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  1. arbiter

    Question Forgot my email

    You can see your email @ Account Management
  2. arbiter

    RuneMate v4.12.0-1.33.0 has been released!

    Please restart your computer and try again.
  3. arbiter

    Question does this work on google chrome book what one do i download

    Unfortunately ChromeOS is not a supported operating system. You may be able to get it working with something like Linux on ChromeOS | ChromeOS.dev, but there is not much we can do to help with that. If you do decide to, we would love to know about how it goes though!
  4. arbiter

    Bot not working after client update, after pc restart

    Redownload from RuneMate - Free OSRS Bots for RuneScape and reinstall.
  5. arbiter

    Refund, runemate credits

    Please post your issue in Client & Site Support, following the instructions @ Tutorial - READ THIS BEFORE POSTING.
  6. arbiter

    OSRS Bug report

    If you have both ethernet and wifi enabled, try disabling one, restarting your computer, and connecting again.
  7. arbiter

    Question Failed to start bot session

    Also see Welcome to RuneMate | RuneMate Documentation.
  8. arbiter

    Question Failed to start bot session

    We just did a release and you likely have a cached version of the client. Run Gradle with `--refresh-dependencies`. If that does not work then explicitly specify the client and game-api versions per Package Registry · RuneMate / Community / Client · GitLab and Package Registry · RuneMate /...
  9. arbiter

    Bug Runemate won't open on mac

    We stick to Apple's end-of-life / support schedule, so currently Ventura. See Apple macOS.
  10. arbiter

    Bug Old mac won't open client after update

    Apple dropped support for Sierra in 2019, Catalina in 2022, etc. This means you are no longer getting security updates from Apple and any software following Apple's end-of-life schedule, such as RuneMate, will no longer support it. I would highly recommend you update to a macOS version that...
  11. arbiter

    Remove Jagex client patch

    If you want a fresh Jagex client, simply uninstall it, redownload from the Jagex website, and reinstall it.
  12. arbiter

    Bug Runemate won't open on mac

    In the last release we updated our JavaFX version to expand support for newer macOS hardware/software, which may have removed support for older macOS. tl;dr Update your Mac.
  13. arbiter

    Bug RuneMate not recognizing RuneLite *NEW SOLUTION*

    @party we should try to address this.
  14. arbiter

    Bug Counted Hours of Open Client, Not Botting

    You can upgrade your account, but short of that yeah you gotta wait. A possible scenario is that you accidentally paused the bot instead of stopping it and then left it running in the background for multiple days without realizing it. That is an unfortunate situation for sure, but there is not...
  15. arbiter

    Bug Paid for $25 of credit. Not been added to my account (SOLVED).

    Please message me the PayPal Transaction ID for credit purchases and/or account upgrades that did not automatically go through this week. I will manually issue a refund. Any new purchases will clearly instantly. Message me: https://www.runemate.com/community/conversations/add?to=arbiter