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Silence's Blast Furnace [Deleted]

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Jan 4, 2017
Just got hit with that two day ban, was running the bot for about 45 minutes, careful out there fam.

"No one knows exactly" WHICH bot you use that got you ban, So you can't just blatantly say a bot you last used was that specific bot that got you ban. Logic. BUT, from my experience, if that ban were to be from this bot, I would say its because of 'major cpu usaged from this bot' which causes the bot to stop for about 1-3 seconds at random spots when running. I noticed this caused and its been going on for quite awhile after the last 2-3 updates he pushed. Since this have occurred to me, I've never used the bot for more then 1hr+ in 1 instance, anymore compare to 3-5hrs+ before.

The bot works great, but eats up my entire CPU with just 2 instances.

No idea what's causing it but maybe you can take a look around?

If you can't find anything I will probably just end up having a go at it (for personal use ofc)

EDIT: @Snufalufugus pointed out that I should be using fixed rather than resizable and that seems to sort out the issue!

Great script!

^ yeah, I have never ran any of my cilents (1-3 instances) in fixed screen EVER. Never had that high CPU usage on this bot before, and I didn't see much people complaining about it, so I thought it was at my end. Yes, btw I tried to run it on fixed but still ends up in high cpu usaged.
Jun 8, 2017
"No one knows exactly" WHICH bot you use that got you ban, So you can't just blatantly say a bot you last used was that specific bot that got you ban. Logic. BUT, from my experience, if that ban were to be from this bot, I would say its because of 'major cpu usaged from this bot' which causes the bot to stop for about 1-3 seconds at random spots when running. I noticed this caused and its been going on for quite awhile after the last 2-3 updates he pushed. Since this have occurred to me, I've never used the bot for more then 1hr+ in 1 instance, anymore compare to 3-5hrs+ before.

^ yeah, I have never ran any of my cilents (1-3 instances) in fixed screen EVER. Never had that high CPU usage on this bot before, and I didn't see much people complaining about it, so I thought it was at my end. Yes, btw I tried to run it on fixed but still ends up in high cpu usaged.
Is everyone getting high cpu since last update? Or before that? And I atm don't have the time to make this bot premium with exams comming up. (Good for you all ;) ). Might be able to do hot fix if needed.
Jun 10, 2017
Doesn't indeed not work very smooth on resizeable, works like a charm on fixed tho. Ran it for 20~ hours since update and haven't come across unusual CPU values.
Feb 15, 2017
Is everyone getting high cpu since last update? Or before that? And I atm don't have the time to make this bot premium with exams comming up. (Good for you all ;) ). Might be able to do hot fix if needed.

Still experiencing CPU issue on fixed as well as resizable mode.

I have a feeling the issue is with camera movement involving object#getVisibility(). If not in your code than something with the camera api itself.
Oct 29, 2017
How did you manage to get 2700 steel bars per hour? I'm only getting around 1700 bars per hour. Could you tell me the settings that you used? Right now I am using stamina potions, ice gloves and a coal bag with 40 agility. Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind i got it. Great bot!
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Oct 28, 2016
How did you manage to get 2700 steel bars per hour? I'm only getting around 1700 bars per hour. Could you tell me the settings that you used? Right now I am using stamina potions, ice gloves and a coal bag with 40 agility. Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind i got it. Great bot!
What did you do to fix it?
Oct 29, 2017
I changed the mouse multiplier and zoomed fully out. But that change was temporary because it went back to 1500 bars/h for mith bars. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. It clicks near the bank and then clicks on the bank rather than directly clicking on the bank. I tried everything from making it unfixed to trying different zooms. I found that having force menu interaction on was helpful, but that's a one way ticket to getting banned. That being said, the bot is very good in terms of actually doing blast furnace.
Nov 6, 2017
Hey I noticed the bot sometimes hits the run button, causing your character to walk until manually putting your character back to run. Could you implement a check to ensure your character is always running?
Feb 15, 2017
Hey I noticed the bot sometimes hits the run button, causing your character to walk until manually putting your character back to run. Could you implement a check to ensure your character is always running?

Think that's to do with the webwalker rather than the bot itself.

Also the bot no longer stops when limited by coal (no coal).
Nov 9, 2017
Seems to be a little bit slow between banking/deposting ores. Sometimes it won't switch to the right gloves either. I'm using Ice & Goldsmith gaunts. Could be sped up a fair bit as well. Works pretty good though, aside from speed and getting confused on the glove switch.
Oct 29, 2017
Just a little help for people that are way below the average bars p/h. I'm currently getting 1500 addy bars/h while playing on fixed, max zoomed out, with an avg ping on world 86 of 57ms, along with a mouse multiplier of 1.5. I am using stamina pot, no graceful, 40 agility, coal bag, ice gloves. That being said, I do have misclicks every now and then, but it is minimal when using the aforementioned setup.
Nov 27, 2017
heyy your scripts works perfect but when i make gold bars he no changing smith gloves at second time for double xp..Can you fix it? thank you so much!
Feb 25, 2017
heyy your scripts works perfect but when i make gold bars he no changing smith gloves at second time for double xp..Can you fix it? thank you so much!

Then that wouldn't be perfect, would it?

Few things.
I used it on an account that was it's first time doing bf, and it kept looping because it wasn't set to add ore to the belt without being asked.
Simple fix, just make sure it checks for this dialog box.

Also seems to get tripped up on switching back and forth between ice/goldsmith gloves occasionally, something to work on.
It's been said but it happened to me so I figured I would include it. It seems to me that it gets waaay too antsy and switches gloves was faster than it should. It also also appears to be double clicking the gloves after depositing the ore occasionally.

Quite a few times I watched it do nothing at the belt and run to the dispenser with a full inventory of ore. Having to run back to the belt, wasting time, coffer gold, and stamina potion duration.

The glove switching issue is waaay too much of a red flag for me, stumbles on it pretty much every time. =/
I won't be using this bot until that gets ironed out.
Hopefully soon though :)
Feb 15, 2017
Also seems to get tripped up on switching back and forth between ice/goldsmith gloves occasionally, something to work on.
It's been said but it happened to me so I figured I would include it. It seems to me that it gets waaay too antsy and switches gloves was faster than it should. It also also appears to be double clicking the gloves after depositing the ore occasionally.

The glove switching issue is waaay too much of a red flag for me, stumbles on it pretty much every time. =/
I won't be using this bot until that gets ironed out.
Hopefully soon though :)

It's a new feature and if it wasn't added initially then he probably doesn't use it, so of course it's gonna take a bit to get it working perfectly.

You can just use the script for other bars, the XP/hr is still great even without doing gold, and the profit is way better.
Feb 25, 2017
It's a new feature and if it wasn't added initially then he probably doesn't use it, so of course it's gonna take a bit to get it working perfectly.

You can just use the script for other bars, the XP/hr is still great even without doing gold, and the profit is way better.

I understand that :)

And that's not what I desire to do, but thanks for the input.
Aug 14, 2017
Nice bot, only complaint would be I occasionally see the client lag a tiny bit, also it's a bit slow when banking.
Feb 15, 2017
@SilenceP44 bot currently broken cause of latest update as well as script update.

Bot has to be logged in already to start or it errors and the bot won't start.

Additionally seems like as of the RS update that the bar retrieval interface has changed. Silver/Gold are now the last bars on the menu and the bot gets stuck as a result.
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