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Qve AIOFighter (LITE)


Jun 9, 2015
What am I doing wrong for the banking? I put the varrock teleport tablet into my action bar but whenever I try to get it to kill cockroach soldiers it just says "moving to bank" and it just sits there and breaks the teleport tabs over and over and doesn't do anything.

I am trying to kill cockroach soldiers with banking in edgeville and this is happening.
Mar 31, 2017
First of all I love this combat bot :)
I have only seen 1 issue. When fighting npc in chaos tunnels sometimes the bot will click on a portal and teleport the account into the next room. The bot will proceed to attempt to attack the npc in the next room however they are unreachable. It seems like the while the bot is in the next room it will attempt to attack unreachable targets indefinitely.
May 27, 2017
Whenever I try to run it, it will stay stuck on "Setting up".

Doesn't matter what I try to change.

I have set attack within range, NPCs and to eat below a certain hp.

Logs are empty.

It seems it might be cause by running it inside a room with a closed door. Somehow that bugged it.
Last edited:
Sep 22, 2015
Whenever I try to run it, it will stay stuck on "Setting up".

Doesn't matter what I try to change.

I have set attack within range, NPCs and to eat below a certain hp.

Logs are empty.
Please setup the whole bot and send me all screenshots of each tab and I'll let u know what's wrong

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk