Hi, if you could make mage bankstander lunar leather tanner to run a little bit smoother/faster or add something like option to choose tanning speed, i'l be glad... when it was free, it were a massive money maker, but now its for these random pauses runninf likely only 4k-5.5k hides/ph, its good maybe only for xp farming, but let's see i'l let run it for some time
hey man, hydra bot not clicking bank, goes in and stands still trying to fight hydra, maybe add a option to direct input bank or have invy/equipment setup?
Hey man was wondering if you could lmk the difference in your paid/unpaid temp trekk bots. Looking to run one of them. If no difference, I'd be happy to support w the paid version either way
with kq killer, when teleing to varrock and then running to edgeville fairy ring constantly goes back and forth next to the house next to bank and then eventually keeps going. could probably delay a click to walk so that dosent happen.