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Tutorial Tutorial Requested

May 6, 2016
Hi all,

Since September last year I've been into (very irregular episodes of) coding. This includes writing runescape bots. Today I figured I'd pick it back up, and finally finish the most basic of all woodcutting bots ever.

Lo and behold, my code seems to not show any errors which is a first. Yay me.

But then the problems start. I have not touched a single setting in IntelliJ since setting it up in September last year. Back then everything worked: I could click "Run" in IntelliJ and it would correctly launch RuneMate in developer mode. But now I can't get it to work.

I get various errors, but the most re-occuring one is the following:

"Error: Could not find or load main class com.runemate.boot
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.runemate.boot

Process finished with exit code 1"

Yes I have done a complete clean re-install following various threads on this forum, scoured the internet and ran across some 'fixes' dating back to 2016, I have asked ChatGPT, I have asked a friend, and I just can't get this figured out.

Could anyone - please - make a very simple updated step by step guide of how to set up IntelliJ in 2023? Which JDK to run (is 20 allowed? If not which one is the most recent? Where can I find JDK 8?)

I'm following the current existing tutorials to the letter, yet can't get RuneMate to launch.

Please send help

Mar 13, 2018
Hi all,

Since September last year I've been into (very irregular episodes of) coding. This includes writing runescape bots. Today I figured I'd pick it back up, and finally finish the most basic of all woodcutting bots ever.

Lo and behold, my code seems to not show any errors which is a first. Yay me.

But then the problems start. I have not touched a single setting in IntelliJ since setting it up in September last year. Back then everything worked: I could click "Run" in IntelliJ and it would correctly launch RuneMate in developer mode. But now I can't get it to work.

I get various errors, but the most re-occuring one is the following:

"Error: Could not find or load main class com.runemate.boot
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.runemate.boot

Process finished with exit code 1"

Yes I have done a complete clean re-install following various threads on this forum, scoured the internet and ran across some 'fixes' dating back to 2016, I have asked ChatGPT, I have asked a friend, and I just can't get this figured out.

Could anyone - please - make a very simple updated step by step guide of how to set up IntelliJ in 2023? Which JDK to run (is 20 allowed? If not which one is the most recent? Where can I find JDK 8?)

I'm following the current existing tutorials to the letter, yet can't get RuneMate to launch.

Please send help

This may also help: Tutorial - [2022] Setting up IntelliJ
May 6, 2016
Thank you both, @CuppaJava and @dahnae , your replies are very appreciated. Reset the whole thing and got it set up working again with the link Cuppa posted. Also joined the Discord! Hopefully you'll see some of my work in the store soon!
As a follow up, I've been struggling with manually making the entire java tree structure. I found this 2017 tutorial for mining iron ore near the monestary that talks about Party's TreeVisualiser. Found a download, but the file doesn't seem to open.

Any way to open it, or any (more recent) replacement tools worth using for more rapidly creating a java tree structure?
Sep 21, 2020
Thank you both, @CuppaJava and @dahnae , your replies are very appreciated. Reset the whole thing and got it set up working again with the link Cuppa posted. Also joined the Discord! Hopefully you'll see some of my work in the store soon!
As a follow up, I've been struggling with manually making the entire java tree structure. I found this 2017 tutorial for mining iron ore near the monestary that talks about Party's TreeVisualiser. Found a download, but the file doesn't seem to open.

Any way to open it, or any (more recent) replacement tools worth using for more rapidly creating a java tree structure?

You need to download java to open it.