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RuneMate 2.0 Spectre Released!

Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
To everyone who claims the client doesn't work you're wrong, unless you're running OSX. If you're on linux then you might be running an unsupported distro of linux. If not or you're running windows you may need to uninstall runemate and reinstall it with the corresponding installer. If it's certain bots that are not working for you please post on the corresponding bot thread.

And to those that mentioned the bot not having an interface, that just means that the bot you're running doesn't have a JFX interface. So there are a few reasons for this. The bot doesn't require an interface (Doesn't need you to choose any settings), the bot author hasn't yet converted their swing interface to JFX (the swing interface should open in a separate window, if it doesn't the bot author needs to fix the bot) or they have written a JFX interface but haven't loaded it properly (again, bot author needs to fix it).
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
to make it difficult for the botter to figure out what specific bot/client got them detected.

Especially considering many botters use multiple different clients.If one client doesn't have a particular script they need, they'll jump to another.
Feb 5, 2016
After the most hectic/nerve-wracking/stressful/epic few months of our lives, we are happy to announce the successful launch of the next generation of RuneScape botting: RuneMate Spectre. This journey began over five months ago (documented in the announcement thread) when we were unsatisfied with the status quo of the botting scene, our competitors and us included. In recent years, Jagex has dedicated significant resources into their bot detection methods while the botting scene has grown stale with the same old methods, whether it be reflection, injection, or color. While RuneMate has maintained relatively low ban rates over the years compared to alternatives, they have undeniably grown. Instead of standing still, we decided to build the client that would keep Jagex and competitors catching up for years to come.

And so Spectre came to be. Spectre is a new client written from scratch that uses a previously unexplored methodology to run our bots on just about any existing RuneScape client, including the official client published by Jagex. This allows Spectre to avoid having to load the game in an unofficial fashion, modifies nothing at all in the host client, and as such is indistinguishable from how a normal player would interact with the game. This allows us to re-focus our efforts on our already stellar biometric algorithms that simulate human behavior like Clouse (cloud-based crowd-sourced mouse movements), PlayerSense (unique profiling for each account), and BioStatistics (custom tailoring of play style on a per-user basis). With the combination of Spectre preventing runtime detection and our biometrics preventing heuristic detection, we are confident in our ability to reduce bans to an insignificant level.

Best of all, we offer you this fruit of thousands of man hours at no charge at all. All we ask in return is that you get yourself some awesome skillcapes to make your friends jealous and then consider supporting us through a donation. Happy botting!

Hey. When i try to start my bot it only says please wait and it does not open it i need help asap. Thanks
Mar 27, 2016
What were you doing when you got banned? It was never claimed to be flawless, only better. No amount of optimization will save you from heuristics if you're botting for 24 hours straight.

I botted for only 4 hours. And it was woodcutting in a secluded area

Have you botted at all on the account that got banned before today? Jagex exclusively uses delayed bans to make it difficult for the botter to figure out what specific bot/client got them detected.

No, I didn't. I waited for Spectre. And really? But how do you know that?
Oct 7, 2015
I botted for only 4 hours. And it was woodcutting in a secluded area

No, I didn't. I waited for Spectre. And really? But how do you know that?

I've been running multiple bots on the same IP since spectre released, same computer, same skill, same location, all woodcutting, currently they've been going 7 hours in this instance each and I still haven't even had a hiccup. Maybe you're just unlucky or maybe there is some other issue you had, regardless, putting that much gold on an account you were going to bot on was kind of a bad choice if you were worried about losing it.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
i dont like how you have to add an acc

Why? RM encrypts all password data you send to it.

I botted for only 4 hours. And it was woodcutting in a secluded area
No, I didn't. I waited for Spectre. And really? But how do you know that?

Years and years of experience, with a touch of common sense. If they banned people the second they detected them, you'd know exactly what triggered the ban and how to work around the system. Plus, mass-bans create hysteria, which works well for Jagex.
Mar 27, 2016
I've been running multiple bots on the same IP since spectre released, same computer, same skill, same location, all woodcutting, currently they've been going 7 hours in this instance each and I still haven't even had a hiccup. Maybe you're just unlucky or maybe there is some other issue you had, regardless, putting that much gold on an account you were going to bot on was kind of a bad choice if you were worried about losing it.

Dang, very nice, you've been botting at West varrock oaks? And how much have you made so far altogether? I'm doing the same thing rn, started last night right after I lost the 30m account and made about 7m back in oaks hahah

Why? RM encrypts all password data you send to it.

Years and years of experience, with a touch of common sense. If they banned people the second they detected them, you'd know exactly what triggered the ban and how to work around the system. Plus, mass-bans create hysteria, which works well for Jagex.

That actually makes sense, thanks for the heads up, but yeah it's my fault, it's not the 30m I'm really worried about, I just wanted the client to run more than 4 hours at least without me getting a ban lol, but I've been going on multiple accounts woodcutting just like the dude above and I haven't so I probably was just extremely unlucky
Oct 7, 2015
Dang, very nice, you've been botting at West varrock oaks? And how much have you made so far altogether? I'm doing the same thing rn, started last night right after I lost the 30m account and made about 7m back in oaks hahah

That actually makes sense, thanks for the heads up, but yeah it's my fault, it's not the 30m I'm really worried about, I just wanted the client to run more than 4 hours at least without me getting a ban lol, but I've been going on multiple accounts woodcutting just like the dude above and I haven't so I probably was just extremely unlucky

Yep. Just farming Oaks, I have no idea how you made 7m back in Oaks with them only being like 30 GP each and the instance limit being set to 2 for a non-supporter. How many are you running?
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
i dont like how you have to add an acc
Like @Partyshanked said, all account information is encrypted client-side before being sent to the server. Anyone with a semester of networking and Wireshark can verify that. If you still don't want to enter it just provide invalid credentials. Just keep in mind that you'll only be able to bot for 6 hours as Jagex will auto-log you out.
I botted for only 4 hours. And it was woodcutting in a secluded area

No, I didn't. I waited for Spectre. And really? But how do you know that?
What @Partyshanked said. Kinda been doing this for the better part of a decade. :p
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Having thought about it again, delaying bans also gives Jagex time to profile you, which enables them to develop their detection mechanisms to detect other botters.

Im at college atm but where would i go to download spectre

Please tell me you're joking?