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RuneMate Billing and Payment - FAQwhy im not going get it @Squidl ?
i was pay again $3..
pliss tell me what must i do for get more account and hours..
im new member in here, i was read Billing and paymen FAQ but i did'n understand
Free Users:
Free users are entitled to up to a maximum of 200 hours of bot usage during one 30 day period. Free users can also only run a maximum of 2 sessions at once. You may use all 200 hours on one bot on one RuneScape account, or you may split your 200 hours across multiple bots and multiple RuneScape accounts.
Supporter/Sponsor (Paid) Users:
Supporter/Sponsor (paid) users can bot a range of hours and concurrent instances depending on how much money they pay per month. EG: A monthly payment of $3.00 will allow you to run up to a maximum of 300 hours as well as a maximum 3x bot instances at once. A monthly payment of $10.00 will allow you to run up to a maximum of 1,000 hours as well as a maximum of 10x bot instances at once.
How do I increase my hours allowance?
You can increase your monthly hour allowance (free users get 200 hours) by becoming a supporter or sponsor - See Upgrade | RuneMate for more information.
I've paid $2.00, why do I not have more hours?
A single $2.00 payment will only give you Supporter status, it does not increase your hours allowance. This is made explicitly clear during the purchasing stage, where you can increase/decrease your payment and accordingly, your hours allowance.
If you have made a single $2.00 payment and want more hours, another payment of $2.00 or more will increase your hours.
I've made a payment, why am I not a Supporter/Sponsor yet?
All payments are automated and if you have not yet received your upgrade, your payment will still be processing. Processing time varies depending on your bank. If this is the case, you will need to wait for the transaction to successfully complete or contact PayPal to find out more.
How do I check my monthly hours allowance?
Visit: Log in | Community | RuneMate to view your current upgrade, hours used and hours remaining.
Hour System:
The hour system works on a 30 day period. If you are a free user, you are able to bot up to a maximum of 200 hours in one single 30 day period. You can view your current hours usage here, by filtering by "Last 30 Days" Log in | Community | RuneMate
Bot hours don't just "reset" at a given time. Your remaining hours are calculated by subtracting the hours you've used in the last 30 days from the total hours that you bought. Here's an example:
Let's say today is October 1st, and you buy 3000 hours. Let's say that you use 100 hours every day. On October 31st (30 days later), you run out of hours, so you can't bot anymore. On the next day (November 1st), you'll regain the hours that you used 30 days ago (October 1st's hours), meaning that you'll have another 100 hours to bot with. The day after that you'll regain the hours you used on October 2nd, giving you another 100 hours, etc.
Source: Resolved - When do the bot hours reset?
Does Premium bot usage count towards my hours?:
Yes. If you use a premium bot (eg: $0.10 / hour) this time will still be deducted from your monthly hours allowance.
When am I charged for using Premium bots?
At the start of every new botting hour and every new bot instance. If you start an instance and stop it after 30 seconds to restart it, you will be charged once per instance start.
Does running multiple RuneScape accounts use my hours faster?
Yes. If you run a bot on one RuneScape account for one hour, your total amount of hours used will be one hour. If you run two bots on two RuneScape accounts for one hour, your total amount of hours used will be two hours. etc.
Payment System - Hour Expiration:
The supporter system works on a 30 day period for paid hours. If on day 1 you pay $10.00 for 1,000 hours of botting time, this time is only available for the current 30 day period. Once the 30 day period expires, you will either have to re-subscribe with another $10.00 payment or revert to a free users allowance of 200 hours.
How many accounts can I run at the same time?
This depends on how much you pay per month. If you pay $4.00 per month, this gives you 400 hours worth of botting. You can also run up to 4 accounts at the same time. You can use as many RuneScape accounts as you like.
The hour limit doesn't care about how many accounts you run - you could run for 100 hours on one account, 250 on another, and 50 on another and that would make your 400 per month.
Source: Resolved - buying hours
My brother/sister/other uses RuneMate in my house, will our hours combine?
Yes. Hours used across multiple RuneMate accounts from the same IP address will combine. EG: Account001 uses 10 hours on a Monday; these 10 hours will also show up on Account002's usage history for Monday.
Why are my hours disappearing so quickly? I haven't used that many hours?
You are likely on a shared network or using a VPN where someone else on your network has used up the hours. If this is the case you should speak to your service provider and ask them to give each connecting user a unique public IP address.
Do Subscriptions Stack?
Yes, subscriptions stack with each one lasting a month from the time it was purchased.
When does my hour allowance expire?
If you upgrade on the 15th, your hourly allowance finishes on the 15th of the following month
How accurate is the hourly limit?
The Services page breaks it down by day while the hour calculator goes down to the exact second. EG: If you bot for 1 hour 52 minutes and 13 seconds, the system calculates this as 1 hour 52 minutes and 13 seconds; it does not round up to the nearest hour.
Is break handler time counted as part of my hours?
Yes. Example: If you run a bot for 4 hours, and during this time the bot's break handler "pauses" your botting for a total of 63 minutes, those 63 minutes are included in your monthly hourly usage.
Will running out of hours remove my supporter rank?
No. If you purchase supporter status with $10.00 per month and use over your 1,000 hour allowance, you will still retain your supporter status on the forums until the billing period expires.
How do I cancel my recurring payments?
RuneMate appreciates your support. However if you must stop supporting us, you can cancel recurring payments:
1. Navigate to your PayPal pre-approved payments page. (Login required)
2. Click the link for your subscription to HF Tech.
3. Click Cancel and then confirm your selection.
You can see PayPal's Customer Support answer to "How do I cancel an automatic payment I have with a merchant?" for more information. If you have any questions, contact us.