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Succulent 3T Hunter

Jul 5, 2020
Your ping is almost certainly the issue. I will check out the problem of cleaning too many guams though.

Ah it seems jagex added an update that automatically cleans all your herbs after you start. So I'll need to make it stop the action once one is cleaned. Thanks for the report
Np! - Help me, help you! love the script, however i did get banned on my last project using this, the account already had a 2day from deathwalking though; basically got crashed by a 2k total iron who came back twice within a 4hr period ish so must have mass reported in his CC.

I use expressVPN and i have fast fibre i just use the 200ping located servers to not get picked up by jagex, i ran Prime 3t woodcut most the way to 99 on 200ping and have done prime 3t fishing all the way to 99 aswell
big loser
Apr 13, 2020
Out of curiosity how long were you using it in a single session? 4 hours seems like a lot in one go
Some people I know have run it all day for single sessions and been okay. Also, bot supports breaks so you can run it all day but take breaks every few hours for a little while etc.
Jul 11, 2020
Some people I know have run it all day for single sessions and been okay. Also, bot supports breaks so you can run it all day but take breaks every few hours for a little while etc.

Thanks, I don't tend to skill for more than 2 hours per day anyway, just doing some due diligence.

Trying the bot now, looking good apart from the stats page not working.

Level 70 at Gwenith - 94k xp per hour & 380k gp per hour give or take
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big loser
Apr 13, 2020
Thanks, I don't tend to skill for more than 2 hours per day anyway, just doing some due diligence.

Trying the bot now, looking good apart from the stats page not working.

Level 70 at Gwenith - 94k xp per hour & 380k gp per hour give or take
Ty for feedback and stats. I'm aware of the stats not working and tbh struggling to figure out why because it works locally :D
Jul 11, 2020
I think the update that lets you clean a full inventory of herbs with one click might have broken this. When i'm trying to use herbs / swamp tar / pestle and mortar the bot gets stuck in a loop scrolling through its inventory every time it misses a cycle and makes a herb tar.

It very rarely misses a cycle and gets stuck but there is no recovery when it does, so you need to babysit at all times and restart or you just stay logged it looking through your inventory.
big loser
Apr 13, 2020
I think the update that lets you clean a full inventory of herbs with one click might have broken this. When i'm trying to use herbs / swamp tar / pestle and mortar the bot gets stuck in a loop scrolling through its inventory every time it misses a cycle and makes a herb tar.

It very rarely misses a cycle and gets stuck but there is no recovery when it does, so you need to babysit at all times and restart or you just stay logged it looking through your inventory.
ye i have made a kind of fix for this and will be pushing it soon


Nov 30, 2019
I've used this before and it was great, but its not working now for some reason. Im at the chin spot, I have my invent exactly like the sample picture, but when I press start the whole bot program shuts down. There is nothing obstructing any of the chin spots, I'm out in the open. Any ideas?
Jan 30, 2021
I've used this before and it was great, but its not working now for some reason. Im at the chin spot, I have my invent exactly like the sample picture, but when I press start the whole bot program shuts down. There is nothing obstructing any of the chin spots, I'm out in the open. Any ideas?

I have the same issue
Feb 20, 2021
Bot just seems to close all the sudden today when clicking start, when it was running fine a few hours back. Also would love to say this is truly amazing!

EDIT: NVM, I think I know what was causing it.
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Nov 10, 2021
i got an issue with this on osrs client. it keep clicking on the swamp tar and then the herb. and it continues to do that only nothing else.