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Hello, could you please tell me why the bot isn't working? Everything goes fine when opening it, but when starting, it doesn't load and gives the message "try again later," and this happens for 2 days.
Hi just bought ghe $20 credit option but didnt get redirected back to u guys thro paypal also emailed u guys thru email provided on paypal thanks.
If the money has been taken by Paypal you should receive your credits instantly but it can sometimes take up to 48 hours.
Hey man if it's not too much trouble. can you take a look at my usage. I used the bot for 4 hours yesterday but got charged for 5. is there anything i can do to prove or show you?
Refunds can be requested via the Sessions Panel, and are issued at the Bot Author's discretion. Please note that refunds are limited and exceptions can not be made, so be mindful when submitting your request. Submitting a request will open a new forum conversation between you and the Bot Author.
idk what happened but i paid the 75 cents and it charged me and ended the bot in less than 60 seconds. If its possible id like a refund, i spent about 2.25 cause i failed at jad once. other than that its a perfect bot. after i get my cape ill rate it 5 stars. Thanks my friend.
Refunds can be requested via the Sessions Panel, and are issued at the Bot Author's discretion. Please note that refunds are limited and exceptions can not be made, so be mindful when submitting your request. Submitting a request will open a new forum conversation between you and the Bot Author.
Having issues with Corrupted gauntlet since getting the new deadeye range prayer man. Up until yesterday its worked flawlessly! Standing at the boss using magic just fine then when its range time it just stands there.
I replied to your DM as well, but for anyone else who may be wondering: I believe there is a Runemate side fix pending for this. Will hopefully be resolved soonish in the next Runemate update.
paul h
actually its corrupted gauntlet im having the issues with having used all the credits to quickly
Hey man can you screenshot your setting for the hallow sp bot? Im having issues looting the rounds. Not sure if im setting up correctly
Hey man can you screenshot your setting for the hallow sp bot? Im having issues looting the rounds. Not sure if im setting up correctly
Camdozalfish is good! but it spams every 3-4 fish or so while offering at altar, clicking once and letting animation do the work suffices, now it clearly looks like a bot!
Last seen May 17, 2024
I am going to shit on your chest.
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wet rag
wet rag
I just want to thank you guys. Really been down past few days and really thinking so negatively. I was about to cut my cock off. Now i have a reason to beat it again. i love you <3
I will cut your cock off with a rusty spoon
Having issues with your forestry woodcutter at Redwoods at woodcutting guild, bot keeps sitting idle - sometimes works for hours, other times will idle and stop the bot. All plugins are disabled, any ideas?
It's hard to say based off this, especially if it's rare. I'd kinda need more specific info to look more into it.

Normally I'd ask for a bot log to look further into it but Runemate logs have been buggy lately so I'm not sure if it'd actually tell me much.
I'm not totally sure what to say here currently; I guess let me know if you find it happens under more specific circumstances and I'll keep an eye out for it as well.
can you fix the akkha butterfly and shadow clones, wasted about 3$ today because it doesnt attack shadow clones and butterfly it does fuck all apart from run in circles like a spastic
This guy treats everyone horribly on the discord and on here, Get rid of his toxic self. Hes terrible for your business
agreed, acenine & nvii, hes a toxic little bot creator thats salty, clearly can't make or keep up to date on his bots since i think 2019 wasn't it toe rag?
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Yeah everyone knows that baxtorian has changed a ton since 2019 toe rag!
Hey I was using your 3 tick mining bot and it was working great until about hour 10 when I noticed it constantly kept clicking between the herb and the swamp tar which made it become stuck. It seemed to be doing it for about an hour because my xp didn't increase from the last time I checked.
Hey homie. Thanks for the report I'll take a look into tonight and get back to you.
I just wanted to take a moment to express how much I truly appreciate your Bankstander bot. It’s been running flawlessly, and the difference it’s made has been incredible. I’m genuinely grateful for all the hard work you’ve put into it. Thank you very much, truly — you’ve really made an impact for me and my gains!
Maniacal Monkey bot works for 5-10minutes then get stuck and doesn't burst unless corrected manually. Sips prayers till none are left and teleports. Looking forward to an update! Thanks for the bot!
Nothing has changed, you probably need to try restarting your PC due to last nights game update
Issue with MLM bot, breaks after about 16 minutes every time. Where after the bag fills, and there is 1 or 2 "pay-dirt" in my inv, and it just keeps trying to use the pay dirt on its self over and over until it Logs out. What am I doing wrong and how can fix this?
It's hard to say exactly based off this, but it sounds like it's probably trying to drop it. Do you have any plugins active which might interfere with dropping? If the issue persists please dm me a log found in Help > View Logs
tried disabling all plugins, and i am still running into the same issue