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Temp ban

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12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Again bot authors protecting their pitiful $0.10/hr detected bots, how about getting a REAL job with your coding experience? oh wait thats right all you do is make fraudulant claims to back your bad coding skills because you cant make it in the industry so you use runemate.com to fraudulanty make your bread money because god forbid you ever get off the computer and do something contributing to the real world.

To the bot authors who are actually educated and didn't follow a forum how-to guide and know what im saying, this isnt directed at you.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Again bot authors protecting their pitiful $0.10/hr detected bots, how about getting a REAL job with your coding experience? oh wait thats right all you do is make fraudulant claims to back your bad coding skills because you cant make it in the industry so you use runemate.com to fraudulanty make your bread money because god forbid you ever get off the computer and do something contributing to the real world.

To the bot authors who are actually educated and didn't follow a forum how-to guide and know what im saying, this isnt directed at you.
@Defeat3d bought a yacht with his prime zulrah income last week, just fyi
Aug 8, 2019
@Defeat3d bought a yacht with his prime zulrah income last week, just fyi
Thats fine savior if that is true it will be marked as an assest gained by illegal measures or ill-gotten-gains and further provides proof that the site is fraudulently stealing money from sponsors and supporters on a massive scale by endorsing a false product.

You think you are all funny and trolls but in reality you are just making this worse for "cloud" and the rest of the executive team at runemate.com because you are authors you are an extension of the company which puts you at just as much fault, in rendering your inability to converse properly and further inditing yourself in the illegal actions you've been accessory to.

My country takes digital/cyber crime extremely seriously and will proceed with a class action law suit if they deem necessary and at this point it definitely will be because assets like "yachts" are being obtained by ill-gotten-gain which is in the area of criminal organisation and not good for runemate.com as it can mean serious jail time for execs and authors alike, It will also be put under embezzlement as sponsor money is supposed to sponsor the site and not the personal assets of the company and its employee's.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Thats fine savior if that is true it will be marked as an assest gained by illegal measures or ill-gotten-gains and further provides proof that the site is fraudulently stealing money from sponsors and supporters on a massive scale by endorsing a false product.

You think you are all funny and trolls but in reality you are just making this worse for "cloud" and the rest of the executive team at runemate.com because you are authors you are an extension of the company which puts you at just as much fault, in rendering your inability to converse properly and further inditing yourself in the illegal actions you've been accessory to.

My country takes digital/cyber crime extremely seriously and will proceed with a class action law suit if they deem necessary and at this point it definitely will be because assets like "yachts" are being obtained by ill-gotten-gain which is in the area of criminal organisation and not good for runemate.com as it can mean serious jail time for execs and authors alike, It will also be put under embezzlement as sponsor money is supposed to sponsor the site and not the personal assets of the company and its employee's.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
Alright man it's been a pleasure but we can wrap this up now.
We totally get the place you're in right now. You just discovered botting and in all ecstasy got way too excited so you blew needless money on the most expensive forum rank for whatever reason, your account got banned because you were botting carelessly, and now you're just mad at the world.

You're looking to blame anyone but yourself and pathetically try to make up arguments by bending words or phrases, without the slightest understanding of this whole bot detection matter.
Happened to everyone, there's no shame in this.

However I'd love to read the transcript of your conversation with anyone even close to a lawyer, it'd be great if you could make another thread once you came around to do that.

Until then I'll be busy with my bachelor's thesis, managing the services I wrote for the company I work at, and trying to improve my hobby projects for this rather large community.
But thanks for being concerned about our value to society, we're doing just fine.
Aug 8, 2019
Alright man it's been a pleasure but we can wrap this up now.
We totally get the place you're in right now. You just discovered botting and in all ecstasy got way too excited so you blew needless money on the most expensive forum rank for whatever reason, your account got banned because you were botting carelessly, and now you're just mad at the world.

You're looking to blame anyone but yourself and pathetically try to make up arguments by bending words or phrases, without the slightest understanding of this whole bot detection matter.
Happened to everyone, there's no shame in this.

However I'd love to read the transcript of your conversation with anyone even close to a lawyer, it'd be great if you could make another thread once you came around to do that.

Until then I'll be busy with my bachelor's thesis, managing the services I wrote for the company I work at, and trying to improve my hobby projects for this rather large community.
But thanks for being concerned about our value to society, we're doing just fine.
Funny thing is you reply to me like you know me, just like you claim to know jagex systems and know its 100% safe, hell you are just a know it all of knowledge aren't you? You know nothing about me and your pitiful attempts to devalue me only strengthens the fact of your own stupidity.

People with a brain will see okay there is a 30+ page thread of people being banned and its been live since 2015 and still is. i took more precautions with my botting than anyone on this site and im willing to stake my life on it, i played more human hours then bot hours i took precautions even your own stupid head wouldnt think of yet you claim to know who i am and what i do with my time? you sure are as ignorant as the rest of your how-to-author's.

The fact you dont even understand simple consumer protection laws shows your educational level on the matter so please just shut up and wait for your summons in the mail, my only hope for you is you aren't actually in a country where cyber crimes are considered much but there is a problem with that, not many countries will ignore it anymore as there is hundreds of millions of dollars goes missing every year online to fraudulent companies like this.

People like you who think they are above the law and can criminally rob anyone simply because they are online are the reason cyber crimes are taken seriously in my country and they will not go easy on you so I really hope you can keep up this phony facade when you are handed summons in court for fraudulant activity, embezzlement, false endorsing of a product and finally public defamation of my character.

You sir poked the wrong bee hive as this beehive is protected by consumer laws, ones that even online services have to abide by or suffer the criminal ramification.

A simple terms and services would have stopped this but whoever created runemate.com didn't think someone would ever take legal action against their online fraud so they never put a protection in place if someone so happened to question the basis of which the product was sold on.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
Just a fyi.

They’ve said it multiple times: client is not detected. Your behavior is.

BUT if you want to prove us wrong, create a new account and let runemate connect to the game. Create an empty bot that does nothing but keep you logged in.

If the client would be detected, you’d be banned for doing that.

If it’s not, you won’t get banned for doing nothing.

Just a simple test.

Again bot authors protecting their pitiful $0.10/hr detected bots, how about getting a REAL job with your coding experience? oh wait thats right all you do is make fraudulant claims to back your bad coding skills because you cant make it in the industry so you use runemate.com to fraudulanty make your bread money because god forbid you ever get off the computer and do something contributing to the real world.

It seems like none of you how-to guide bot authors actually understand how it works because you made a bot to buy your bread doesn't make you privvy to jagex secrets which ohhh whats that? makes you unable to ensure undetection which the site implies its the best at so much so i can have confidence while botting. a 30+ page thread of disgruntled users being told "user fault" say's otherwise and you bitchy bot authors are just scared your only income source is going to rot away when people find out it isnt as safe as you claim it to be, keep blaming the bots but the people who make em are you, so are you saying i was caught because you bot authors arent good at what you do? because you are uneducated and dont know what the hell you are actually doing? No way an egotistical lot like you would ever admit to that.

To the bot authors who are actually educated and didn't follow a forum how-to guide and know what im saying, this isnt directed at you.

You are making building this class action much easier for me as the more people involved the more likely it will be forwarded to a cyber criminal case and I already have several bot authors who have backed the false claims with proof of multiple occasions on which it was said.

One simple thing for all your "bot author gods" who think you are king shit and the client is undetected, if you are so good at what you do why can i change my ip address and sign up with a new account and get a free 200hrs? because you are school children playing with the adults and know nothing about simple HWID detection let alone how to get past jagex systems 100% of the time which the site claims it does. If you cant even see multiple accounts coming from the same HWID I am certain you have NO IDEA how to be undetectable as HWID and IP pinging is BASIC KNOWLEDGE.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
Jul 24, 2019
You bot, you get banned. Deal with it or play legit.
you sir aren't a paying customer so free user you aren't protected by consumer laws. i bot because they said it was safe BUT it isn't, They allow detectable bots on a detectable program and offer an undetectable service to which they can charge money for, denying own fault is only making their charges worse as its further implying their disregard for consumer laws which uhh consumers are their lively hood so you should want to look after the paying customers? not treat them like shit its no wonder more people dont pay for sponsor because look what happened to me, highest paid subscription and get told even though i have extremely careful botting habits, im bot too much and are too obvious ( copy and paste author blaming user for bot ban ) are what got me caught not their program or the scripts THEY supply. ive admitted my fault and that fault was believing the runemate.com words to be true.

Truthfully these runemate.com people are probably bunch on under achieving basement neck beards who feel like the world owes them something because they do half assed coding on a 12+ year old game that they still cant 100% bypass and to further make themselves feel better about their pitiful skills they put people down who get caught and they feel themselves above the law and able to commit fraud as its on a computer and they are safe to do so? WRONG, as ive paid for a service and the service was not provided as it was promised a very important consumer law has been broken, its the same law that doesn't allow you to buy tampered with food its to protect to customer should anything happen.

No official terms and services, no official refund system in place and no notifications anywhere that state the client and or bots being used are detectable at any point, being caught...EVER using runemate is detection in its rawest form either it be the client or the bot regardless of which it is and to deny that is stupidity incarnate, this information has come from a senior criminal cyber task force officer who had over 27 years in the industry, to say undetectable is to imply ALL THE TIME, this is a lie and the proper information has been withheld from the public as to save face that their system is no more undetectable then a mouse recorder program from google.

To set themselves apart from the pack they are claiming undetectable and most authors will back that claim even though they themselves dont fully even understand what that claim actually is and it is because these authors stand to lose INCOME - ILLEGALLY EARNED INCOME its no wonder they will say "how high" when runemate.com says "jump" , and in doing so the uneducated of people who back that claim have also made themselves accessory to the idiocy that is runemate.com and their negligence to consumers.

You cant lie to people for money and get away with it.

We in the real world call this FRAUD and it is ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL OFFENCE not to mention the list of other offences they've commited.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Truthfully these runemate.com people are probably bunch on under achieving basement neck beards who feel like the world owes them something because they do half assed coding on a 12+ year old game that they still cant 100% bypass and to further make themselves feel better about their pitiful skills they put people down who get caught
#1 Fabric Cleaner
Mar 18, 2017
To set themselves apart from the pack they are claiming undetectable and most authors will back that claim even though they themselves dont fully even understand what that claim actually is and it is because these authors stand to lose INCOME - ILLEGALLY EARNED INCOME its no wonder they will say "how high" when runemate.com says "jump" , and in doing so the uneducated of people who back that claim have also made themselves accessory to the idiocy that is runemate.com and their negligence to consumers.

Damn, there goes me millionth dollar
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