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Temp ban

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Aug 8, 2019
I already answered this question, please read up a little bit
your answer is moot because the second comment from an author who is REMEMBER someone from your field of knowledge states exactly 100% what you all can answer to my question to do you understand fully what you are bypassing "As far as I know the client is undetectable"

As far as i know isnt 100% my friend so again sending me a thread for assumptions to your service being undetectable just shows your ability to answer my question truthfully.

to further add to my point this user said this "Two of my main accounts that I only bot 4-6 hours on were both banned yesterday too. I did some manual skilling on them too. I just made 2 new ones through the mobile RS site. I'm going to see if that makes a difference." if the client is undetectable how are people still being caught 4 years later after the post? and by very VERY mild bot use comparing to ones you've claimed.
Coincidence this was around same time my account was banned which was around when runemate client had an update to which made the client detectable for some time until another update was made to render it "undetectable" again.
#1 Fabric Cleaner
Mar 18, 2017
your answer is moot because the second comment from an author who is REMEMBER someone from your field of knowledge states exactly 100% what you all can answer to my question to do you understand fully what you are bypassing "As far as I know the client is undetectable"

As far as i know isnt 100% my friend so again sending me a thread for assumptions to your service being undetectable just shows your ability to answer my question truthfully.

to further add to my point this user said this "Two of my main accounts that I only bot 4-6 hours on were both banned yesterday too. I did some manual skilling on them too. I just made 2 new ones through the mobile RS site. I'm going to see if that makes a difference."

Coincidence this was around same time my account was banned which was around when runemate client had an update to which made the client detectable for some time until another update was made to render it "undetectable" again.
So once again, you disregarded the most important part of what I said haha, nice, copypasta time!

I don't think you fully understand what you're arguing here because client detectability and bot detection are two different things. RuneMate as a client is undetectable that is a fact(which is 100% known to be true due to the way that RuneMate works and interacts with the OSRS/RS3 Client), which means Jagex won't directly know that RuneMate is playing the game for you, however, Jagex clearly has other detection methods, likely pattern recognition systems which, as stated by Dark Sage above, can pick out bots from real players based on how the player is playing.
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Nov 21, 2016
Even if someone took the time to give you all the credentials to prove they have a full understanding of both Runemates inner workings and runescape as a game. Would it still be dismissed?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
As far as i know isnt 100% my friend so again sending me a thread for assumptions to your service being undetectable just shows your ability to answer my question truthfully.
This is because you chose to ignore us when we tell you that it's the account's behavior that got you banned, not runemate. you might have gotten banned with any other bot, autoclicker, or macro as well.

Think about undetectable CSGO hacks. the hacks arent detectable, but if the user is aimbotting you bet he's gonna get banned if people notice.
Aug 8, 2019
So once again, you disregarded everything I said haha, nice
do you even read what i say you ignorant human being? "If you're really so bummed out about the fact that Jagex has a bot detection system in place and does a good job at keeping it a secret, instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot by arguing about a subject you clearly don't understand, just don't bot!" tell me how is one making one self look like an idiot arguing about a subject i know EXACTLY the same amount of information about as you? does that make you a complete idiot too as your so sure of undetectability against something so secretive you know nothing about? if not please enlighten me as to how the jagex system works because you have just claimed in your statement of me making myself out to be a "complete idiot" that you know more about their systems then anyone else, if not please refer to your own comment as a reflection of your own thoughts of yourself as saying im a fool because i got caught isnt proof of undetection, the argument here is detection to which you all ( fabreze, savior & many more ) claim to be impossible, try sailing a boat without knowing the ocean and see what happens my friend, do you understand the simple metaphor or do i have to go even more simple for you to understand you cant say you know it all WHEN YOU DONT.

Disregarding what you said based of it being said with false claims, why would i regard something as truth if it isn't? do you think me stupid? I have already told you WHY what you have said is being disregarded because it is FALSE yet you harp on like im disregarding some sort of powerful truthful information that is going to make me change my tune? do you even understand what you are posting as an answer to what im asking or do you just read undetectable from others in your field and believe it to be true as you yourself don't have the knowledge or skill to find it out for yourself? it seems you ALL lack the skill to answer my question truthfully and further prove my point of your ignorance to the matter. the client IS and HAS been detectable at some point, tell me WHY does it need updates and do you know if updates render it VULNERABLE to JAGEX systems?

This question is not answerable by anyone here because NO ONE understands the JAGEX system 100% to be able to CLAIM 100% SECURITY AT ALL TIMES, ANYONE and i mean ANYONE who claims the client is and always will be undetectable without proof of jagex systems knowledge will be included as a party to false endorsement to my legal action against 'cloud' and runemate.com for false endorsing of a service and will be subject to fines/criminal offences associated with the matter. This is your first and final warning any further false claims will be forwarded to my lawyer for evidence.
Nov 21, 2016
Clearly there is some misinterpretation on both sides of this arguement.

With this unnecessary legal case at hand any point in trying to clear this up has been destroyed.

Have a great day y'all
Aug 8, 2019
Even if someone took the time to give you all the credentials to prove they have a full understanding of both Runemates inner workings and runescape as a game. Would it still be dismissed?
Why would it be dismissed dark sage? inner workings of runescape isnt its security system its that simple, the problem here is claims to be undetected against a system they dont fully understand, no one on this site fully understands how OSRS works if they did there wouldn't be a 30 page thread of people being caught with all sorts of botting behaviours some claim suicide for years no capture some get caught within hours. Resting on the answer of "you just got unlucky" isn't acceptable when money is involved I didnt know I was buying LUCK I thought I was buying an UNDETECTABLE SERVICE to use UNDETECTABLE bots through, anyone can make a private server by using runescape client knowledge but what proof does knowing HOW the client runs attribute to knowing how their detection system actually works? NONE.

Is english 2nd language to most of you as you all seem to just misunderstand or just plain ignore the fact that YOU CANT PROVE 100% UNDETECTION RATES WHEN YOU DONT KNOW THE SECURITY SYSTEM TO WHICH YOU CLAIM UNDETECTION AGAINST. Anyone with half a brain can understand that statement,

Do you all just refuse to because you want to hold onto your pitiful $0.10/hr bots that are sold on false claims of being run through an undetectable and secure program.

Clearly there is some misinterpretation on both sides of this arguement.

With this unnecessary legal case at hand any point in trying to clear this up has been destroyed.

Have a great day y'all
Not an unnecessary legal case when I have lost money based on false endorsing of a product, If I was a free user I would understand the hostility but as a SPONSER which by the way makes me the HIGHEST possible paying consumer I am entitled to some form of consumer protection when I have been SOLD a product that doesn't match its description legal action is more then acceptable to recover my losses. Anyone who wants to further endorse the sites falsely made statements WILL be included in my class action against runemate.com.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh".
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
it seems you ALL lack the skill to answer my question truthfully and further prove my point of your ignorance to the matter. the client IS and HAS been detectable at some point, tell me WHY does it need updates and do you know if updates render it VULNERABLE to JAGEX systems?
Just happens that i do have quite a bit of insight on runemate's internals and client development as a whole. it seems at this point you're just pressing your hands against you ears because you dont actually want to be convinced that runemate itself isnt detected but whatever... the recent updates had nothing to do in regards to how runemate interacts with the game client whatsoever, believe it or not

Resting on the answer of "you just got unlucky" isn't acceptable when money is involved I didnt know I was buying LUCK I thought I was buying an UNDETECTABLE SERVICE to use UNDETECTABLE bots through
you bought into the wrong industry then, botting has always been about weighting risks and reward and pokering that you dont get banned.
as i said, the service for the time being isnt detected at all, and if you think that the bots themselves can't be detected i'm afraid to disappoint you, but pretty much everyone knows that isnt the case.
#1 Fabric Cleaner
Mar 18, 2017
Searching for freshness? Welcome to Fabreze. com, home of true odor elimination. Find your favorite Fabreze products at a bot store near you!
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
the argument here is detection to which you all ( fabreze, savior & many more ) claim to be impossible
Also nobody ever said that, if jagex wanted, they could detect the runemate program just as easily as any other botting client (well maybe not as easy, but they can target runemate)

the botting industry is pretty old, and jagex has been playing the cat-mouse game with bot devs far too long. it was always jagex detects the programs, bans the users. devs adapt to those detections and make the users safe again. repeat.

nowadays jagex relies heavily on behavioral analysis instead of trying to detect the botting programs running on players computers. but you dont want to accept this apparently.
Aug 8, 2019
Also nobody ever said that, if jagex wanted, they could detect the runemate program just as easily as any other botting client (well maybe not as easy, but they can target runemate)

the botting industry is pretty old, and jagex has been playing the cat-mouse game with bot devs far too long. it was always jagex detects the programs, bans the users. devs adapt to those detections and make the users safe again. repeat.

nowadays jagex relies heavily on behavioral analysis instead of trying to detect the botting programs running on players computers. but you dont want to accept this apparently.

As the premier bot client we provide wide support for both the RuneScape game types: RuneScape 3 (RS3) and Old School RuneScape (OSRS or 07RS). Level away with the confidence that this bot client was built from the ground up with security & undetectability as the priority.



Utilize our robust cloud computing platform that seamlessly connects you with our developer network. This allows for the application of disruptive crowdsourced anti-detection methodologies, human simulation, and much more. All this while maintaining a minimal resource footprint.



Finally a user interface that just makes sense! No more hoping that ugly icon actually opens something up. Leverages the latest technologies including JavaFX, HTML5, and Web 2.0design. Rest assured that our mission is to provide you with the best RuneScape botting user experience.

This is what is on the front page of runemate.com, It is an implied 100% undetection rate as it states "anti-detection methodologies""Level away with the confidence that this bot client was built from the ground up with security & undetectability as the priority." you realise this is implying the service is undetected? if you deny this you will only further tarnish your character in my class action law suit against runemate.com and will be added as a primary endorser/offender.

I am a paying consumer and I have rights to consumer protection and the confidence using the runemate.com product promised, making accusations to my sensible use of the product and my faults only proves your inability to back the statement claimed by the service I BOUGHT, I am entitled to compensation as I was sold a product on false pretense, if you further endorse this products false claims you will be charged with attempted fraud and misconduct to a sponsor and will be included as a primary party of fault in my class action law suit.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh".
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
This is what is on the front page of runemate.com, It is an implied 100% undetection rate as it states "anti-detection methodologies""Level away with the confidence that this bot client was built from the ground up with security & undetectability as the priority." you realise this is implying the service is undetected? if you deny this you will only further tarnish your character in my class action law suit against runemate.com and will be added as a primary endorser/offender.

I am a paying consumer and I have rights to consumer protection and the confidence using the runemate.com product promised, making accusations to my sensible use of the product and my faults only proves your inability to back the statement claimed by the service I BOUGHT, I am entitled to compensation as I was sold a product on false pretense, if you further endorse this products false claims you will be charged with attempted fraud and misconduct to a sponsor and will be included as a primary party of fault in my class action law suit.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh".
RuneMate = Botting Client = Undetected
Bot's such as alching = Automated macros = behavior = detectable

i dont know how to make it any easier for you.

Either way you can threaten with lawsuits all you want, it's just getting more and more laughable at this point.
The front page doesn't even promise undetectability, what it's saying is that undetectability is a priority, a goal, an ideal.
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015

As the premier bot client we provide wide support for both the RuneScape game types: RuneScape 3 (RS3) and Old School RuneScape (OSRS or 07RS). Level away with the confidence that this bot client was built from the ground up with security & undetectability as the priority.



Utilize our robust cloud computing platform that seamlessly connects you with our developer network. This allows for the application of disruptive crowdsourced anti-detection methodologies, human simulation, and much more. All this while maintaining a minimal resource footprint.



Finally a user interface that just makes sense! No more hoping that ugly icon actually opens something up. Leverages the latest technologies including JavaFX, HTML5, and Web 2.0design. Rest assured that our mission is to provide you with the best RuneScape botting user experience.

This is what is on the front page of runemate.com, It is an implied 100% undetection rate as it states "anti-detection methodologies""Level away with the confidence that this bot client was built from the ground up with security & undetectability as the priority." you realise this is implying the service is undetected? if you deny this you will only further tarnish your character in my class action law suit against runemate.com and will be added as a primary endorser/offender.

I am a paying consumer and I have rights to consumer protection and the confidence using the runemate.com product promised, making accusations to my sensible use of the product and my faults only proves your inability to back the statement claimed by the service I BOUGHT, I am entitled to compensation as I was sold a product on false pretense, if you further endorse this products false claims you will be charged with attempted fraud and misconduct to a sponsor and will be included as a primary party of fault in my class action law suit.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh".
Kill yourself
Aug 8, 2019
RuneMate = Botting Client = Undetected
Bot's such as alching = Automated macros = behavior = detectable

i dont know how to make it any easier for you.

Either way you can threaten with lawsuits all you want, it's just getting more and more laughable at this point.
The front page doesn't even promise undetectability, what it's saying is that undetectability is a priority, a goal, an ideal.
You can't tell people it is undetectable and say its based on luck that is agaisnt the law and fraudulent. The claims made by the site are fraudulent and offering a service that is neither safe or secure thus violating consumer laws. By your statements I have more then enough evidence to forward onto my lawyer who is building the class law suit against multiple parties involved with runemate.com.

You both seem to think this is a joke but I am the highest paying member available which makes me the highest form of consumer of this product and your disregard to how my service was delivered shows your inability for compassion and total utter disregard for your more then questionable selling points, you realise fraud is a thing right? you realise that what this is? thats fine when my lawyer gets the court order to reveal and contact administrative ISP and IP address' you will all be tracked down and sent a class action suit requiring you respond or face criminal charges maybe even jail time depending on your countries digital criminal law stance, upwards of credit card fraud as product was falsely endorsed to obtain funds only acceptable via credit card.

Any further hostility towards me will be taken as threatening behaviour and will be dealt with accordingly.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
You can't tell people it is undetectable and say its based on luck that is agaisnt the law and fraudulent. The claims made by the site are fraudulent and offering a service that is neither safe or secure thus violating consumer laws. By your statements I have more then enough evidence to forward onto my lawyer who is building the class law suit against multiple parties involved with runemate.com.

You both seem to think this is a joke but I am the highest paying member available which makes me the highest form of consumer of this product and your disregard to how my service was delivered shows your inability for compassion and total utter disregard for your more then questionable selling points, you realise fraud is a thing right? you realise that what this is? thats fine when my lawyer gets the court order to reveal and contact administrative ISP and IP address' you will all be tracked down and sent a class action suit requiring you respond or face criminal charges maybe even jail time depending on your countries digital criminal law stance, upwards of credit card fraud as product was falsely endorsed to obtain funds only acceptable via credit card.

Any further hostility towards me will be taken as threatening behaviour and will be dealt with accordingly.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
how do you get so butthurt over a ban man

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Aug 8, 2019
Again bot authors protecting their pitiful $0.10/hr detected bots, how about getting a REAL job with your coding experience? oh wait thats right all you do is make fraudulant claims to back your bad coding skills because you cant make it in the industry so you use runemate.com to fraudulanty make your bread money because god forbid you ever get off the computer and do something contributing to the real world.

It seems like none of you how-to guide bot authors actually understand how it works because you made a bot to buy your bread doesn't make you privvy to jagex secrets which ohhh whats that? makes you unable to ensure undetection which the site implies its the best at so much so i can have confidence while botting. a 30+ page thread of disgruntled users being told "user fault" say's otherwise and you bitchy bot authors are just scared your only income source is going to rot away when people find out it isnt as safe as you claim it to be, keep blaming the bots but the people who make em are you, so are you saying i was caught because you bot authors arent good at what you do? because you are uneducated and dont know what the hell you are actually doing? No way an egotistical lot like you would ever admit to that.

To the bot authors who are actually educated and didn't follow a forum how-to guide and know what im saying, this isnt directed at you.

You are making building this class action much easier for me as the more people involved the more likely it will be forwarded to a cyber criminal case and I already have several bot authors who have backed the false claims with proof of multiple occasions on which it was said.

One simple thing for all your "bot author gods" who think you are king shit and the client is undetected, if you are so good at what you do why can i change my ip address and sign up with a new account and get a free 200hrs? because you are school children playing with the adults and know nothing about simple HWID detection let alone how to get past jagex systems 100% of the time which the site claims it does. If you cant even see multiple accounts coming from the same HWID I am certain you have NO IDEA how to be undetectable as HWID and IP pinging is BASIC KNOWLEDGE.

Regards "MrSaiyanfresh"
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