Working now!
Some feedback, I have only just unlocked upper level (thanks to this bot

) so I did my first run with it up there, there are quite a few issues with it:
1) Ladder climbing is extremely buggy, it very often clicks nearly a whole tile south of the ladder when going down and almost a whole tile north of the ladder when going up. It will just click constantly without clicking on the ladder until it's stopped or one of the misclicks happens to make the character walk and then potentially there's a chance the bot adjusts and it clicks it after that.
I did notice one time before it started trying to click the ladder to go back down it moved the camera directly south, it got the ladder first time going up and down then so maybe this is a solution. Alternatively maybe a check to see that the up-text says "Ladder" before clicking would be a good idea.
2) As soon as you go up the ladder there is a rockfall about 2-3 tiles NE of the character, it will ignore this rockfall every time and just try click on veins on the other side of it until someone else mines the rockfall. It should be noted that if you are on the other side of the rockfall and mining and then get a full inventory and need to go back down the ladder it will mine this rockfall without fail.
There was also an issue where it had got to the other side of the rockfall and was mining away then there was one vein directly east of that rockfall but requires being on the other side (ladder side) of the rockfall to reach that vein and it again ignored the rockfall until I manually intervened.
3) When you go up the ladder you can go on a path slightly West (there is no rockfall blocking this path), it seems to go to this side less frequently but it does it on occasion. When it goes up there it then tries to click on a vein on the other side of the wall which is actually on the right-hand/East side area which is blocked by the rockfall. As the rockfall is there the player will just stand on the West side clicking the vein on the East side until someone mines the rockfall allowing the player to run over the right side or manual intervention. This happened 100% of the time when going to the West side.
As always thanks for the bot, it's really good at the lower levels and I reckon upper level will be working great soon!