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The Realist
Apr 26, 2016
Wasn't sure exactly where to post this and it's sort of a far fetched request, I need someone who has decent Visual Basic (programming language in visual studio- program by microsoft) knowledge to write a pretty basic program for me. Willing to pay like 100-150usd for this job if its pretty good, I can assist whenever something is needed to be explained and I already have a fair bit of knowledge in the program myself. I've already got some alright pseudo-code and a data dictionary, object descriptions and even screen designs laid out. It's for school subject and I really can't be fucked with every thing else I've got.

message me on these forums, my skype is alex3lx or my discord tag is ALIX#6102. Only wanting to use semi verified users or you can go first to me.

Jun 24, 2014
How different is it from VBA? I write a lot of VBA for work (Excel macros).

@Daniel come hang out on bokchat

It's similar to some extent. VBA is almost Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0. VB6 was the predecessor of Visual Basic .NET, which I assume is what OP needs. They're very similar so you could do it.

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