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OSRS Quitting and giving away my account.

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May 29, 2015
I've been playing RuneScape since 2008 on and off, had maxed accounts (botted) but still i played alot. A few months ago i decided to try RuneScape again but now i see that it takes up too much of my time even when i'm botting the account so i've decided to give the account away. It's nothing special at all but it has full void, some imbued rings and some overall good stuff.

of all the botting sites i've been on (first simba, then Kbot etc) i think that Runemate has been the best one. that's why i decide to give it away here.

To get the account tell me your best runescape memory!

I'll pick a winner later today. Cheers and have a nice day!
Jan 8, 2018
Hey smeagol99,

Sad to see a runemate member go away, and a runescape player. But I can understand that runescape can get boring and somewhat time consuming if you got other things to do.

Well, my best runescape memory was when I went to PK in 2010/2011 with full rune. It was on my main, the very first account I made as well. I was so confident that I went to a multizone, left of the cooking guild, to fight others. So here is the story, first the team that was there killed a person and I joined them doing it, thinking that they accepted me in their group. Then after killing him, they turned against another person. Now there was a person in this group yelling, "Kill Dragonfame**", which made me very angry since it was my runescape name during that time. The next second everybody on that team began attacking me, but I had no idea since everyone on the fucking hill was people with full rune armor. I also never checked my health bar, so I continued attacking the guy who attacked me while I also talked shit back to him. In my mind I thought they were hitting that piece of crap who called me out, but it turned out to be me. Why did I think that? Well it took nearly 15 seconds to kill me, without me even eating, and it was very hard to pinpoint where my runescape avatar was on the hill since everybody had rune on.

Yea, that is my cool story and to be honest the only memory I remember clearly of runescape from that time.
Oct 5, 2016
Sucks to see you go dude. At least you've realised that runescape can be time-consuming. If anything, it's a step in the right direction haha.

My best runescape memory has to be getting membership for the first time, 11 years ago. As a kid I was bewildered by literally every little thing back then and finally convincing my parents to get me membership (and it took a lot of convincing to even get them to make a transaction over the internet) was such a pleasant memory. I think the first thing I did when I logged on was go through the Taverly gates. Being stuck as f2p for so long, I honestly had no idea what went on past those gates haha. I spent the rest of the day picking flax and chopping maple trees at seers village. It's weird but that's a pleasant memory I think back to when I think of runescape.

Anyway, best of luck in the future and hopefully you enjoyed the story =)
May 5, 2016
Its a shame to see you quit mate, this game has been a real bitch but we always seem to come back day after day.
My best memory is probably in the early days of 2005/06 when my brother and I would go to Clan Wars and just be generally awful at it. This was back in the day when the game was still fun and I was blissfully ignorant and a massive noob. Good luck with everything outside of Runescape mate.
May 26, 2018
Don't go i've just started again, it always bring you back you may come to regret it!
Don't go i've just started again, it always bring you back you may come to regret it!

But my best memory of runescape is back over 10+ years ago when I was innocent playing runescape when everyone in school played it to i remember getting given 70 dragon long swords for ranger boots 7M was 10£ a mill back then I had to grab a calculator because I couldnt work out he put up 7 Million in D long's for 550K of ranger boots I fastly accepted then purchased a blue party hat for 6M this was my best memory!

Or being lured to wildy for the first time is also a great memory I laugh to this day I was lured for a mithril scimitiar the pain at that age of losing it was unreal but funny now!
May 30, 2018
i was doing dragon slayer back in like 2012 or something and i decided to equip my adamant spikeshield instead of the anti dragon shield because i was curious as to how well it would protect me. well elvarg 1 shot me. and in those days i carried my entire cash stack on me, and my best gear, so gg bank. i was so sad lol
May 14, 2018
So many great memories from the old days playing as a kid... I got so happy for little things back as a noob i remember way back in the day when i first started rs, I had been grinding out for so long with bronze sword then my friend gave me a steel battleaxe for free :D
Gl with your future endeavors and have a nice day!
Sep 13, 2017
The single best memory for me in Runescape was the moment when I joined members after 2 years of F2P (level 90 combat with F2P skills around 50).

I paid by mailing cash to Jagex@Cambridge lol with my account name and password written on an A4 paper (waited around 2 weeks, worried that my payment didn't go through until I got the message announcement in inbox) because Credit Cards were a luxury back then that even my parents didn't have. It's not even the right currency but I made sure it was enough after converting to pounds. Felt silly paying that way but I really wanted members and I have never thanked Jagex for actually accepting my monthly payment for five months until I got a friend to use his debit card.

Entering Taverly's gate for the first time and being greeted by my P2P clan mates really signified the first step into the world of Runescape.

I remember being so overwhelmed that day, walking around in my full Rune and banking every loot and resources I got. I didn't even accomplish much on that day but I spent the whole night walking around and examining things.

That day marked the end of my farming Moss Giants in Varrock Sewers for big bones, fishing lobsters and swordies for sale in Edgeville and merching coloured gloves using Flash/Wave text.

And the worse experience? Five years ago, the gripping fear of knowing that I just logged into a fake Runescape forum trying to find a 130+ Combat PC world because Heart Unit/ZPC was slow that day. I tried to delay logging out but I panicked and forgot to bank my valuables.

Lost AGS (80m~ period), full Bandos, Robin Hat, Ranger Boots, Karil set and Ahrim sets. I continued to PC with Guthans and whip, got my 99 range at PC and I quit 2 days later. I just joined again and was pleasantly surprised that all of my lost goods were obtainable again for much lower costs.

Remembering all this really makes me happy, sad and nostalgic. I had so much respect for anyone over 120 combat, remembered seeing The Old Nite once while cooking sharks at Thieving Guild, missed the Durial massacre, attended the Falador Riots, witnessed one of the first few Godsword that entered the game, walked through Falador Park dreaming of rares while I was trying to sell runes, dancing in Varrock Square, running around low level Edgeville trying to scavenge, FFA clan wars in Greater Demon area, luring bots to their death, running away from Random Events, hating MEP2 and remembering getting excited about drops like Abyssal Whip, Dark Bow, the myth of Dchain from dust devils, tip.it forums and that famous stats signature, RSOF rants section, saw my friend got PMod, and the best? mIRC! Trout slap.

Sorry to hear that you're leaving RS but I'd be glad to give the acc back whenever if I got it because I know how you feel right now but also know that you'll remember RS every once in a while and that's an even worse feeling than quitting :'(
May 29, 2015
I liked all your stories! But i really liked @unrealdrips one. i'll send you a pm with the account info, now the time has come for me to stop playing :)
Jan 8, 2018
I liked all your stories! But i really liked @unrealdrips one. i'll send you a pm with the account info, now the time has come for me to stop playing :)

Hope you have a great time from now and do not regret the decision you have made. Move on with your life and you will achieve alot hopefully :)
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