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Prime Pest Control [Deleted]

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Nov 8, 2019
garbage, ran for 5 hours, watched first game go by and was ok.....then stood there afk for 5 hours...ban imcoming I think, and wasted money, sad
Aug 28, 2017
Takes some babysitting at times, but overall works good. Ran Hexis for 5 hours one night and my self (and a mate doing the same thing) both got temp bans. Haven't had any issues with Prime PC apart from the gangplank/right click going weird as the occasional trying to click outside of the map and kind of looking like an obvious bot. Luckily it does this at the start and you have to restart it, bummer you can't restart client without ending the bot (probably wasted $10-20 on this so far tbh)

But seems OK.
Jun 1, 2020
worked fine for first 1h and then started crashing over and over... lost about 1 dollar just tryng to fix it
Aug 28, 2017
Does anyone else get the right click bug? Cant left click or right click on NPC's or gangplank.

Is this just me?
Jul 30, 2020
Just wanted to say i've logged about 30 hours over the last week taking breaks every 3-5 hours and had no issues.
Hmmmm having to comment again as now when i run the bot it doesnt seem to win games.
i went from getting around 700 tokens in 10 hours (with breaks) to about 90 and/or the bot stopping after 4 hours with about 50 tokens earned.
Jun 15, 2020
The main issues that occur are #1 if you die and the bot goes into the path walking phase and then the game ends, the bot will break and will no longer reenter boat. #2, the bot often gets stuck on brawlers and will be inactive till that brawler dies, this is not a massive issue because it will not break the bot, but it would be nice if that was also fixed. "path walking phase is very glitchy, the closed/open gates will also sometimes break this phase"
Does anyone else get the right click bug? Cant left click or right click on NPC's or gangplank.

Is this just me?
yes, it is due to the path walking phase, if you die and the bot starts the path walking phase as the game ends, it breaks the bot. this needs to be fixed
maybe support anti-magic prayer, so that you can survive an entire game, if you don't die during game you are less likely to have your bot break.
Just wanted to say I've logged about 30 hours over the last week taking breaks every 3-5 hours and had no issues.
Hmmmm having to comment again as now when I run the bot it doesn't seem to win games.
I went from getting around 700 tokens in 10 hours (with breaks) to about 90 and/or the bot stopping after 4 hours with about 50 tokens earned.
yes, there are some minor glitches that I noticed, I hope the developer notices them, they are an easy fix, I am willing to walk the dev through it if they have questions, I have been scripting since before Runescape classic macroing scripts were out. i am getting to old to be making my own, my eyes are not like they use to be
Takes some babysitting at times, but overall works good. Ran Hexis for 5 hours one night and my self (and a mate doing the same thing) both got temp bans. Haven't had any issues with Prime PC apart from the gangplank/right click going weird as the occasional trying to click outside of the map and kind of looking like an obvious bot. Luckily it does this at the start and you have to restart it, bummer you can't restart client without ending the bot (probably wasted $10-20 on this so far tbh)

But seems OK.
yes this is a common issue I see, and this mostly only occurs if you die right before the game ends, and the bot is in the path phase. the dev really needs to fix this
If this type of service was out when I was younger I would love to dev some scripts in my free time. I have no need to now because I have my doctorate and I get busy with work, but I have loved Runescape since classic, its sad the gold farmers abused the macroing system :(. does anyone know "the Old Nite", He was rank 2 on rs2 when Zezima was rank 1. He passed away but he was a good friend of mine, I use to make scripts for him.
Aug 13, 2020
bot freezes and does not enter the game for hours, sometimes will completely bug and not begin games even after you restart. please refund.
Mar 2, 2019
it starts now but glitches out when inside pest control.
It keeps clicking outside the map like of the picture.

Is it possible to get a 50 cent refund after its fixed?

Thanks for your hard work.


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Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
it starts now but glitches out when inside pest control.
It keeps clicking outside the map like of the picture.

Is it possible to get a 50 cent refund after its fixed?

Thanks for your hard work.

Have refunded $0.50, will look at it when I get a chance, have a lot of client work to do at the moment.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Party updated Prime Pest Control with a new update entry:

Prime Pest Control v2.3.7 Released!

Prime Pest Control updated to v2.3.7.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Update from the discord

Party — Today at 05:44
Just an update for you guys, I have a version working locally. It needs some finishing touches but it should be infinitely more reliable than the current version.
It's not fully-featured, but I want to make sure that stability is established and we can build from there.
While I'm on that subject, if anyone has any decent feature requests, now is the time.
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