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Qve Divination [Deleted]

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Sep 22, 2015
wait i think it doesnt have to do with your bot in particular but something with runemate is broken i heard. other (div) bots have same kinda issues
Ah thanks for the heads up man!!

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Jul 24, 2014
Hey, I got from 1 to 75 so far with your bot. Just chiming in to give some feedback/suggestions:
- The camera barely moves, I don't know if this has anything to do with PlayerSense, but it could be your bot as well. It's kinda botlike but not a problem at all.
- It sometimes misclicks on the rift and opens the conversion interface. I've had it get stuck like 3 times so far in that way. I don't think a workaround should be too difficult to implement.
- A cool addition would be 'support for abyssal transit'. It's one of the Memorial to Guthix perks that makes the player able to transfer Chronicles away from your inventory, getting full XP like if you were handing them in. Their left-click option then becomes 'offer' and if the bot were to transfer them at like 10 collected, you would get the biggest efficiency. This is very good as well for extra XP.
Sep 22, 2015
Hey, I got from 1 to 75 so far with your bot. Just chiming in to give some feedback/suggestions:
- The camera barely moves, I don't know if this has anything to do with PlayerSense, but it could be your bot as well. It's kinda botlike but not a problem at all.
- It sometimes misclicks on the rift and opens the conversion interface. I've had it get stuck like 3 times so far in that way. I don't think a workaround should be too difficult to implement.
- A cool addition would be 'support for abyssal transit'. It's one of the Memorial to Guthix perks that makes the player able to transfer Chronicles away from your inventory, getting full XP like if you were handing them in. Their left-click option then becomes 'offer' and if the bot were to transfer them at like 10 collected, you would get the biggest efficiency. This is very good as well for extra XP.
Hey, this bot is pretty old. I'll try to fix the issues as soon as i have time, thanks for the feedback
Feb 12, 2018
Got with with a 48 hour ban after using it for 3 hours. Script is highly outdated and features no sort of anti-ban method at all. I'd recommend a more modern script or babysit this one if you need to use it. Unfortunate since Qverkk scripts are usually pretty tight, Fighter Pro has to be the best one imo and still works fine.
Sep 22, 2015
Got with with a 48 hour ban after using it for 3 hours. Script is highly outdated and features no sort of anti-ban method at all. I'd recommend a more modern script or babysit this one if you need to use it. Unfortunate since Qverkk scripts are usually pretty tight, Fighter Pro has to be the best one imo and still works fine.
This bot hasn't been updated in over a year, and overall divination is bannable af, so i suggest not botting it more than 1-2h ;d and im glad u like the fighter, all my work goes into it
Feb 23, 2018
Would love to see an updated version of this bot. I have been using it but it keeps getting stuck alot. Mainly when it is converting the memories into experiences. Jagex I think has moved the 3-option window (energy, exp, exp+) slightly to the left or up a little. So now the bot doesn't know where to click to select and convert the memories. I have also noticed that it usually happens just after hitting another level. which is very odd. as i level up it seems to get stuck. it has gotten a bit weird for me by not having full inventories all the time, or yeah the fact that it simply stands still for hours wasting your runemate money if you let it trying to choose which type of experience it wants enhanced or normal, or energy.

Give us your namebrand quality scripting asap please. edit* i wont give it a rating as I think it definitely needs to be updated. so get on it and i will comeback and give it a 5. :) for now its like a 2.5 just cuz i have to monitor it so much and worry about it like a bad baby bot. :p
Got with with a 48 hour ban after using it for 3 hours. Script is highly outdated and features no sort of anti-ban method at all. I'd recommend a more modern script or babysit this one if you need to use it. Unfortunate since Qverkk scripts are usually pretty tight, Fighter Pro has to be the best one imo and still works fine.

Where were u using it at? Which location / energy were u harvesting? Also were there other players around? Time of day? Weekend? sorry to hear man.
No sir. This bot just harvests, that would be a premium addition if i'd implement that
would love that feature added to supporter. but yeah i can't wait to get harvesting there soon and worry about pkers alot also.
Sep 22, 2015
Would love to see an updated version of this bot. I have been using it but it keeps getting stuck alot. Mainly when it is converting the memories into experiences. Jagex I think has moved the 3-option window (energy, exp, exp+) slightly to the left or up a little. So now the bot doesn't know where to click to select and convert the memories. I have also noticed that it usually happens just after hitting another level. which is very odd. as i level up it seems to get stuck. it has gotten a bit weird for me by not having full inventories all the time, or yeah the fact that it simply stands still for hours wasting your runemate money if you let it trying to choose which type of experience it wants enhanced or normal, or energy.

Give us your namebrand quality scripting asap please. edit* i wont give it a rating as I think it definitely needs to be updated. so get on it and i will comeback and give it a 5. :) for now its like a 2.5 just cuz i have to monitor it so much and worry about it like a bad baby bot. :p

Where were u using it at? Which location / energy were u harvesting? Also were there other players around? Time of day? Weekend? sorry to hear man.

would love that feature added to supporter. but yeah i can't wait to get harvesting there soon and worry about pkers alot also.
Write me a simple overview with settings and stuff and i'll try to get it fixed once i fix my java issue here
Apr 22, 2018
This bot needs to be updated when possible to right click and choose what action to take with the energy now since new update it just stands there using a different bot for now till this is updated
btw i use a few of your other bots still they work nicely thanks for the work!
Oct 30, 2018
@qverkk can you please be so nice and add the option that it fills the divine o matioc vakuum with empty charges?
And it often clicks on a whisp even though it is already farming it (bot like)
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