update day - I did catch a temp ban for leaving angry reviews, I'll be sure to be more trusting of the devs going forward. Looking forward to running VM again Thank you.
    2 credits? does that mean you restarted it 10 times? please dm me a screenshot of your transaction logs
    After update i lose 1euro can i get refund? zulra bot take all time to much sharks and isntantly stop bot.
    Update your client. There was an update today.
    Vorkath mate is not working, I've tried restarting all clients just keep crashing with stackoverflow error notification. Tried to repatch runelite etc still no joy. The settings I used have been working fine for days but suddenly stopped working. Ive also been charged 5/6 botting hours trying to get it to work. Could this be refunded please? Cheers!
    The game update broke some quest related stuff which affects the vorkath bot. Party is working on it. I've refunded you your credits!
    • Like
    Reactions: Zekyr
    Thank you very much! Appreciate the quick reply. Hope its a quick fix for you all :)
    just happened again with every singlie plug in turned off bot cost 20 sents for dieing everytiime not gona try again please refund 40 cents
    Maybe send him a PM with logs of the bot, i mean that might be more helpful then demanding a refund with little to no information, idk just a suggestion.
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    Reactions: eko66
    hey man just started up vardovis mate and instantly died bot isnt switching to range prayer any chance i can get my 20 cents back. please and thank you.
    Maybe send him a PM with logs of the bot, i mean that might be more helpful then demanding a refund with little to no information, idk just a suggestion.
    i was charged like 4 extra times while trying to run the vorkath mate boss, and the bot kept breaking and shutting off, anyway i can get a refund so i can please? i can provide screenshots
    normal drop not working at granite. lazy drop is the only one working. normal is just sitting with full invent attempting to mine more granite
    you might need more inventory space
    still not working. 16 inventory spaces, i update the bot to "normal" dropping and it fills inventory and just keeps attempting to mine still. the moment i switch it back to lazy drop it drops full invent and proceeds mining
    please send me more information like a screenshot of your settings and your logs on discord or in a private message
    i cant figure out this 3tick mining bot all it says waiting for settings
    Hit "Start"
    nvm i was at the wrong spot
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