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Question. The bot requires to turn off some plugins? Can Jagex see this? Because it feels so suspicous turn it all of and after the grind of 1-2 hours turning all on again. Also can i run the Bot with Plugins on. I mean agility on seers village. why plugins matter?
I don't have evidence but I don't think jagex can see what plugins you have on, or would care. I don't think it's uncommon for people to have different plugins active for different activities anyway. There's no indication this causes any risk.
You can try to bot with whichever plugins on, it's just that a lot interfere with the bot in unexpected ways. So if we don't show that warning, we'll just get a lot of unfixable error reports because the plugin is doing something which breaks runemate.
Cuppa! What are the chances of adding moonlight moth mix to scurrius?
I think this was on my todo list at one point, it's just kinda lower priority honestly as you can easily 1 tick prayer flick basically forever. Personally I always use it on my bots and haven't seen an increase in risk.

Though I will keep it in mind and try to add it soon if not too complicated
You are far from a smartnoob, you are a dipshit noob. You really must of done something wrong with the fight caves bot. I have ran that on multiple accounts with absolutely no issues. Most definitely is that bot worth what the author is charging for it, also the author is far from greedy.
3 tick mining gems, when depositing the gems is like very slow it takes 20 seconds to deposit the whole inventory is it possible for you to speed up that process since it cuts into the xp p/h and only getting 68k xp p/h instead of the usual 90-100k i should be getting
Hey Cuppa, trying to run the wyrm agility course the harder version but it won't move after the first hurdle. It'll just stand and alch. Cheers :)
Hi, I can't seem to reproduce this issue. It's working properly for me.

Did you try the general debugging? (Disable plugins which may interfere, restart osrs & runemate, test using trial)?

If it persists please dm me a log (help > view logs)
Looking for help on Vorkath bot, runs almost flawlessly. It rarely dies, however it must be babysat because it won't pick-up any drops other than superior bones or at the end of the trip. Otherwise it hovers over the loot indefinitely until I pick up some of the drops other than blocked list and superior bones.
disable the ground items plugin (like runemate tells you to)
hey man your magic bank stander bot doesn't recognise i can cast plank make with Bryophyta's staff, and tome of earth equipped, with GP and astral runes in inventory


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Loved your Arceuus Library script. It was working great for me in its Alpha/Beta form. Any plans to bring it back? Thank you!!
At the moment, I am not planning on re-uploading it. Multiple users reported critical issues that 30 additional hours of my testing did not correct. I don't need the bot anymore on my characters, and I write bots for fun and to progress my accounts, but not to profit. Ultimately, I don't have the motivation to fix it currently, and I don't want my name next to something that doesn't work to my standards.
hey man your sire bot you need to fix the depositing runes into rune pouch from loot... came back an hour later and its still siting there doing the same action... other then that great bot man love a nice working sire bot thanks beast!!!!
It knows not to try enter any if it has 16000 runes or no space.
Can you send me the log?
Been having issues with the two f2p varrock mines , traversing there and back is super sketchy(choppy).
Turned off all plugins but 2, hoping it might have an effect. but no luck
Hey, when you say it's choppy, do you mean that it clicks - waits too long - clicks again - repeat?

I do get this reported sometimes but I can't really seem to reproduce it honestly. I think the code might just be kind of inefficient/slow especially on some PC's.
I do want to rewrite my traversal code to optimize it, it's just a bit of a big task. If you dm me a log (found in help > view logs) ideally with info like where specifically it's slow and also what settings were used it might tell me some more info, though I'm not certain tbh
Please fix steps with taking off armour example. alkharid step fails to take off item and crashes. lumbridge swap fails to take power amulet off and crashes.. costing 18c everytime to restart script with only 10-15mins played from original purchase. this script is awesome other then that
wym it crashes? Can you send me the log pls
using vorkmate love it works great but for some reason he needs to have a mithril arrow in invo???? i drop it and he picks it back up and refuses to not have a 1 of mithril arrow in invo lol. anyway to fix this?
that's a setting on your ava's
hey smurf love the wildy slayer script man done very well, only problem im having is when it teleports to the chaos druids with burning amulet can you make it so it doesnt run into the wizards everytime?
Hey man, it shouldnt run into them at all. It does get hit by them though, they have a very long range and they can hit the teleport spot. What task did this happen on?