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Regal Crafting [Deleted]

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Nov 21, 2016
Works perfectly now thank you for such a fast fix.

No problem glad to hear it's working as it should :D

Working an update to be queued tonight for Molten glass making, and gem cutting
**V 1.0.2 **
Brings molten glass making
Gem Cutting
slightly easier to read UI
will be .05/hr
with Trial version being 1hour daily limit
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Nov 21, 2016
Dark sage updated Illuminati AIO Crafter with a new update entry:

Illuminati AIO Crafter Trial v0.1.2 Released!

Illuminati AIO Crafter Trial updated to v0.1.2.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Due to a large number of abuse of trial version, beings it is suppose to cut you after 1 hour and I already see several session exceeding the 1 hour limit.. I will be removing the TRIAL edition within the next 24hours if you wish to continue using this crafter use the paid version -> Illuminati AIO Crafter

Again this is due to the high number of session exceeding the limit
Nov 21, 2016
This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
Nov 21, 2016
can i purchase premium version or is it still only trial?
The premium version was removed, along with the time limit restrictions, I will have to push an update renaming this to not say trial.
Sep 1, 2017
When making dorgeshuun light orbs, it makes 1 inv and won't bank the orbs and tries to take new molten glass out of the bank, while the inventory is still full of light orbs.
Nov 21, 2016
When making dorgeshuun light orbs, it makes 1 inv and won't bank the orbs and tries to take new molten glass out of the bank, while the inventory is still full of light orbs.

Okay, I will look into this. could take up to a week for an update. Am extremely busy lately
Sep 6, 2017
Why does it keep typing 58 as the quantity for making gold bracelets? This should be changed to 27 as it will look very strange when a bunch of people are all typing 58... a random number that has nothing to do with how many is actually in inventory.
Nov 21, 2016
Why does it keep typing 58 as the quantity for making gold bracelets? This should be changed to 27 as it will look very strange when a bunch of people are all typing 58... a random number that has nothing to do with how many is actually in inventory.
its a random number for each person. It used be 27 for everyone, ppl complained so it was changed to a playersensed value. Each person gets a different random value that remains constant on the same computer/account
Sep 6, 2017
That just seems silly, why would people complain about an appropriate number to be used. That's what I actually do in game, or type 99 (common over value). Is there a way to manually set this number? The whole point is for the bot to mimic human behavior, No person is going to sit there typing the same random number for hours. people are lazy and its a good way to get them banned.

EDIT: If the bot can fetch inventory numbers, why not return that value through whatever function you have for pushing keys to the client based on the available number in your inventory, then add a simple randnum(0,2)-1 in the keystroke pushing function to push a key +or - one numeric value higher 5% of the time to simulate missing a key.

Obviously this rant is meant to be constructive, The difference between a human and a bot is the tiny details that shouldn't be overlooked.
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Nov 21, 2016
That just seems silly, why would people complain about an appropriate number to be used. That's what I actually do in game, or type 99 (common over value). Is there a way to manually set this number? The whole point is for the bot to mimic human behavior, No person is going to sit there typing the same random number for hours. people are lazy and its a good way to get them banned.

EDIT: If the bot can fetch inventory numbers, why not return that value through whatever function you have for pushing keys to the client based on the available number in your inventory, then add a simple randnum(0,2)-1 in the keystroke pushing function to push a key +or - one numeric value higher 5% of the time to simulate missing a key.

Obviously this rant is meant to be constructive, The difference between a human and a bot is the tiny details that shouldn't be overlooked.

There is 600 users, when every user types the same number or even close to the same number is more prone to pattern recognition from jagex. Also constructive or not, the amount of work/updates being done on this bot are minimal and very unlikely unless there is a very common issue being reported due to the fact of how busy I am with real life. I went from having 10-12 active bots down to 2 which are the most stable and reliable and don't need constant maintenance with Runescape updates.

The Playersensed value has proven to be less likely to cause a ban then everyone typing the same or close to same number like this bot originally did. I personally type the number of items that would be made from the inventory but not all players due that and to make a compromise that works for most was to use a constant value that is unique per player rather then all players typing the same value.

To touch note on the ban that you mentioned. I have seen 0 reports of this bot getting someone banned. it was my second bot made. I personally ran it for well over 2000 hours on my main account never received a ban on that account I and I have ran this bot personally for 12-16 hours in a single day with an average run-time of 8 hours.

Back to the original point of my response. The only updates that will be worked on and produced would be those directly concerning bug reports causing the bot to break and would cause ban. which the number being typed at this time does not show as a chance to cause ban due to fact that there is over 600 users and 0 reports of ban that have been reported to me. There is a file saved on your computer with the values that are save for your account. simply delete it and it will generate a new value. you can keep doing that until you reach a value you are happy with.
Oct 18, 2016
Hi when using the bot to make gold bracelets in Edgeville I'm running into a bit of a problem. The bot will either get stuck trying to click "make x" bracelets or will get stuck in the bank, but either way it's getting logged out and when it logs back in, it's crashing. It does it everytime from anywhere from 10 minutes to multiple hours before it happens

0:10:05 DEBUG bank task
00:10:05 DEBUG normal bank task
00:10:05 INFO bank is open
00:10:05 INFO items in bank
00:10:06 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:10:06 DEBUG bank task
00:10:06 DEBUG normal bank task
00:10:12 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
00:10:20 INFO inv doesnt have items
00:10:20 DEBUG bank task
00:10:20 DEBUG normal bank task
at robot.iiIiIiiIiI.execute(qa:206)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.tree.TreeBot.onLoop(ycc:168)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(yvb:66)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(jwb:22817)
at nul.IIIiiIiiIiIii.run(wjc:26)
Nov 21, 2016
Hi when using the bot to make gold bracelets in Edgeville I'm running into a bit of a problem. The bot will either get stuck trying to click "make x" bracelets or will get stuck in the bank, but either way it's getting logged out and when it logs back in, it's crashing. It does it everytime from anywhere from 10 minutes to multiple hours before it happens

Will see what I can but done with ease. as far as I can tell from some Runemate updates this bot would need to be mostly re-written to be updatable due to changes in the API, including deprecating methods that are currently being used
The light orbs should now be resolved
some minor adjustments to get back into RMI compliance

Edgeville furnace ( reducing mis-clicks)
Will be reviewing all submitted error reports

time-frame is currently unknown but updates will come
Nov 21, 2016
Dark sage updated Illuminati AIO Crafter Trial with a new update entry:

Illuminati AIO Crafter v0.1.2.11 Released!

Illuminati AIO Crafter updated to v0.1.2.11.

Read the rest of this update entry...
There are multiple updates planned for this bot over next 2 weeks. Any suggestions and/or bugs reports would be greatly appreciated. With any suggestions or bug reports. I will be able to potentially work out any new bugs and add support and make adjustments per user request.

While the total Re-write for this bot is being done, I have decided to temporarily remove this from the store upon next update pushed.

Aiming to have back online within 48-72 hours.

I do greatly appreciate all the patience, while I was not working on the bot and now that I'm doing the re-write to support the new interfaces and for bug fixes

Thank you DarkSage
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Nov 21, 2016
If things go as expected the update would be queued by the 20th.

The bot will be completely rewritten and rebranded
Should have bot update queued by end of this weekend. The computer related issues have been resolved...


Officially back online and working on updates :D
V 1.0.0 brings :
renamed to "Regal Crafting"
multiple failsafe methods to prevent errors
Edgeville furnace adjustments to reduce mis-clicks
Make All interface supported

*** Future updates planned ***
amulet spinning
*** Possible updates ***
spinning wheel
Aug 14, 2017
Seems to be reeeealllyy buggy when selecting "Make all" scrolls through all of the options multiple times
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