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Bug Stuck on SVN Credentials Authentication

May 4, 2019
I'm sure this is user error, rather than a bug - but I'm having some issues logging into svn, both through my IDE (IntelliJ) and through the http link, the http link will just loop login details, and then SVN will do the same followed by


This is the Authentication I'm trying to enter my details from the Developer portal into:


Would appreciate any help anyones able to give, I'm sure this is a mistake on my part, but I'd love some help to get it sorted!


Apr 27, 2019
Did you copy down your password correctly, or have you tried resetting it and doing the login again? I just got started with this the other day, and had zero issues with connecting to my repository immediately after setting it up (after the multitudinous steps involved with updating my 5 year old installation of eclipse and getting the appropriate plugins since I'm not using IntelliJ). I'm actually so used to using TortoiseSVN, I've just used it after initially setting everything up with eclipse.

If resetting your credentials doesn't work, you may try deleting your authentication data (I understand you can delete the whole folder, but you might just try renaming it)... "AppData\Roaming\Subversion\auth" on Windows, or "~/.subversion/auth" on a Mac (supposedly... I use Windows).
May 4, 2019
An update and resolution on this:

I've come back to my repo today, tried the same steps and it's worked fine, and IntelliJ has connected to the svn great and everything seems to be working.

I unfortunately have no Repro steps for how this was fixed, as it seems that waiting overnight did the trick, so it may be that it was too soon to creating my account - I'm not sure.

Either way this can be marked as resolved or closed, or however we handle that on these forums?
