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Hexis Slayer Assistant Lite [Deleted]

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May 14, 2019
Why else would the bot have the same ongoing issue for months with no fix? this is the most useful slayer bot in the whole catalog... you didnt get what you were expecting from making it so you spitefully made it waste users prayer potions.
Feb 13, 2021
Hi, just wondering if divine super combat potions should work with the bot? only seems to drink super combats and not divine. If so, could there be support added for this please?
Sep 7, 2021
This works really well, Thank you for making this. Things I hope you will consider adding.

1. A way for the bot to click your herb bag after looting a custom amount range of herbs.

2. Use a certain player when goes to aggro a monster for instance, turning on protect from melee when running out of safe spot to hit a hellhound and turning it off when its back on the tile.

3. Same thing as above but turning the prayer on when running to refill the cannon from safe spot.

4. A way to save/load Custom Task Loot/Alch List.

5. A way to select monster priority. (for superiors)

6. Use slayer helm check option every now and then if equipped. Or use the enchanted gem check if in inventory.
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Oct 28, 2021
sometimes it click the cannonball when the cannon need a fix and stay like this please fix
Oct 26, 2015
Does looting not work for anyone else? It keeps right clicking the ground next to the item
Sep 7, 2021
Does looting not work for anyone else? It keeps right clicking the ground next to the item

It does this sometimes. I used this all the way to 95 slayer. I would say Just dont use it for Nechs,Abby demons (slayer tower) or anything that has some sort of weird mechanic when you fight it.

try adjusting your camera so that it is closer to the player but not too close.
Sep 7, 2021
Broken after runemate 3.0 update :c.. ofcourse do a major client update right when they release leagues and break bots >.<
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Broken after runemate 3.0 update :c.. ofcourse do a major client update right when they release leagues and break bots >.<
Completely uninstall RuneMate and install the 64-bit version. It has recently been updated and works.
Sep 7, 2021
Hmm.. Not sure whats up but HSA seems to stop running a lot now when configuring drops and alches whilst its already running.
Also, when it picks up a fragment in leagues it stops running.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Hmm.. Not sure whats up but HSA seems to stop running a lot now when configuring drops and alches whilst its already running.
Also, when it picks up a fragment in leagues it stops running.
Please join my Discord server (click the Hexis image in my signature) and tag me, I want to understand
Sep 30, 2019
Firstly, awesome bot, most cases it is working great! 4.9/5

What I do want to point out, as saw none doing it - "only fight NPCs within X tiles" is not working. It is most evident when cannoning in single combat, and safe spotting, as soon as you kill everything around you - it tries to run further to find an NPC. It even happens also when you set tiles to 1. Maybe not many people use this, but if it worked properly, it would be extremely useful.

Other things I noticed:

Something strange with looting, does not seem to be able to click on item when zoomed out, but could be rune lite fault (Also other people already mentioned this issue).

Furthermore, for some reason, most of the times press more than once on cannon balls (sometimes 3 sometimes 5 times - maybe even more) before pressing on cannon.(when not just reloading with simply pressing "Fire" on the cannon). Quick fix I would suggest: just to disable the reloading of: Press on cannon balls -> press on cannon.

Also it could be me being ignorant ant not realizing the actual supported items, but "teleport out when slayer task "is complete is not working when "Use teleport tab/scroll" is chosen (maybe only some tabs are supported? I tried using "House" tab).
Jan 7, 2018
Did it ever? I can't remember if I supported those or not
Not sure, there's just the setting for "disable manual finishing kills" so I assumed it was supported. Would be really useful feature though
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Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Not sure, there's just the setting for "disable manual finishing kills" so I assumed it was supported. Would be really useful feature though
So looks like I never set manual finishing up. I could add that but it's not a priority right now
Apr 23, 2018
First time trying out this bot and only wanted to use the prayer flicking feature since I don't feel like doing it myself, obviously. Anyway, it would just spam click the prayer button EXTREMELY fast on/off and wasn't doing any actual prayer flicking.

I tried enabling/disabling the human idle feature but it didn't help with the spam clicking.

I'm not sure if my OSRS window has to be setup in any specific way, but that's the issue I was having.
Also, no support for "potato with cheese"? :(
Jul 17, 2017
Very nice bot! A few suggestions to make it perfect imo:
  • As an IM, it would be nice if you could add potato with cheese as food
  • Add an option to only collect the loot after the monster is killed, and before starting a new kill. I'm trying to safespot with range, but every time there's an arrow on the ground, it interrupts the fight to pick up the arrows, which gives the monster the opportunity to deal damage.
Nov 10, 2022
The refill threshold option doesn't seem to be working. script reloads cannon only when it reaches 0 cannonballs left
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