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rs3 ban rate?

Oct 22, 2017
after not playing since 2010 i decided to log-in to my old account created back in 2006, it has a 1900+ total lvl and never been banned before, i can't be bothered doing divination or most skills tbh and wanted to bot, how likely is it to get banned on rs3 for botting? and will it be a perm?
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
ban rate is lower than in osrs
This is implying that he knows what the ban rates are like in Oldschool Runescape.

Ban Rates in RS3 are relatively low; I used to run about 6-10 hours a day on nearly every skill
Jagex Secret Police
Dec 16, 2018
Very low bot rate. If you want to be "completely" safe i would recommend to use visualRM and make your own bots for every skill. Just don't run it overnight and you should be fine. I've almost maxed with it
Oct 22, 2017
Very low bot rate. If you want to be "completely" safe i would recommend to use visualRM and make your own bots for every skill. Just don't run it overnight and you should be fine. I've almost maxed with it

i've tried but i'm trash at it, can't seem to make a working/decent bot with it, so far the divination free bot seems to be working really good though, i've left it overnight and when i woke up it was still working perfectly, only did 1-50 div though, i've quit botting for a bit to see if i'll get banned or not, if not i'll start doing it again.

if i do get banned.. u think theres a chance of it being perm? the account is from 2007 ish and has never botted or been banned before, u think they would straight up perma me? cuz if not i'm down to Just bot until caught then once i get caught i'll stop
Jagex Secret Police
Dec 16, 2018
i've tried but i'm trash at it, can't seem to make a working/decent bot with it, so far the divination free bot seems to be working really good though, i've left it overnight and when i woke up it was still working perfectly, only did 1-50 div though, i've quit botting for a bit to see if i'll get banned or not, if not i'll start doing it again.

if i do get banned.. u think theres a chance of it being perm? the account is from 2007 ish and has never botted or been banned before, u think they would straight up perma me? cuz if not i'm down to Just bot until caught then once i get caught i'll stop
Keep on trying if you're bad at it tbh. Look at the logic of other public visualRM bots and learn from them. It 100% pays off in the end if you can make your own. If you haven't been banned before on it then you would get a 48h IF they did detect you. Chances are small of you only did it once though. Just don't bot overnight again. Even when I bot throughout the day, I make sure it hops to a random world every 2-3h just to make sure that nobody notices that i've been there for a very long time, and could report me.
Jul 11, 2018
I've noticed that if you bot in your normal playing hours help. I useally got banned when i botted outside of my normal playing hours.