loll, guess you didnt read that cloud is the only one working on the fix. You're complaining bout ur free hours being taken away from you lolol. I lost over 500, i aint complaining one bit. We have something special here at runemate. We have one of the least detected bots with the best bot developers. If you had the slightest clue how GREAT runemate was you sure as hell wouldn't complain about FREE HOURS talking bout being RIPPED off. "please just fix the bots" im sure he's been working on it since day one if it was so easy im sure it'd be done by now. But if you feel like you're being ripped off on free hours, go over to powerbot or tribot where its free and tell me how it goes lmfao.. SMDH.
I guess you're right, i owe you an apology. I havent ever used another client to bot - so i honestly wouldnt know the difference. Im a returning player from before 2008 and back then, youd get banned simply for swearing. I lost my cb lvl 98 perma ban. quit for 10 years
Again, i didnt mean to sound rude. I was just really enjoying the active community, the devs, and the nearly flawless bots. I think everyone here is a little frustrated that its taken so long, but if you say the devs are hard at work - ill take your word for it 100%
one more thing, theres no need to be rude when someone is misunderstanding the situation. "SMDH" was a little over the top. I think the majority of paying users would agree that 7+ days and no ETA for a bug fix is a little fishy. BUT, like i said, ill take your word for it and be patient.
with all due respect