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Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

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Jun 9, 2015
Here is my 3 hour prog of this bot:


  • Nature runes
  • All pouches including massive
  • Abyssal Titan
  • 5% RC output bonus from quest
  • Wilderness sword 3 for chance to teleport to inner ring of Abyss
I had to babysit on a 2nd monitor for this because in the 3 hours I had my Wilderness sword 3 unequipped 3 times causing me to lose maybe 2 or 3 runs/hour.

I can definitely see this bot achieving close to 4m/h with:
  • Addition of Wilderness Sword 3 support to actionbar
  • Infinity Ethereal outfit support for an additional 12 essence per run
  • Use of keybind "1" for preset selection instead of clicking preset 1 with the mouse.

Thank you for that proggy and report!
The wilderness sword 3 is not supported in this version, but it will be in the next ;)
Ethereal outfit will not be supported for now because it is simply not worth it. Why?
- The ethereal outfit will force you out of the bank tab. This means the bot has to re-open the bank to withdraw the preset
- I had to implement a very hacky solution to get the correct ethereal outfit interface (TLDR: Takes up around ~5 seconds)
- All mouse movement around the bank is very unstable, causing the bot to slow down even further (the more interactions you do which are bank related, the slower the bot will get)

I have all the framework in place, and I can enable the outfit support at any time. If improvements are made to the bank interactions, I will think about adding it again.

Use of keybindings are Playersensed.
PlayerSense is used to prevent accounts from having the same pattern, even when they are running the same bot. By giving each account a different behavior when it comes to certain things (such as using hotkeys for interfaces, hotkeys for the actionbar, when to enable run and much, much more) we strive to combat against some of the pattern detecting code that Jagex uses to identify bots.
Nov 24, 2016
Thank you for that proggy and report!
The wilderness sword 3 is not supported in this version, but it will be in the next ;)
Ethereal outfit will not be supported for now because it is simply not worth it. Why?
- The ethereal outfit will force you out of the bank tab. This means the bot has to re-open the bank to withdraw the preset
- I had to implement a very hacky solution to get the correct ethereal outfit interface (TLDR: Takes up around ~5 seconds)
- All mouse movement around the bank is very unstable, causing the bot to slow down even further (the more interactions you do which are bank related, the slower the bot will get)

I have all the framework in place, and I can enable the outfit support at any time. If improvements are made to the bank interactions, I will think about adding it again.

Use of keybindings are Playersensed.

Understandable, it probably won't be too long before Jagex implements some QoL changes to outfit filling.

I ran into another issue twice during my 6 hour session where the bot idles in the inner ring of the abyss because the nature entrance is barely visible but cannot be interacted with like the following picture. Manually turning the camera fixes it.

Here is an updated 6 hour prog of this bot. Small bugs aside, this is probably the highest GP/h bot on runemate right now for RS3
Jun 9, 2015
Understandable, it probably won't be too long before Jagex implements some QoL changes to outfit filling.

I ran into another issue twice during my 6 hour session where the bot idles in the inner ring of the abyss because the nature entrance is barely visible but cannot be interacted with like the following picture. Manually turning the camera fixes it.

Here is an updated 6 hour prog of this bot. Small bugs aside, this is probably the highest GP/h bot on runemate right now for RS3
Your issue is fixed in the next update :)
Jul 22, 2016
MY character double clicks the wildy ledge twice every time which makes him hop into wildy hop back, then proceed to enter wildy again. Is this a bug or is my interface settings dicked or something?
edit:Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Default, nature runes with bby titan
Bot run duration:1 hour
Bug description:^
Steps to reproduce:does it every trip or every other trip
Have you found a work-around (manual): nope
Jun 9, 2015
MY character double clicks the wildy ledge twice every time which makes him hop into wildy hop back, then proceed to enter wildy again. Is this a bug or is my interface settings dicked or something?
edit:Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Default, nature runes with bby titan
Bot run duration:1 hour
Bug description:^
Steps to reproduce:does it every trip or every other trip
Have you found a work-around (manual): nope
Fixed in next update
Jun 9, 2015
No, just slowed down on using this until the update had been pushed and I am working on 91 RC in the runespan atm. Just curious is all.
Strange, I haven't updated anything (yet). Let me know if it happens again, and I'll fix it asap.
Jun 9, 2015
RobinPC updated Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro with a new update entry:

Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro v3.1.0 Released!

Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro updated to v3.1.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...

- Familiar will now be called when it's too far away from the bank, preventing the bot from summoning a new familiar when one is still present.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was trying to summon a familiar, even though there was no room for the familiar to spawn.
- Fixed an issue where the bot did not recognize the familiar at all.
- Fixed an issue where the bot thought the user did not use a familiar, even though the user did select it in the User Interface.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was stuck at the altar.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was stuck at filling pouches.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was walking outside of the bank.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was stuck at the inner ring.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was stuck at the altar.
- Fixed an issue where the bot hopped back into Edgeville after successfully crossing the wilderness.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was hopping back and forth over the wilderness wall.
- Fixed an issue where the bot was not healing correctly, even though it was displayed in the User Interface.
- Fixed several memory consuming issues.

- The bot will now spam-click more consistently on the obstacles in the Abyss.
- The bot will now prioritize the abyss obstacles based on level within an acceptable range.
- The bot will now stop once again when running out of supplies (includes: essence and BoB pouches).
- The bot will now stop once the player has not enough money to buy a wilderness sword.
- The bot will now stop once the player has no wicked hood in the bank (death handler).
- The bot will now call the familiar when it is too far away at the bank.
- The lite version will now stop on death.
- The bot now supports wilderness sword 2 and 3. It will also be retrieved on death.
- The bot now only update trackers when XP was gained. This will decrease memory usage.
- The bot now has a debug panel so the user can keep track of what is happening.
- The bot now has a tooltip for almost every setting in the User Interface. Simply hover over it and it will be displayed.
- The bot will no stop after a user-defined stop condition.
- The bot will now display when it is going to take a break, and for how long.
- The bot will now display the last 12 debug messages from the log.
Last edited:
Feb 3, 2017
Nice update, but I believe the obstacle prioritization is causing it to just run around the outer ring, jumping from one "prioritized" obstacle to another, watched my account do a full lap and run back and forth between obstacles. It was quite bothersome to see this when it has never had issues like this before.

Game Mode: OSRS
Bot settings: Nature
Bot run duration: <5 min
Bug description: See above
Steps to reproduce: Start bot?
Thoughts for a work-around:
Once it sets a priority, it shouldn't be able to change it, not until it re-enters the abyss anyway.

Edit: I know this may not be the best first post, but this was the biggest blunder of an update I've seen. :(
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Jun 9, 2015
Nice update, but I believe the obstacle prioritization is causing it to just run around the outer ring, jumping from one "prioritized" obstacle to another, watched my account do a full lap and run back and forth between obstacles. It was quite bothersome to see this when it has never had issues like this before.

Game Mode: OSRS
Bot settings: Nature
Bot run duration: <5 min
Bug description: See above
Steps to reproduce: Start bot?
Thoughts for a work-around:
Once it sets a priority, it shouldn't be able to change it, not until it re-enters the abyss anyway.

Edit: I know this may not be the best first post, but this was the biggest blunder of an update I've seen. :(
What are your levels in:
- Mining
- Firemaking
- Thieving
- Agility
- Woodcutting

Thanks for the report
Feb 3, 2017
What are your levels in:
- Mining
- Firemaking
- Thieving
- Agility
- Woodcutting

Thanks for the report

Mining: 65
Thieving: 50
Agility: 55
FM: 65
Woodcutting: 70

While watching it run around the ring, it looked like it skipped the tendrils. Didn't pay attention to what it ran back and forth between. With these levels, I would choose the closest obstacle.
Jun 9, 2015
Mining: 65
Thieving: 50
Agility: 55
FM: 65
Woodcutting: 70

While watching it run around the ring, it looked like it skipped the tendrils. Didn't pay attention to what it ran back and forth between. With these levels, I would choose the closest obstacle.
Consider it fixed in the next update :)
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