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Suggestion Something Has to Change

Have you experiences issues of being double charged for issues with bots?

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Sep 17, 2023
I've only been part of this community for a short time, but in that time I've had numerous occasions where a bot has either stopped itself, crashed, not worked, or stopped after the stop time I had set. All these have resulted in being charged for a full hour. (Shout out to CuppaJava and Defeat3d for actually refunding me when that happened)
It is insanely annoying for both the users and, I'm sure, for the bot creators who get daily messages about people being over charged.
I understand that RuneMate is built on this hourly system but could we just pay for 60 minute chunks of time? Where you could start and stop the bot as needed for those 60 minutes? Being charged every time you start something makes no sense from a customer service point of view, especially for bots that don't have a trial version.
Just today I had a bot stop itself automatically while I was setting it up because it "idled for 5 minutes" I still had to pay the $0.20. I know that isn't a lot but I'm estimating that I've lost over $5 at this point just from this happening across different bots. Not 10 minutes ago I had a bot that I set to stop after 1 hour (in the bot's own settings) but since it stopped at 01:00:02 I got charged for a second hour. It is honestly ridiculous.

I know this was half rant and half suggestion, but PLEASE do something about this. I really like the RuneMate bots but I think I'm going to start searching for an alternative.

Edit: Even just having a grace period of +/- 2 minutes would help with this issue. If a bot stopped 2 seconds over the hour charges you and then stops, you don't even have the option to use that hour you were charged for.
Dec 9, 2016
It's in discussion, but the triggerman is Arbiter. When they can implement a change that's fair to all, they will
Sep 7, 2021
Especially when some of them are designed to stop themself when they don't find an item in bank and not pause and give you the chance to correct it. You could easily forget to stock up on something and start the bot and then it stops in 15 seconds and boom charged a whole hour. Ive fallen victim to have a ton of (3) dose potions but the bot only uses (4) dose so itll stop even though I did have the potions just the wrong dose. I'm not sure if it also adds a hour to the monthly total as well just for starting it because somehow I had -69 hours left and had to buy more hours. Like he said, 20 cent isn't a lot but it adds up over time and I myself have lost over 10$ to mishaps.

I understand that you guys did hard work to create the bots (I'm a programmer by hobby but not for bots so I understand what you go through) we use so can't really bitch too much about it because in the end they do a lot more work than we would have done on our own. But for me a jobless mofo scrounging to get credits and getting 0 refunds on mishaps it is a bit nerving to pay over and over for small mistakes and in some instances things that are not our fault.

I love this client and the work you all put into it and hope to go on using it for a long time.
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Mar 13, 2018
Especially when some of them are designed to stop themself when they don't find an item in bank and not pause and give you the chance to correct it. You could easily forget to stock up on something and start the bot and then it stops in 15 seconds and boom charged a whole hour. Ive fallen victim to have a ton of (3) dose potions but the bot only uses (4) dose so itll stop even though I did have the potions just the wrong dose.
Yeah this should be avoided by devs. It's kinda a bad design practice to stop a premium bot instantly when something unexpected happens. I mean actually the reason I added the "bot will stop if not fixed" thing was because I had someone else's bot stop on me 3 times in a row for things it didn't tell me I needed and that felt awful.

Anyway yeah this is something I'd encourage all authors to do, add a warning before stopping, and a lot do have it.

I'm not sure if it also adds a hour to the monthly total as well just for starting it because somehow I had -69 hours left and had to buy more hours.
This is a different (but also esoteric) system. When you buy an account upgrade, the way the system works is that your cap is raised by X00 (where X is $X paid). This has the side effect that 30 days later, your cap drops by X00, and only regenerates over time on rolling cycle, 30 days from each usage. Or you can just top back up $X and you'll also regenerate hours over the month. Yes it's confusing. I think Arbiter is also looking into improving this.

But for me a jobless mofo scrounging to get credits and getting 0 refunds on mishaps it is a bit nerving to pay over and over for small mistakes and in some instances things that are not our fault
You're good, most/all of us get it, that it just feels awful to lose the money instantly and suddenly. Even if it's just a few sessions of a bot at 5-20c, it just feels like a rip off. Most authors will refund you if you contact them, though I know that can be tedious.

Hopefully the system will be improved more soon. Trust me, I'd love to spend less time sending out 5-50c refunds :rolleyes: (Not that I mind refunding, it's just time consuming)
Oct 15, 2023
I'm pretty new here but I have seen issues like that when trying out other bots. it's kind of frustrating like stated before. you start a bot and then it stops because you are missing something that the bot needs. but looking over instructions it doesn't say anything. I won't ask for a refund though because I believe the person who made the bot deserves the money in a sense. I rather donate money to a buggy bot and then send feedback on the known issues to help support that person. same goes for flawless bots. if there was a tip jar I would be tipping. I come from the area of nexus bot. I believe once you hit start. stand at GE or not. the bot should teleport to varrock and purchase items in GE to get setup for whatever the bot was designed for.(higher paid scripts). I also noticed when it's building a web on the client side its extremely buggy(sluggish, I couldn't pass through shanty and had to manually purchase ticked to proceed). But I've also seen some bot Authers blaming a lot on the client side also when bugs are brought up about their scripts not functioning correctly. whatever the case may be. But in the end if the script goes beyond what it does, I am more than happy to pay $.50-$40/hr.