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OSRS Should I still bot on that account?

May 18, 2017
so I got a two day ban for Botting got lucky but should I still bot on it or does Jagex keep a close eye on it now?
What's good in the hood?
Apr 4, 2018
If you get caught again before another year, it will be a definite permanent ban. Even after a year, or first time botting on an account, you can get a permanent ban even if you aren't goldfarming with bad luck.

What did you bot and was it your main?
What's good in the hood?
Apr 4, 2018
@MeshOSRS Do they give out other 2 Day bans, even after a first two day ban? Had one in May 2017, would i get another now ?

If you botted in March 2017 and got caught you'd receive a permanent ban.

Now one year has passed, you have a chance at 2 day ban, but they might go straight to permanent anyway. Even on the first offence they can go permanent, depending on factors and luck, is it a main or did it train combat and go to green dragons, is it doing goldfarming methods, age of account, suicide botting etcetera. It also depends on luck, a main botting Runecrafting could receive a permanent ban on their first offence.
May 18, 2017
If you botted in March 2017 and got caught you'd receive a permanent ban.

Now one year has passed, you have a chance at 2 day ban, but they might go straight to permanent anyway. Even on the first offence they can go permanent, depending on factors and luck, is it a main or did it train combat and go to green dragons, is it doing goldfarming methods, age of account, suicide botting etcetera. It also depends on luck, a main botting Runecrafting could receive a permanent ban on their first offence.

I did agility