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Regal Warrior Guild [Deleted]

Not open for further replies.
Dec 13, 2018
I got charged for more hours than I used please check logs :)
bot banked mithril defender without showing it to lady so it spent an extra 2 hours killing cyclops than had to get more coins cause it killed those cyclops until I check logs and figured out there was no defender shown I would like 2 hours refunded please
Mar 28, 2019
Bot banked my mithril defender as well, and went up fighting without it. Also it likes to steal other peoples mithril armour off the ground, happened 2-3 times to me, not very inconspicuous.
Apr 4, 2019
Hey, I made a really dumb mistake and cost myself 20 cents. I mistakenly thought I had enough food in my bank before I started, but when it went to withdraw lobsters and there weren't enough, it stopped after 18 seconds. Is there any way you could indulge my dumbassery with a refund? I would greatly appreciate it.


  • bot1.png
    162.2 KB · Views: 3
Apr 22, 2019
Charged 3x. These three instances do not even equal 3 minutes of run time.

The food is automatically selected as "Tuna", yet I do not want to use Tuna. As soon as the bot sees this, it closes out and says "We are out of Tuna". I do not want to use Tuna... Lol.


  • Regal Warrior Guild 5-05 19-30-00.log
    5.3 KB · Views: 0
  • Regal Warrior Guild 5-05 19-31-36.log
    2.3 KB · Views: 1
  • Regal Warrior Guild 5-05 19-37-17.log
    698 bytes · Views: 1
Aug 23, 2015
Hey, I made a really dumb mistake and cost myself 20 cents. I mistakenly thought I had enough food in my bank before I started, but when it went to withdraw lobsters and there weren't enough, it stopped after 18 seconds. Is there any way you could indulge my dumbassery with a refund? I would greatly appreciate it.

Charged 3x. These three instances do not even equal 3 minutes of run time.

The food is automatically selected as "Tuna", yet I do not want to use Tuna. As soon as the bot sees this, it closes out and says "We are out of Tuna". I do not want to use Tuna... Lol.

Refunded you both, thanks for the reports. I'll look into changing up the bot startup a bit to avoid these issues.
Feb 26, 2016
Can you tell me why I was just charged 4 times in 3 minutes? Got charged 3 times in 1 hour last night [refer to my post on here] .......... Would like a refer or an explanation please.

That's how the runemate client works. Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ

I refuse to accept "That's how the client works" & you shouldn't either. If you were at a restaraunt & your card got charged 3x for 1 meal you'd be pissed. It's not about $, it's about the principal now. That's NOT the price this is advertised as, and if you're just saying "It's RuneMates fault" that's ridiculous. I've used RuneMate for YEARS and this is the 1st time I'm dealing with something like this. It also happened again this morning. Fix your bot or contact RuneMate, because after scrolling through the posts on here, I'm not the 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd person to have this issue with your bot.
Aug 23, 2015
Can you tell me why I was just charged 4 times in 3 minutes? Got charged 3 times in 1 hour last night [refer to my post on here] .......... Would like a refer or an explanation please.

View attachment 8364

I refuse to accept "That's how the client works" & you shouldn't either. If you were at a restaraunt & your card got charged 3x for 1 meal you'd be pissed. It's not about $, it's about the principal now. That's NOT the price this is advertised as, and if you're just saying "It's RuneMates fault" that's ridiculous. I've used RuneMate for YEARS and this is the 1st time I'm dealing with something like this. It also happened again this morning. Fix your bot or contact RuneMate, because after scrolling through the posts on here, I'm not the 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd person to have this issue with your bot.
If the FAQ isn't sufficient for you, feel free to make a thread in client and site support, or read the hundreds of threads about the exact same thing you're experiencing. You get charged each time you start a bot, and if you stop it you're choosing not to use that hour. That is how every premium bot using the runemate platform must work, since it is how Arbiter configured payments.
Oct 8, 2018
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\logs\Regal Warrior Guild 5-16 5-16-00.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG Skill ATTACK loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG Skill STRENGTH loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG Skill DEFENCE loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG Skill CONSTITUTION loaded from resources...
00:00:00 DEBUG UI loaded
00:00:00 INFO Changing root task
00:00:00 WARN Adding stop time listeners
00:00:00 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing Strength
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing of Strength Was Successful.
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing Strength Failed.
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing Defence
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing of Defence Was Successful.
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing Constitution
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing of Constitution Was Successful.
00:00:05 DEBUG Removing Constitution Failed.
00:00:05 DEBUG Skill not contained Constitution
00:00:05 DEBUG Adding Constitution
00:00:05 DEBUG We have -1max health. We will next eat at 0
00:00:05 DEBUG Changing root task
00:00:06 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:00:06 INFO Break ended at 6500. Logging back in!
00:00:07 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:00:07 INFO Break ended at 7436. Logging back in!
00:00:07 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 7, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:07 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 7, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:08 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:00:08 INFO Break ended at 8381. Logging back in!
00:00:08 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Bronze defender, quantity: 1, index: 1, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:08 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Bronze defender, quantity: 1, index: 1, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:09 DEBUG Interface Closer - Play Button has been activated!
00:00:09 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 13, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:09 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 13, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:09 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 25, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:09 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 25, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 6, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:10 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 6, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 18, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:10 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 18, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:11 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 23, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:11 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 23, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:12 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 17, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:12 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 17, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:12 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 20, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:12 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 20, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:13 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 26, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:13 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 26, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:14 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 22, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:14 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 22, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:14 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 5, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:14 DEBUG Ignoring early item event ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 5, origin: INVENTORY)"})
00:00:15 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 27, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:15 WARN Monkfish has price of 351. Id of item was 7946.
00:00:15 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 11, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:16 WARN Monkfish has price of 351. Id of item was 7946.
00:00:16 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Monkfish.png
00:00:16 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 8, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:16 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 24, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:17 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 15, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:17 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 19, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:18 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 16, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:18 INFO Using food: Monkfish
00:00:19 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 14, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:19 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 10, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:20 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Iron defender, quantity: 1, index: 3, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:20 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 21, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:20 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Iron defender.png
00:00:21 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 12, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:22 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 9, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:00:22 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Warrior guild token, quantity: 970, index: 0, origin: INVENTORY) (970)
00:00:23 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Warrior guild token.png
00:00:26 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-up
00:00:30 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-up
00:00:31 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-up
00:00:32 INFO Entering top floor cyclops room
00:00:32 INFO We will stockpile tokens
00:00:33 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-down
00:00:34 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-down
00:00:36 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-down
00:00:37 INFO Entering animation room
00:00:39 INFO Entering animation room
00:00:39 INFO Entering animation room
00:00:41 INFO Entering animation room
00:00:41 INFO We will automatically get a dragon defender
00:00:49 INFO Animating armor
00:00:49 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:00:50 INFO Animating armor
00:00:50 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:00:50 INFO Animating armor
00:00:50 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:00:51 INFO Animating armor
00:00:51 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:00:51 INFO Animating armor
00:00:51 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:00:52 INFO Animating armor
00:00:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:06 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black platebody, quantity: 1, index: 2, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:06 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black full helm, quantity: 1, index: 4, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:07 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black platelegs, quantity: 1, index: 5, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 6, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 7, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 8, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 9, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 10, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 11, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 12, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 14, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 15, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 16, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 17, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 18, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 19, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 20, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 22, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 23, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 24, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 26, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 25, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 27, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 13, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:10 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Monkfish, quantity: 1, index: 21, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:01:19 INFO Climbing main staircase Climb-up
00:01:20 INFO Animating armor
00:01:20 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:21 INFO Animating armor
00:01:21 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:21 INFO Animating armor
00:01:21 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:22 INFO Animating armor
00:01:22 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:23 INFO Animating armor
00:01:23 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:24 INFO Animating armor
00:01:24 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:24 INFO Animating armor
00:01:24 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:25 INFO Animating armor
00:01:25 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:26 INFO Animating armor
00:01:26 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:26 INFO Animating armor
00:01:26 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:27 INFO Animating armor
00:01:27 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:27 INFO Animating armor
00:01:27 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:28 INFO Animating armor
00:01:28 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:29 INFO Animating armor
00:01:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:29 INFO Animating armor
00:01:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:30 INFO Animating armor
00:01:30 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:31 INFO Animating armor
00:01:31 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:32 INFO Animating armor
00:01:32 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:33 INFO Animating armor
00:01:33 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:33 INFO Animating armor
00:01:33 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:34 INFO Animating armor
00:01:34 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:34 INFO Animating armor
00:01:34 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:35 INFO Animating armor
00:01:35 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:36 INFO Animating armor
00:01:36 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:37 INFO Animating armor
00:01:37 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:38 INFO Animating armor
00:01:38 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:38 INFO Animating armor
00:01:38 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:40 INFO Animating armor
00:01:40 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:40 INFO Animating armor
00:01:40 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:41 INFO Animating armor
00:01:41 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:41 INFO Animating armor
00:01:41 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:42 INFO Animating armor
00:01:42 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:43 INFO Animating armor
00:01:43 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:44 INFO Animating armor
00:01:44 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:44 INFO Animating armor
00:01:44 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:45 INFO Animating armor
00:01:45 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:46 INFO Animating armor
00:01:46 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:47 INFO Animating armor
00:01:47 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:48 INFO Animating armor
00:01:48 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:48 INFO Animating armor
00:01:48 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:49 INFO Animating armor
00:01:49 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:50 INFO Animating armor
00:01:50 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:50 INFO Animating armor
00:01:50 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:51 INFO Animating armor
00:01:51 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:52 INFO Animating armor
00:01:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:52 INFO Animating armor
00:01:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:53 INFO Animating armor
00:01:53 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:54 INFO Animating armor
00:01:54 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:55 INFO Animating armor
00:01:55 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:55 INFO Animating armor
00:01:55 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:56 INFO Animating armor
00:01:56 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:57 INFO Animating armor
00:01:57 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:57 INFO Animating armor
00:01:57 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:58 INFO Animating armor
00:01:58 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:59 INFO Animating armor
00:01:59 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:01:59 INFO Animating armor
00:01:59 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:00 INFO Animating armor
00:02:00 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:01 INFO Animating armor
00:02:01 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:02 INFO Animating armor
00:02:02 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:02 INFO Animating armor
00:02:02 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:03 INFO Animating armor
00:02:03 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:04 INFO Animating armor
00:02:04 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:05 INFO Animating armor
00:02:05 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:06 INFO Animating armor
00:02:06 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:06 INFO Animating armor
00:02:06 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:07 INFO Animating armor
00:02:07 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:08 INFO Animating armor
00:02:08 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:09 INFO Animating armor
00:02:09 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:09 INFO Animating armor
00:02:09 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:10 INFO Animating armor
00:02:10 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:11 INFO Animating armor
00:02:11 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:11 INFO Animating armor
00:02:11 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:12 INFO Animating armor
00:02:12 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:13 INFO Animating armor
00:02:13 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:14 INFO Animating armor
00:02:14 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:14 INFO Animating armor
00:02:14 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:15 INFO Animating armor
00:02:15 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:16 INFO Animating armor
00:02:16 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:17 INFO Animating armor
00:02:17 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:17 INFO Animating armor
00:02:17 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:18 INFO Animating armor
00:02:18 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:19 INFO Animating armor
00:02:19 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:20 INFO Animating armor
00:02:20 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:20 INFO Animating armor
00:02:20 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:21 INFO Animating armor
00:02:21 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:22 INFO Animating armor
00:02:22 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:22 INFO Animating armor
00:02:22 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:23 INFO Animating armor
00:02:23 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:24 INFO Animating armor
00:02:24 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:25 INFO Animating armor
00:02:25 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:26 INFO Animating armor
00:02:26 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:27 INFO Animating armor
00:02:27 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:28 INFO Animating armor
00:02:28 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:28 INFO Animating armor
00:02:28 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:29 INFO Animating armor
00:02:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:29 INFO Animating armor
00:02:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:30 INFO We will stockpile tokens
00:02:30 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:30 INFO Animating armor
00:02:30 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:31 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:31 INFO Animating armor
00:02:31 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:32 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:32 INFO Animating armor
00:02:32 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:32 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:33 INFO Animating armor
00:02:33 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:33 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:33 INFO Animating armor
00:02:33 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:34 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:34 INFO Animating armor
00:02:34 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:35 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:35 INFO Animating armor
00:02:35 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:36 DEBUG Staying in anim room until out of food
00:02:36 INFO Animating armor
00:02:36 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:36 INFO We will automatically get a dragon defender
00:02:37 INFO Animating armor
00:02:37 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:37 WARN Black platebody has price of 2750. Id of item was 1125.
00:02:37 WARN Black platelegs has price of 1304. Id of item was 1077.
00:02:37 WARN Black full helm has price of 460. Id of item was 1165.
00:02:37 INFO Animating armor
00:02:37 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:38 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Black platebody.png
00:02:38 INFO Animating armor
00:02:38 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:38 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Black platelegs.png
00:02:39 INFO Animating armor
00:02:39 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:39 DEBUG C:\Users\Haris.DESKTOP-LDSPASU.001\RuneMate\bots\storage\RegalWarriorGuild\Black full helm.png
00:02:40 INFO Animating armor
00:02:40 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:40 INFO Animating armor
00:02:40 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:41 INFO Animating armor
00:02:41 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:42 INFO Animating armor
00:02:42 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:42 INFO Fighting Animated Black Armour(level: 69, position: 2857, 3539, 0)
00:02:43 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:43 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:45 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:45 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:48 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:48 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:50 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:50 DEBUG Reset failsafe stopwatch
00:02:51 INFO Fighting Animated Black Armour(level: 69, position: 2857, 3539, 0)
00:02:52 INFO Animating armor
00:02:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:52 INFO Animating armor
00:02:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:02:53 INFO Picking up Warrior guild token x 20 [2857, 3539, 0]
00:02:55 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black platebody, quantity: 1, index: 2, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:02:57 INFO Picking up Warrior guild token x 20 [2857, 3539, 0]
00:02:57 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black platelegs, quantity: 1, index: 4, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:02:59 INFO Picking up Warrior guild token x 20 [2857, 3539, 0]
00:02:59 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Black full helm, quantity: 1, index: 5, origin: INVENTORY) (1)
00:03:00 INFO Picking up Warrior guild token x 20 [2857, 3539, 0]
00:03:01 INFO Item Added: SpriteItem(name:Warrior guild token, quantity: 990, index: 0, origin: INVENTORY) (20)
00:03:02 INFO Animating armor
00:03:02 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:03 INFO Animating armor
00:03:03 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:03 INFO Animating armor
00:03:03 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:04 INFO Animating armor
00:03:04 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:05 INFO Animating armor
00:03:05 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:06 INFO Animating armor
00:03:06 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:06 INFO Animating armor
00:03:06 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:07 INFO Animating armor
00:03:07 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:07 INFO Animating armor
00:03:07 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:08 INFO Animating armor
00:03:08 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:09 INFO Animating armor
00:03:09 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:09 INFO Animating armor
00:03:09 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:10 INFO Animating armor
00:03:10 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:11 INFO Animating armor
00:03:11 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:11 INFO Animating armor
00:03:11 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:12 INFO Animating armor
00:03:12 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:13 INFO Animating armor
00:03:13 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:14 INFO Animating armor
00:03:14 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:14 INFO Animating armor
00:03:14 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:15 INFO Animating armor
00:03:15 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:16 INFO Animating armor
00:03:16 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:16 INFO Animating armor
00:03:16 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:17 INFO Animating armor
00:03:17 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:18 INFO Animating armor
00:03:18 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:18 INFO Animating armor
00:03:18 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:19 INFO Animating armor
00:03:19 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:20 INFO Animating armor
00:03:20 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:20 INFO Animating armor
00:03:20 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:21 INFO Animating armor
00:03:21 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:21 INFO Animating armor
00:03:21 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:22 INFO Animating armor
00:03:22 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:22 INFO Animating armor
00:03:22 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:23 INFO Animating armor
00:03:23 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:24 INFO Animating armor
00:03:24 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:24 INFO Animating armor
00:03:24 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:25 INFO Animating armor
00:03:25 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:25 INFO Animating armor
00:03:25 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:26 INFO Animating armor
00:03:26 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:27 INFO Animating armor
00:03:27 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:28 INFO Animating armor
00:03:28 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:29 INFO Animating armor
00:03:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:29 INFO Animating armor
00:03:29 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:30 INFO Animating armor
00:03:30 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:31 INFO Animating armor
00:03:31 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:32 INFO Animating armor
00:03:32 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:32 INFO Animating armor
00:03:32 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:33 INFO Animating armor
00:03:33 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:34 INFO Animating armor
00:03:34 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:34 INFO Animating armor
00:03:34 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:35 INFO Animating armor
00:03:35 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:36 INFO Animating armor
00:03:36 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:36 INFO Animating armor
00:03:36 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:37 INFO Animating armor
00:03:37 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:38 INFO Animating armor
00:03:38 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:38 INFO Animating armor
00:03:38 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:39 INFO Animating armor
00:03:39 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:40 INFO Animating armor
00:03:40 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:41 INFO Animating armor
00:03:41 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:41 INFO Animating armor
00:03:41 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:42 INFO Animating armor
00:03:42 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:43 INFO Animating armor
00:03:43 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:44 INFO Animating armor
00:03:44 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:45 INFO Animating armor
00:03:45 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:45 INFO Animating armor
00:03:45 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:46 INFO Animating armor
00:03:46 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:46 INFO Animating armor
00:03:46 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:47 INFO Animating armor
00:03:47 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:48 INFO Animating armor
00:03:48 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:49 INFO Animating armor
00:03:49 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:49 INFO Animating armor
00:03:49 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:50 INFO Animating armor
00:03:50 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:51 INFO Animating armor
00:03:51 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:51 INFO Animating armor
00:03:51 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:52 INFO Animating armor
00:03:52 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:53 INFO Animating armor
00:03:53 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:54 INFO Animating armor
00:03:54 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:54 INFO Animating armor
00:03:54 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:55 INFO Animating armor
00:03:55 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:55 INFO Animating armor
00:03:55 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:56 INFO Animating armor
00:03:56 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:57 INFO Animating armor
00:03:57 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:57 INFO Animating armor
00:03:57 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:58 INFO Animating armor
00:03:58 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:59 INFO Animating armor
00:03:59 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:03:59 INFO Animating armor
00:03:59 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:00 INFO Animating armor
00:04:00 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:01 INFO Animating armor
00:04:01 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:02 INFO Animating armor
00:04:02 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:03 INFO Animating armor
00:04:03 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:03 INFO Animating armor
00:04:03 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:04 INFO Animating armor
00:04:04 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:05 INFO Animating armor
00:04:05 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:05 INFO Animating armor
00:04:05 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:06 INFO Animating armor
00:04:06 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:07 INFO Animating armor
00:04:07 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:08 INFO Animating armor
00:04:08 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:08 INFO Animating armor
00:04:08 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:10 INFO Animating armor
00:04:10 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:10 INFO Animating armor
00:04:10 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:11 INFO Animating armor
00:04:11 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:12 INFO Animating armor
00:04:12 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:12 INFO Animating armor
00:04:12 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:13 INFO Animating armor
00:04:13 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:14 INFO Animating armor
00:04:14 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:15 INFO Animating armor
00:04:15 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:16 INFO Animating armor
00:04:16 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:16 INFO Animating armor
00:04:16 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor
00:04:17 INFO Animating armor
00:04:17 WARN We don't have the necessary items to animate armor

But I had the armour in my inv to animate
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2015
But I had the armour in my inv to animate
Want me 20 cents back for that

You didn't have the armor in your inventory, the bot uses mithril armor as mentioned in the overview/description.

I've told you in the past not to use my bots, and that I won't provide you further refunds if you choose to. I'll assume you forgot this time and send you the $0.20. As a reminder, please refrain from using my bots, I don't want you as a user/customer.
Oct 8, 2018
You didn't have the armor in your inventory, the bot uses mithril armor as mentioned in the overview/description.

I've told you in the past not to use my bots, and that I won't provide you further refunds if you choose to. I'll assume you forgot this time and send you the $0.20. As a reminder, please refrain from using my bots, I don't want you as a user/customer.
Thanks and yeah i dont even remember why u told me not too use your bots, mind is i ask why also i was meant to delete tht but i forgot.... and im send them 20 cents back cause it was my fault
May 16, 2019
I feel everyone is more likely to be using the dragon defender then rune and with that being said I know ill probably die a few times while having one in my inventory as to carrying a rune defender I appreciate the reply and for considering to apply it to the script
Nov 26, 2017
If I stop the bot halfway through the process of the defender (say at black or mithril) and then start it up again, will it be able to see where it left off and go for the next defender in the sequence? Or it will be like starting again, and be looking for a bronze defender? Working great so far, but was just wondering. Thank you!
Sep 20, 2015
Need refund for whatever is going on here. : Screenshot

Bot stops after 2 seconds, wasn't even able to select which food I wanted in time before it auto stops.

Also need refund for when it stopped whilst looking for lobs in bank even though I had 500.


00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Strength
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing of Strength Was Successful.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Strength Failed.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Constitution
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing of Constitution Was Successful.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Constitution Failed.
00:01:51 DEBUG Skill not contained Defence
00:01:51 DEBUG Adding Defence
00:01:51 DEBUG Skill not contained Constitution
00:01:51 DEBUG Adding Constitution
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:08 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:08 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:17 SEVERE We are out of Lobster
00:02:17 INFO We are out of Lobster

Have used this many, many times. First time seeing this
Aug 23, 2015
If I stop the bot halfway through the process of the defender (say at black or mithril) and then start it up again, will it be able to see where it left off and go for the next defender in the sequence? Or it will be like starting again, and be looking for a bronze defender? Working great so far, but was just wondering. Thank you!

IIRC you need your best one in inv/equipped.

Need refund for whatever is going on here. : Screenshot

Bot stops after 2 seconds, wasn't even able to select which food I wanted in time before it auto stops.

Also need refund for when it stopped whilst looking for lobs in bank even though I had 500.


00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Strength
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing of Strength Was Successful.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Strength Failed.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Constitution
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing of Constitution Was Successful.
00:01:51 DEBUG Removing Constitution Failed.
00:01:51 DEBUG Skill not contained Defence
00:01:51 DEBUG Adding Defence
00:01:51 DEBUG Skill not contained Constitution
00:01:51 DEBUG Adding Constitution
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:05 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:08 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:08 INFO The data orbs varbit is null.
00:02:17 SEVERE We are out of Lobster
00:02:17 INFO We are out of Lobster

Have used this many, many times. First time seeing this

Sent $0.40 for 2 sessions, I think RM was broken yday/this morning
Aug 29, 2018
does this bot specifically go for defenders or do you have the option to do the keg balancing minigame thingy?

let me know ty
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