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Silence's Blast Furnace [Deleted]

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Mar 10, 2018
What settings do you use? On Runescape mainly, cause it barely works for me, it fucks up, forget to grab the bars and just gets stuck in a loop.
Everything default , ice gloves , goldsmith gaunlets ticked and gold bars selected
Mar 13, 2018
It's implied that the GE restocking is broken right? It's never worked properly for me.
Apr 22, 2018
resizable , max zoomed out
Hmm.. I have to give it another try, I purchased 200k gold ore some time ago and planned to use it to get 99 smithing, but I maxed out at 500 bars/hour, and the bot got stuck. I always use resizeable so idk why it doesn't work, I tried both with and without ice gloves.
Mar 10, 2018
Hmm.. I have to give it another try, I purchased 200k gold ore some time ago and planned to use it to get 99 smithing, but I maxed out at 500 bars/hour, and the bot got stuck. I always use resizeable so idk why it doesn't work, I tried both with and without ice gloves.
Recent game update might have caused some issue with the client/bot
Jun 14, 2018
Yo guys this Bot is just awesome. I have been using this for almost 2 weeks 8 hours a day using 4 accs in rotation and have not been banned so far. For me the bot works but my only problem is the amount of bars I get is far from the "average". But this bot alone manage to convince me to upgrade my account to have more hours of botting. I hope that someone can help improve the bars/hr of my botting sessions or the bot itself. Thanks a bunch to the author/creator of this script/bot.


  • bars.png
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Jun 8, 2017
SilenceP44 updated Silence's Blast Furnace with a new update entry:

Silence's Blast Furnace v1.2.4 Released!

Silence's Blast Furnace updated to v1.2.4:

- Rewrote resupplying algorithm
- A lot of preformance improvements
- Fresh Tracking UI (added time to next level)
- Removed a lot of unhuman like mouse behaviour
- Added some predictions (ex: when opening the bank with bars in your inventory, you will want to deposit those -> have mouse on bars)
- Added some playerSense
- Added delays (non impactfull on bot speed), bot should use less resources
- Fixed a bug when if a the door was missing (jagex plz) to bf the bot would get stuck.
- Other minor bug fixes

This update is focused on optimizing the bot, with the right settings you can get to max 3500 steel bars/ hr atm.
The bot is optimized for:
- fixed screen (or resizable in smallest form)
- fully zoomed out gameplay

Known bugs:
- Bot sometimes detects the wrong quantity of items in bank, can cause the bot to stop or resupply to early (very rare)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Jun 11, 2018
Thanks for making this more efficient! Only thing in my eye's is that the gp calculator is off:upload_2018-7-10_14-41-51.png

Thanks for the bot!

Jun 25, 2018
I think this is one of the best bots available in the store and I personally love it.

40-76 smithing so far with this bot.

My only "complain" (not really a complain) would be that it makes less bars than what you would normally expect.

I'm currently only getting ~1,350 addy bars per hour when the "average" is between 1800-2000 bars (if I were to do it on my own). That's with coal bag and endless supply of staminas on max zoomed out screen as well.

However, taken into consideration that it's a bot and the less "efficient" they are the less likely they are to be caught I don't mind this at all one single bit :) Keep up the good work!!
Jul 14, 2018
Seems to misclick far too much withdrawing, watching the mouse it scrolls down to cancel 4-5 times before withdrawing, slowing the bot down a lot. Doesn't really seem like a way a real player would withdraw either?

EDIT: Fixed size and zoom out seemed to fix this.
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Sep 14, 2017
Silence Crash.PNG Hey Silence, I haven't used the bot in a while. Came back after a month break, and the bot crashed on me twice within 30 minutes. I'm baby sitting it now, and sometimes, I catch the mouse spazz out in the bank menu. Not sure why it's doing that. This is my 3rd time starting it back up, and it's 28 minutes in, averaging about 1.1k Addy Bars. Which is pretty low for what I'm normally used to. If you could check that for me, it would be great!

Edit - 3rd time starting it back up also crashed after 50 minutes of baby sitting, and manually getting it unstuck.


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Apr 26, 2017
Have noticed after the last update the stamina pot now stays in my inventory, is this intended?
Jun 8, 2017
Got back from vacation, hello again ^^:

Have noticed after the last update the stamina pot now stays in my inventory, is this intended?

The stamina potion always stayed in your inventory. I don't think it will save time to implement: withdraw potion -> drink potion -> deposit potion, because banking is the slowest aspect of this bot.

View attachment 6378 Hey Silence, I haven't used the bot in a while. Came back after a month break, and the bot crashed on me twice within 30 minutes. I'm baby sitting it now, and sometimes, I catch the mouse spazz out in the bank menu. Not sure why it's doing that. This is my 3rd time starting it back up, and it's 28 minutes in, averaging about 1.1k Addy Bars. Which is pretty low for what I'm normally used to. If you could check that for me, it would be great!

Edit - 3rd time starting it back up also crashed after 50 minutes of baby sitting, and manually getting it unstuck.

Ty for the log, will see what I can do to fix it.

@THICsquared @subtiger The withdrawing problem is well known. I've tried to fix it in the past and I'm still trying, just really annoying because it only occurs occasionally. (If you are wondering why this is: The bot R clicks coal for example and then fails to select withdraw-all, after which it keeps trying but has very weird mouse movements)

Thanks for making this more efficient! Only thing in my eye's is that the gp calculator is off:View attachment 6282

Thanks for the bot!


What bars are you smithing? The bot uses osrs ge if I'm not mistaken.
It's implied that the GE restocking is broken right? It's never worked properly for me.

Should work, but you need varrock tabs in your bank.
May 29, 2015
Is it possible to make it press ESC to close the bank instead of clicking the X? otherwise it's a really great bot
Jun 8, 2017
Is it possible to make it press ESC to close the bank instead of clicking the X? otherwise it's a really great bot

This is auto player sensed if you have close with esc disabled. No real reason for me to force it to every user to create a pattern ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
May 29, 2015
I really like the bot, it does the job and it's free. but something i've noticed is that i can't get above 1k rune bars/h. i've got coalbag/good ping. i've noticed that the banking seems very off, is this something you can fix yourself or is it RM related? thanks in advance
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