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Why do you blokes pick RuneMate over OSBot

Sep 5, 2019
Question here,

There's so many botting platforms out there.. RuneMate, OSBot, Powerbot, TRiBot.

Why do you pick RuneMate?
Jan 25, 2017
i'm not sure what your asking, i only ever used 1 bot on tribot for hunter and it got me banned, i've never tried any of the other ones because runemate has been sufficient
Mar 13, 2018
Powerbot and OSBot both got my main accounts banned back in the day. Never used Tribot, but isn't that the one that had malware in it or had a DB breach a few years ago or something? I know they relaunched recently though. Runemate seemed to have a great reputation a few years ago when I rejoined runescape botting, so I set up here.

When it comes down to it, it's all about personal biases though. It's hard to argue which is objectively best.

I'm also personally a fan of the SaaS design of Runemate (which I know a lot of people dislike). But I see it as the right way to monetize for both users and developers:
  • You only pay for as much as you use. If you just need a bot for a few hours, you only pay a few cents. If you're going to abuse a gold farming method, you have to pay more. This prevents buying a $5 licence and then running the method into the ground.
  • If a bot ever breaks, you can just stop using it, vs just being out of luck if you bought a licence as a one time payment.
  • It incentivizes authors to keep their bots up to date.
Do you find you have less bots with RuneMate?
Runemate has all the major niches covered, at least with premium bots. And then there's a ton of random hit-or-miss free bots if you want that.

Other botting sites often seem to have a large saturation of old/half baked bots Or at least that was my impression when I looked at other sites.
Dec 30, 2020
From personal experience I haven't received one ban while using RuneMate since my registration date. While I'm still a relatively new user, I usually have two accounts going when possible using similar bots. The breaking system is very useful, and is highly recommended. I personally just use the bots to get my stats up rather than gold farming, so I generally take 30 to 80 minute breaks and give the account a 24 hour break period if possible to cool off.

Both of my accounts are almost to 99 Mining, and Crafting. As long as you're using a bot that is frequently updated and has a good developer behind it, RuneMate is definitely the place to be. Plus I would rather "pay per usage" rather than buying a $25 to $100 licensed bot where the risk of it going out dated anytime is blah, considering I want to bot long term for my own leisure.
Nov 5, 2020
The 3 others have way higher ban rates.. the only downside to RM is that i took a 2 year break from runescape/runemate, and when i came back alot of the "good" bots where outdated or removed. Like the range of bots within the same category seems more limited now than a while ago..

besides that, as cuppa mentioned.. i love that i only pay for what i use. There's the incentive for the author's to keep them updated regularly.
Sep 5, 2019
The 3 others have way higher ban rates.. the only downside to RM is that i took a 2 year break from runescape/runemate, and when i came back alot of the "good" bots where outdated or removed. Like the range of bots within the same category seems more limited now than a while ago..

besides that, as cuppa mentioned.. i love that i only pay for what i use. There's the incentive for the author's to keep them updated regularly.

Ahh, so to clarify, you like that the bot has more updated scripts?
Nov 5, 2020
Ahh, so to clarify, you like that the bot has more updated scripts?
The selection of bots in each category, let's take thieving as an example. There's basically blackjacking and master farmers, that's it. From what i've seen there are no stall bots anymore, there was a few when i left 2 years ago.. same with ardy knights bots.
Overall, the incentive (as cuppa says) is just there for the authors to update their bots more, since if people don't use the bots, the authors don't get paid. Nobody wants to pay for a broken bot :p

Ohh, and i don't have to pay 10$ for a bot that i only want to use for a day. I'd rather pay per hour than for a "lisence".
Jan 11, 2021
i botted the last week almost 24 hours per day (different script and places)
not a single ban on any of my accounts
cant believe how low my banrate is with paid scripts
Jan 25, 2019
RuneMate is a platform that is undetectable as a botting client, as a developer you have to implement antiban measures to keep Jagex from identifying your input as the exact repetitive movement of a robot. A lot of bots on runemate do these things, but some do not, and will get your accounts banned. That being said being discreet and inconspicuous that is not getting reported while you're botting will prevent Moderators at Jagex from taking a subjective look at your accounts behavior to manually identify your account as a bot.
Oct 9, 2020
I've been macroing since 2011 now and powerbot was my go to back in the day, the migrated to RuneMate when I've rejoined OSRS in 2018.
Basically to reiterate what others have said, the pay per use, etc and low ban-rate on RM is what is attractive to me.