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Question What kind of bot is runemate

Jul 17, 2017
Hey I want to know witch kind of bot runemate is. If it is color bot or injection bot or reflection bot. It is because I want to know how safe runemate is. I know that color bot is very banable to get banned.
Nov 3, 2013
Nobody asking this question understands what that is, so it's pointless to answer with it. Better to give a less accurate but understood answer.
It's not about exact technical understanding, it's about understanding that RM doesn't use traditional runescape botting hooks (reflection/injection/color) and as such may not be as susceptible to programmatic detection in the way that those methods are, which is important clarify since that is more than likely why this question is being asked in the first place. Reflection and Injection bots scare some people off because they are "detectable".