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Bug Spiked 44 Hours of Botting in 1 Day?

Oct 26, 2018
I noticed that I somehow peaked 44 hours on Dec. 29-30th, which is impossible considering I botted from 1 PM to 8 PM yesterday. I just purchased 500 hours of botting because I ran out of the 200 hours I had, and since I'm enjoying my experience with VisualRM and RuneMate as a whole, but I just wanted to know if this is a bug or if it's something I'm failing to understand when it comes to botting hours per month.

My usage chart: Screenshot
Also forgot to mention that when trying to start my bots yesterday that I got a notification saying I reached the maximum amount of bots per session, which I waited the 15 minutes to reset, continued to bot for 7~ hours, and shut my PC down. Not sure if maybe the session got stuck and my hours kept running because of that.
Oct 26, 2018
My house is located far back in the woods, so my wifi is nowhere strong enough for my neighbors to connect to.