atm i'm using a color bot
If you are referring to Simba, eventually it will get banned aswell friend...
I used to make bots there, but i stopped due to the high banrate on certain skills/activities.
You just cant make advanced bots on color botclients as on Reflection...
Thats why Runedream did not last that long
I guess its time to admit that the only bot that can combine a massive low banrate, and that is capable of making advanced bots in RiD.
@Arbiter &
@Cloud though.
If there is anything i can do to help you guys, HMU, oh i was using Alpha Waterfiends when i got banned
Because nobody uses that bot cause it's a pain in the ass to setup. it's not even worth the hassle imo.
This is true, just to set it up... JUCK