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  • hello mate ive been using your osrs fletching bot and its coming up with errors it has been working fine for like 1week now it comes up with arror box can you help? thanks charlie
    Runescape had an update which screw the client and it's down now they're working on it and it should work in a couple of hours.
    so i can log into the bot now, but i cant run any scripts it just sits there, and the only way i can login is to open runemate put my email and all that stuff in then it sits and loads and never opens up but then once i close out it pops up idk im lost :/
    hi aidden,,there is aproblem with me the program when i open it he write ''checking for resoures and dont open would u tell me pleaseeee??
    hi sorry for bother you i just want to know if you alredy check the issue with yews in edgeville and banking yews in ge in maxi woodcutter osrs thanks.
    Hey man, ive searched previous posts and couldnt find anything but.. maxifletcher seems to get stuck on 'Use' and tries to bank but can't. Is there anything i can do on my end to help this? Thanks
    Just a quick note, my bots aren't broken, there are some broken hooks that cloud is working on fixing which are causing the issues.
    I assume it's the same with mine?
    Probably. Cloud fixed an interface hook today and released the update just before he went to bed, but there are still other hooks that are broken
    Mate your bot is broken
    Just released an update to MaxiCannonballs which fixes the interaction problem!
    When trying to run your Superheater it opens bank but then the mouse just trys to click where the bank was (with the bank interface opened)
    Just updated MaxiAlcher, MaxiPrayer and MaxiTanner! Now i'm off to bed. Expect some more updates tomorrow night!
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    Reactions: Derk
    Your updates are looking good :)
    Thanks cloudy. Its Good to finally have time to work on my bots!
    Least you could do is reply to my conversation or fix your fletching bot instead of ignoring it.
    Execuse me. I live in Australia, I was still asleep. I don't get paid to write any of these bots. If you'd actually taken the time to read the previous posts you'd have seen the bug you reported has already been mentioned many times.
    If you cared to take two seconds to look at my status' you'd see i've had exams the past couple weeks and only finished yesterday. So how about you stop being a fucking leecher and write your own bot, don't be so fucking impatient.
    Pushed some silent updates (no version changes) to fix my tanner on osrs. Also fixed some NPEs that you guys were getting.
    my runemate is only downloading ? is that a bugg or did i do sumthing wrong ?

    i restarted my pc and the game a couple of times now ...

    thanks for the assist :D
    i left it open for first 15 min then restarted then waited 30 min then made a post here XD
    Yeah it definitely shouldn't be doing that, try it again today and see how it goes, it might be that you have bad internet? or that you weren't able to connect to the servers properly for some reason. @Cloud @Arbiter
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