As for the packet being sent to the server, the packet op-code is three, and it is send whenever the client loses or gains operating system focus. You can lose focus on the client without minimizing it. Most bots do not allow this packet to be sent, unless sent manually during anti-ban strategies. (Also note that most anti-ban strategies are useless, as packets are not sent when the user...
- Clicks on loadstones. (Changes sidebar interface)
- Moves the camera
- Moves the mouse off screen
- Skill hovering
I've worked on emulators (RSPS) for both the oldschool and newer revisions of Runescape, as-well as contributed to botting projects for OSRS. Just thought I'd register to shine some light on this.
Yes, the packet does exist.
BUT, the bot should moderate it.
Also: The amount of actions completed while the client lacks focus is not sent to the server, however the server can easily calculate this.
EDIT: Seems this packet was removed as of revision #838.