The bot supports super antifire potion (4), which is much cheaper then flasks.
I know, and i get the logic behind it. Money is no issue to me however.
Some feedback:
Very, very impressed by the bot!

. The way it walks around the world from location to location and passes obstacles is amazing to me. Some things I noticed however that could be improved:
1. It never triggered soulsplit for me. Triple checked whether i have it enabled but it never actually uses it. Not from my actionbar but also not from the curses prayerbook. It does trigger anguish, torment and turmoil perfectly.
*UPDATE- I fixed it by making sure that the HP % to eat at doesn't overlap with the range in between it should trigger soulsplit*
2. Like Humfry posted, it does not withdraw cramulet when celestial dragons is the task, causing it to pause.
3. Looting is a little bit buggy, and it has not been using magic notepaper on some items while i did toggle it to use it on them.
*UPDATE- it now does use magic notepaper after i disabled high alchemy entirely*
4. I have seen it drop my entire inventory of sharks one time in order to make space for one loot item.
5. I haven't seen it high alch once. Is it incompatible with my large rune pouch?
6. I have seen it walk manually to Kuradal after teleporting to Seer's village lodestone even though it has a games necklace with charges in the inventory.
7. Idles at the world gate when trying to get to nihil and muspah. Traversing works fine after i manually click the gate
8. It recognizes when a task has been toggled to be skipped, but does not manage to actually skip it by right clicking morvran and idles indefinitely
That's all i can think of atm. Still a very good bot!