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  • I was wondering if it would be possible to set the pyramid plunder bot to loot urns in your two highest rooms? I've looked into it and it seems to be much better experience.
    yes that would be nice. like just run straight through room 1-6 and only do urns /chests/sarc last 2 rooms for max xp
    Man i love this Lava Rune Runecrafting its gotta me 99 on my other acc. but recently i been having issues. i tried the basics resetting everything even pc but it is still crashing
    is there a way to get this to heal poison with the prayer book/holy symbol and restore prayer at the altar before banking in soph? brilliant bot other than that.
    can you make the high alcher do stuff that cant stack? like have it re open the bank and take a new stack of 27 items out and repeat... i have 100k empty light orbs on my iron that i cba to do that type of shit myself haha
    considering im an iron and have 100k + of them and itd be alot of exp and 19+ mill
    I think my alcher should be able to do that but it would be a bit dodgy because it would move an item into the slot nearest to the spell every time. I could probably add an option not to do that so unstackables are better supported
    that would be AWESOME!
    Bot keeps stoping bc can't flech planks an saying make sure I have a bell when I do wasted 3 hours on this paying for it. Want a Rf or will put a 1 start up in the next 48 hours.
    Bot keeps stoping bc can't flech planks an saying make sure I have a bell when I do wasted 3 hours on this paying for it. Want a Rf or will put a 1 start up in the next 48 hours.
    Hey, can you send me logs from C:\Users\You\Runemate\logs
    The only way the bot can stop for no bell pull is quite literally if you have no bell pull. It relies on the server sending you the message `You need a bell pull`
    Bot timers are not reflective of the exact time a session has been online for. The 6 second difference could have been the time it took between the session starting and the UI loading. I recommend stopping it 1-2 minutes before the hour just to be safe. :)
    hey i been trying to use the varrock museum cleaner but it just stands around it used to work before
    Hi, it is an issue with the RuneMate client. Join discord for updates on when the issue will be resolved
    Hey they updated Pyramid Plunder and buffed the sarcophagus sceptre loot rates! could you take a look and update your script please? everything works great otherwise <3 thanks!
    I'll look into adding them soon. Seems like it was a big buff just looking at the numbers
    yes, essentially it is double the rates now, as the sarcophagi have the same drop rate as the chests beyond the third room, so adding "search sarcophagi" to the 4th-8th room's will double the the rates of Sceptre's. Thanks!
    Hey man I just tried to run your MTA bot and stopped working 5 times can I plzzz get a refund of 5 uses. and the bot is great I had the right runes in my inventory but it still stopped right after starting it. Thanks!
    I love the mage training arena bot. Works very well! Although in just the last hour I was charged 3 times after I started the bot with the incorrect runes. I was wondering if I could get a refund on 2 of these because the bot just started and immediately quit when the correct runes weren't there and still charged me for only being up for 5 seconds. Again love the bot, works very very well! Thanks!
    Update: Thanks for refunding the credits! Got me my bones 2 peaches in just a few hours! Definitely reccommend.
    hey mate love the work. are you able to make monkey murderer sip forgotten brews. cheers
    Sure, I've added the forgotten brew, you'll see it in the next update (usually within 24h)
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    Reactions: nixn
    Hey I just wanted to say I appreciate your work. You have a lot of more niche bots like the trouble brewing/stealing from dorgeshkaan chests. Look forward to what more you might come up with.
    Thankyou for the kind words :)
    Hope they're helping you
    hey theres something wrong with the pyramid plunder bot, after this update its teleporting to the minigame and going into the first room and then not moving or working at all.
    Update day. Always restart your clients
    Hey, I just had problems with starting up MTA, first time was a weird error, 2nd time my client was working but appeared to be offline. after the 3rd time its up and runnning. Possible to get a refund on the first two attempts please? https://gyazo.com/bee85576f27b05b3178143ee163fb865
    Sent. Any chance you can send me the logs? OR do you suspect it was an issue with your client/connectivity?
    I just had the same problem, this time it was first because of the coins in my inventory, and 2nd time I forgot a zero with the points, so it shut down immediatly. Wasted 4 hours of the 6 paid unfortunately. It would be good to initiate a shutdown of the bot with a timer after finishing the task.
    Hey there is an issue with the mm1 skeleton bot been working fine up until the update, now when you set it up it clicks the spell to auto cast ice barrage then hovers auto retaliate for a few seconds then goes to re select auto cast spell and just repeats itself over and over.
    Seems to do it with every spell not just barrage.
    The RuneMate client is working as normal following todays update.

    If you’re experiencing any weird behaviours, first try restarting both RuneMate and RuneScape. If that doesn't fix it, restart your PC.
    Fixed thank you.
    hhey man, i have an issue with the mta bot, it does every room flawlessly but the graveyard one. ive ran it for the past 3 hrs while i was shopping and came back to 0 points as the bot kept dying over and over, whhy could this be?
    No. I'm not sure. You have to watch it and find out. Disable all RL plugins. Don't tick B2P setting to heal if you don't have B2P unlocked. Just for clarity, I just ran it and it does heal as per normal
    Hey man love your Mage arena one however for the tele one its works great until you talk to the guardian for the next room and select yes the program will not select yes.
    Sorry to hear. My guess if there is a runelite plugin messing with it. Can you use a profile with all plugins turned off and also DM me the log please
    Hey man it worked after i turned off all plugins but i do think it was one specfic but i dont know which one
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