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Setting up Rune Mate For Linux users:
Authors notes:
I don't write guides often, well ever.. in fact this is my first one.
That being said I noticed a big lack of Linux installation support; and thus here we are!
Now, I've tried my best to make this as clear and concise as possible so you should just be able to copy the
for every step and paste them into your terminal window.
All should work out fine HOWEVER....
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 x64; but this guide is written using a Terminal interface so it should work for any 64-bit Debian based OS that uses apt-get
With all that said swapping out apt-get with your package manager of choice's syscall should make this guide usable for you.
Arch based distros replace apt-get update and apt-get install oracle-java8-installer with pacman -syu oracle-java8-installer
Confirmed working OS list:
Ubuntu 17.10 x64
Ubuntu 18.04 x64
Ubuntu 18.04 x64
Anyway, lets get to it! but first.....
I have removed OpenJDK and installed Oracle Java prior to this; you can get Oracle Java by running the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
wait for it to do it's thing once it's done you'll begin..sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Next, download the RSU from here: rsu-client/rsu-client
choose the required file depending on your OS version (this guide assumes 64 bit) and save it to your Downloads folder.
Navigate to your downloads folder using your file manager of choice and extract the .run file from the zip file.
Open a Terminal and run:
cd $HOME/Downloads
This will bring you to your downloads folder next run:
sudo ./RSU-linux-x64-installer.run
It will do everything it needs to for you.
[NOTE]: Debian based distributions can simply run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hikariknight/unix-runescape-client
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install runescape
Once it's completed, move on to..
First download RuneMate for Linux from the official download page and save it to your downloads folder.
Open up a Terminal and run:
cd $HOME/Downloads
Then run:
chmod +x RuneMate_setup.sh
Finally run:
sudo ./RuneMate_setup.sh
Follow the on screen prompts and you're done!
Once that's completed Launch RuneMate and follow this guide here: Tutorial - How to Use RuneMate Spectre to get started using it
Set up your bot and...
Congratulations, RuneMate now runs!
Or does it...?
I ran into an issue that prevented RuneMate from hooking to RSU and thus running..
If you're like me and have the same issue, follow the steps below:
Launch a terminal window and use the command:
sudo gedit /opt/runemate/RuneMate
then uncomment the line:
and replace it with: INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
Then save the file.
Congratulations, you're all set! Enjoy RuneMate on Linux!
If this thread has helped you; please post saying "thanks" or something of the sort to keep it bumped for other Linux users.
Or if nothing else; like it so i know it's helping someone.
3) **Updating Runemate**
Updating Runemate on Linux can sometimes be a pain, downloading the new script, flagging it as executable, running it.
Qverkk has made a wonderful guide on how to make it easy, check it out in the link below:
Tutorial - Update/Run RM on Linux
V2.3: Added ppa links for Debian based distributions.
V2.2: Formatting changes to highlight commands and chapters.
V2.1: Changed "[Depricated]" line to Troubleshooting Steps
V2.0: Added instructions on how to set Java Override in the original RuneMate.sh
V1.2: Uploaded runemate.sh bash and added instructions
V1.1: Sudo not needed when running Jar from /opt/runemate/
V1: Initial Release
--------------------------- [Still having trouble?] --------------------------
Below are some steps that i used to perform to get the RuneMate client working with RSU and/or loading bots; I since found the Java Override in the RuneMate.sh file located in /opt/runemate/ so this SHOULD no longer needed...
Note i said SHOULD.. For whatever reason i can't seem to get the above to work anymore; it worked one time then poof! nothing..
Can't launch RSU from RuneMate? try..
**Manually set the JAVA_HOME path in /etc/environment**
1.) Launch a terminal and run the following command:
sudo nano /etc/environment
once in nano add the following lines below PATH="Stuff/goes/here"
export JAVA_HOME
ctrl+x to exit nano, hit y to save.export JAVA_HOME
JAVA_HOME path is set to that of the Oracle Java; the path is different for OpenJDK; again i assume you are using Oracle Java.
"export JAVA_HOME" may not be needed.
3.) Once rebooted open a terminal and run the following command:
java -jar /opt/runemate/RuneMate.jar
Everything should work fine from then on; do note that you are required to run the last command everytime you plan to use RuneMate.
If you need to use the above solution to launch RuneMate successfully; please feel free to try...
**The RuneMate Launch Bash**
If you are like me and had to use the above fix; I've written a little bash so you can launch RuneMate with an easier command.
To do this simply download the attached .zip file and extract the runemate.sh file to your Home directory
chmod +x runemate.sh
You can now launch RuneMate with the following command:
Alternatively if you don't want to run a command and just want to use a quick launch you can also extract the RuneMate.desktop file from the downloaded .zip where ever you'd like (Example used is Documents).
Open a terminal change your directory to wherever you extracted the RuneMate.desktop file.
cd $HOME/Documents
and mark that as executable with the following command:
chmod +x RuneMate.desktop
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