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Why are there so few bot developers for this client?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
Just wanna input my 2 cents, from what it sounds is that, people are trying to learn to code from scratch with little to no knowledge, with guides that show the function instead of describing and going in depth into it and describing its limits and full potential. What im trying to say is that, instead of making new guides or directing them to other websites, direct them to a proper coding website to where they can learn how to properly code instead of copy and pasting which tells them nothing.

We direct them to other sites because other sites can better focus on teaching them general coding. If they're trying to start coding from scratch, I think that should be a cut off point for any tutorial here. Tutorials on how to write a bot shouldn't have to teach people how to write the basics of that programming language. You're talking about something that usually takes ~a semesters worth of time to learn in a structured classroom (just for the very basic things) and also encompassing how to write a bot. If someone who has never coded in Java wants to learn how to write bots and they see that the language is something they're unfamiliar with, they should seek extra resources to teach them the basics of that and not expect that from some place like here

For those wanting a place to start
Mar 21, 2017
U just had to take it there..

anyways, it takes along time..
basically everybody wants it, and nobody wants to pay for it.
I'm just asking because I remember a few years ago there were some dungeoneering bots. People are willing to pay for it, so I thought that somebody would be willing to make one. As you said, everyone wants one. And I'm just curious, haven't played rs in a few years.

For both of those skills you need to collect a huge amount of data compared to other kinds of bots, and in some cases you can't just straight up gather the data unless you are in very special and rare circumstances ingame (for example you can't reliably collect data of a dg puzzle unless you have a dungeon with that puzzle, or you can't for example test the the strikewyrm handler for slayer you just wrote unless they are actually your task). Thats what's really frustrating and a turn-off for every author.

Thank you, this is the reply that I was looking for.
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
I'm just asking because I remember a few years ago there were some dungeoneering bots. People are willing to pay for it, so I thought that somebody would be willing to make one. As you said, everyone wants one. And I'm just curious, haven't played rs in a few years.
Nano Dungeoneering
Mar 28, 2017
When I've got some time I'll put together a super simple bot like a cooker or something and go through that piece by piece. It will use a TreeBot framework and have a GUI for food selection. It will be a video more than likely so people can just follow along and code with me.

I will love you for ever and ever. I didn't even know they weren't allowing looping scripts, so I'm guessing most tutorials are outofdate?

Also, I did see a post on TreeBot and it was labeled as a tutorial if I'm not mistaken, but there were no guidelines how to use it, unless it's an actual Java reference(?)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
I will love you for ever and ever. I didn't even know they weren't allowing looping scripts, so I'm guessing most tutorials are outofdate?

Also, I did see a post on TreeBot and it was labeled as a tutorial if I'm not mistaken, but there were no guidelines how to use it, unless it's an actual Java reference(?)

LoopingBot is a good starting point. Afaik, LoopingBots aren't disallowed on the store. TreeBot is another structure of setting up a bot, proxi's tutorial is a good one to follow for that.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
My first bot was a LoopingBot and it was denied. I was told to use TreeBot. So it must be accepted only by certain devs?

Possibly. Not a bad idea though, TreeBot is what you should focus on getting toward. But learning with LoopingBot isn't bad, just polish that bot into a better structure
Mar 28, 2017
LoopingBot is a good starting point. Afaik, LoopingBots aren't disallowed on the store. TreeBot is another structure of setting up a bot, proxi's tutorial is a good one to follow for that.

Possibly. Not a bad idea though, TreeBot is what you should focus on getting toward. But learning with LoopingBot isn't bad, just polish that bot into a better structure

Tutorial - EmbeddableUI & TreeBot Tutorial/Reference

Am i crazy or there is no actual tutorial, unless the .zip contains the tutorial
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
The .zip is the tutorial, if you look through it you can work out how to implement an embeddable ui. Its not supposed to be a step by step, it's supposed to be a guide/reference
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Mar 28, 2017
The .zip is the tutorial, if you look through it you can work out how to implement an embeddable ui. Its not supposed to be a step by step, it's supposed to be a guide/reference

Ah okay, I didn't realize that, I thought there was an actual tutorial I was missing. Thank you
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
@Arbiter has stated that there is nothing wrong with LoopingBots and they shouldn't be denied for the sole factor that they are written with LoopingBot.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
@Arbiter has stated that there is nothing wrong with LoopingBots and they shouldn't be denied for the sole factor that they are written with LoopingBot.
Just woke up and read that, I was under the impression that they weren't. Thanks for clearing it up boss
Feb 26, 2015
The main reason we still don't have all these "cookie cutter" bots on the store is because (recently) most of the "new developers" here try to create private "cursed energy" bots instead of actually creating something which will both help them learn and give the community "what we need".

And also because most other bot authors stopped reading the "bot requests" subforum because it's filled with Slayer & Dungeoneering requests.
( @Party / @kazemanie pls resolve )

it was both of those for me
cookie cutter scripts are also boring as fuck, I'd rather work on something exciting like adding anti-pking to my CE bot
it's fucking hilarious when my bots instakill a pker who just hopped worlds
Feb 26, 2015
You've got a cursed bot that kills cursed bot killers? The circle is complete.

fight fire with fire

I found that pking attracted way too much attention to my bots, though, so I disabled that feature. It's not like I gain much from pking anyway, the average pker carries less than 100k in gear, at most 200k if they're wearing a ring.
that went well
Feb 21, 2017
While many of the tutorials are outdated there's a good amount of open source bots on the store that can show you the implementations of most rs tasks. They're really helpful for learning the runemate API, which is really the only part of bot development that isn't best learned from by existing tutorials on the internet.
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