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QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

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Jan 25, 2017
just tried this, it does keep clicking on the mine after a few seconds if you don't get an ore.
Nov 4, 2013
Hyperion updated QuickMiner Lite with a new update entry:

QuickMiner Lite v1.4.39 Released!

QuickMiner Lite updated to v1.4.39.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I tried using this bot in Varrock West, and every time it would bank the logs, it would teleport me to Burthorpe.
Should be resolved with latest update.
When going to bank the ores, it gets stuck in the bank and won't go back to mining in falador west.
Still happening? Was this RS3 or OSRS?
Keeps clicking on the node while mining, just needs the one click.
Fixed with last update.
Stuck at Al Kharid bank after banking ores. Tried playing with the "Mine Radius" and "return to spot" with no avail. Also tried to set my own location but it was "unable to path" from the bank to the mine.
RS3 or OSRS?
just tried this, it does keep clicking on the mine after a few seconds if you don't get an ore.
Fixed with last update.
Aug 23, 2019
Hi there! I've just started running the bot recently on OSRS and mining at Lumbridge East, the copper and tin, but every time it banks, it doesn't go back to the mine. I have to manually click it back down the stairs and then it'll run again once I hit the first floor. Is there anything I need to check besides the ore type and the bank? Not sure if I missed anything hehe
Nov 4, 2013
Hi there! I've just started running the bot recently on OSRS and mining at Lumbridge East, the copper and tin, but every time it banks, it doesn't go back to the mine. I have to manually click it back down the stairs and then it'll run again once I hit the first floor. Is there anything I need to check besides the ore type and the bank? Not sure if I missed anything hehe
Hey, there's a client bug currently present that prevents it from traversing Lumbridge castle correctly. Please use a different location.
Dec 2, 2018
on the pro version after an hour it stops and and says 'thanks for using lite version use pro for more use' or what ever it says. i tried the lite version and it just iidles
Nov 4, 2013
on the pro version after an hour it stops and and says 'thanks for using lite version use pro for more use' or what ever it says. i tried the lite version and it just iidles
I'm not sure how that could have happened. PRO version does not have a time limit. Both Lite and PRO however use the some code so if one of them works, the otherone does too. If you experience this problem again please send me log via PM.
Aug 11, 2019
Bot changes rocks before the rock is mined wasting time. Only mined two inventories of mithril in an hour. Also had a hard time starting from Falador east bank to mining guild.
Nov 4, 2013
Bot changes rocks before the rock is mined wasting time. Only mined two inventories of mithril in an hour. Also had a hard time starting from Falador east bank to mining guild.
First time hearing about this. Please send me the log via PM.
Sep 7, 2019
works decent getting the ores and taking them to the bank. but when i got to the bank it banked the ores and sat there for about 5 mins before i manually when back to the rocks to continue mining. works good but wouldnt take me back to the ores from the bank( im mining iron ore at varrock east)
Sep 12, 2019
I have tried this bot at Varrock West, Lumbridge Castle, and Al Kharid. ALL of them stop working after depositing at the bank. This is not Lumbridge Castle specific, obviously.
Oct 6, 2019
Great script!
but i found out a bug.
When mining in Luminite Ore in dwarven mines and set to bank on dungeon depot. After depositing items it doesnt go back through dungeon gate, and stay by the side of the gold rocks inside the dungeon.
Appreciate a fix on it.
Thanks alot.
Sep 20, 2017
Doesnt go from mining spot to bank. only stops and stands still when inventory gets full. i have to move manually and when i got close to bank, bot works again and banks for me, but it always tries to teleport to varrock after banking so i have to move back to mining spot manually and when im close to the mining spot the bot starts mining. if only this would work its a great bot
Jan 4, 2020
Banking is broken. Doesn't travel to bank, instead idle indefinitely with a full inventory (Varrock East).
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Jan 12, 2020
I am having trouble with the bot creating paths from the mining hole to the bank (and vise versa)
if i get the bot to the mining site they will go to town until the inv is full, then he freezes. I looked at the logs a noticed an error for "Unable to find path from Coordinate(3171, 3400, 0) to Coordinate(3185, 3438, 0) 00:21:48 WARN author.IIIiiIiiii - Failed to find path to bank/deposit box!"....

Then i simply allowed my mouse to override the bot, brought him CLOSE to the bank, and he took over again. The bot went into the bank and deposited everything before freezing again while leaving the bank... Checked the logs... same error. i manually brought the bot back to the mining site and then he continued on his way.

very confused why he wont walk back and forth by himself.
P.s. i have tried it at the Varrock East and West locations
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