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Question Testing Scripts and Bans

Mar 11, 2017
Was testing a new script I am working on and got the account banned.

When testing your scripts what accounts do you use? How do you deal with your test accounts getting banned? Do you train new ones? buy one? Learned a hard lesson on utilizing anti-ban even while working on the basic framework of a script (forgot to switch it off after a quick test and it ran for 2 hours.... in a very botlike way lol)

I utilized some anti-ban stuff towards the end of my testing session but the dmg had been done. What are good script testing practices you use? Would love to know how I can avoid this in the future but also any insight on easiest / least painful solution on replacing the test account if this does happen.
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Antiban is a farce. What could you possibly think would make a bot resistant to bans?Random mouse movements? Opening tabs and hovering skills? Moving your mouse off screen?None of these actions are “antiban”. If you want to reduce your risk of getting banned, quit botting 24/7 and quit botting the same thing with the same bot day to day.The only thing you can realistically expect from your bot authors is to write a stable bot that is robust enough not to get stuck regardless of the circumstances.Stop asking for stupid fucking shit like “antiban”. It isn’t real. The stereotypical “antiban” users ask for is a predefined set of actions that are pseudorandomly selected at pseudorandom intervals. And guess what? This is predictable at a certain threshold.Pseudo random number generators, which are used for these pseudorandom intervals use a deterministic algorithm for generating numbers and as the sample size increase both in duration and quantity (bot usage and user count), you can observe the overall trend of performing these “random” “antiban” actions. So quit asking for it.The depth of complexity required for writing a bot with divergent playstyles is over the head of pretty much every bot author in the entire scene. And it’s also impractical. You’d have to implement machine learning algorithms that ultimately slowly achieve the goal of performing the action correctly and at an optimal speed. This period of poor performance while the bot is literally learning how to perform the action is something the user does not want to be involved in. So bot authors have written predefined logic for handling a specific set of actions a single way and it just works.tl;dr: “antiban” doesn’t exist. People who ask for it are mentally restarted. Literally deluded. Quit botting all the time and expecting a bot to avoid bans for you. Be realistic and bot occasionally.
Mar 11, 2017
The tag under your name is very fitting lol.

Maybe chill a little and gather some reading comprehension skills before going off on someone?

(edited: got worked up over a damn copy paste message cuz people cant read)

The Major takaway is. I am not trying to not get banned. I am asking a developer question about creating scripts and the best way to develop a script with mitigating risk to the test account. Then you know any advice on getting a new account back up and running to test and what people have had success with.
Last edited:
Aug 16, 2024
His post was a copypasta. I've seen this question asked in the dev channel a few times. I think the authors just straight yolo that shit. That's what I've done both on this platform and others. I don't think I've ever left one running for hours spamming a single action or anything though.
Mar 11, 2017
His post was a copypasta. I've seen this question asked in the dev channel a few times. I think the authors just straight yolo that shit. That's what I've done both on this platform and others. I don't think I've ever left one running for hours spamming a single action or anything though.
Sentiment of reading comprehension stands.

Yeah, it was def my bad for getting distracted after hitting start and then coming back to it 2 hours later just to see it had been doing it the whole time. Have been researching on replacing it but high level req script and really dont want to train up a new account to test. Was seeing if anyone had some solid things they like to do in that situation so still open to that but looks like buying one will probably be the best solution in this case.
Bot Author
Jan 29, 2016
Sentiment of reading comprehension stands.

Yeah, it was def my bad for getting distracted after hitting start and then coming back to it 2 hours later just to see it had been doing it the whole time. Have been researching on replacing it but high level req script and really dont want to train up a new account to test. Was seeing if anyone had some solid things they like to do in that situation so still open to that but looks like buying one will probably be the best solution in this case.

You should ideally try to see what you think could've triggered the ban, I assume it was automated ban due to how fast it was so you was picked up by their system.

We usually train or buy new accounts (I do personally anyways).

I've never been banned testing my own bots but usually I will tend to get banned by botting more extreme gold farming activities such as TOA as an example.

I personally feel like gold farming or anything that can generate wealth in the game will get you banned quicker than any other (apart from Agility).
