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Prime NMZ

Aug 1, 2017
none of these things are a big deal, especially the corner things. you should be using rock cake + overloads anyways so your hp should be at 1 at all times.

That's not the point mate. If you're standing in a spot where 3 monsters can attack you they're going to be hitting you 3x as much. If you are standing in a corner then only 2 mobs can hit you. This is the difference between losing potentially 3 absorption points per attack versus 2 or 1 if the NPCs are trapped correctly; meaning your absorption potions and trips are going to be lasting a lot longer.
uwu :3
May 3, 2017
That's not the point mate. If you're standing in a spot where 3 monsters can attack you they're going to be hitting you 3x as much. If you are standing in a corner then only 2 mobs can hit you. This is the difference between losing potentially 3 absorption points per attack versus 2 or 1 if the NPCs are trapped correctly; meaning your absorption potions and trips are going to be lasting a lot longer.
no, im afraid you're not getting it. if you're doing a hard dream, and using rock cake, they can only hit you for 1 point of damage. that's it. so what if there's 3 of them, that's only 3 pts of damage on the chance that they will hit. you will always make more pts then you lose in that case. even on my 1 def accounts I make way more than what i lose. maybe you're just doing it wrong then
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Only problem is that it doesn't actually exit the dream if you are out of overloads --> even if you have that option checked. The other suggestion I have is to add an option to "Run to Corners". If you are in a corner the most NPCs that will ever hit you is 2 --> if you aren't in a corner than it's possible for NPCs to spawn in a pattern that causes you to take 3 hits every time (until you kill them off or reposition). For a bot that's $0.10 an hour these simple options would be great. Would also be nice if this could be implemented when using the Power Surge buff - where it would grab the buff and run to a corner after you are done using special attacks. Also --> it would be nice if DURING power surge the bot could calculate if you are over 300+ absorption points and would choose not to drink more doses while power surge is going on. You're not going to die with 300+ and right now it will swap interfaces between inventory/special attacks to drink a dose, use a special, and so on and so forth, even when current absorption is between 350-400.

Other than that, really nice bot. Will be using to hit those 99s.

Edit - I actually stopped using power surge option because it would run me to the buff and would stay put in the middle of the instance (causing NPCs to hit you 3 times every second) which is a waste of absorption potions, especially with lower defense.

I've been meaning to rewrite the bot to include pretty much all of these things but time constraints are killing me at the moment. Once I have time, like I say, more or less all of these things will be making their way in, alongside improvements to existing functionality.
Aug 1, 2017
no, im afraid you're not getting it. if you're doing a hard dream, and using rock cake, they can only hit you for 1 point of damage. that's it. so what if there's 3 of them, that's only 3 pts of damage on the chance that they will hit. you will always make more pts then you lose in that case. even on my 1 def accounts I make way more than what i lose. maybe you're just doing it wrong then

I'm not doing it wrong - yes you will always get more points than you are using.. all I'm saying it's much more efficient to be hit twice than it is to be hit three times. That's mathematics, and your only argument is that you will gain more points than you lose. I'm arguing efficiency.
Aug 24, 2017
My session failed today, got this message on the RWS site.

Failed to satisfy PotionPurchaseCase(AbsorptionPurchase) 21 times

I have tons of points, not sure what would have caused it.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
My session failed today, got this message on the RWS site.

Failed to satisfy PotionPurchaseCase(AbsorptionPurchase) 21 times

I have tons of points, not sure what would have caused it.

Possible that the recent update broke certain interactions.
Jul 25, 2016
I've found a slight glitch when using a special attack weapon with power surge. If it's a spec weapon with a fast special attack (e.g. Granite maul), the bot will use the attack until the spec bar hits 0% but instead of staying on the combat tab to spam the spec bar, the bot switches back to the inventory every time.
I also sometimes have trouble actually setting up the spec weapon as well. Sometimes it will work perfectly, but other times it just keeps spamming my dragon defender and the spec weapon (Granite maul). Not sure if this is setup related though.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
I've found a slight glitch when using a special attack weapon with power surge. If it's a spec weapon with a fast special attack (e.g. Granite maul), the bot will use the attack until the spec bar hits 0% but instead of staying on the combat tab to spam the spec bar, the bot switches back to the inventory every time.
I also sometimes have trouble actually setting up the spec weapon as well. Sometimes it will work perfectly, but other times it just keeps spamming my dragon defender and the spec weapon (Granite maul). Not sure if this is setup related though.

On the second point, possibly setup related, I'd need to see the logs to confirm!

On the first point, I know and it's a bit awkward to detect. I have to increase the pace at which the bot loops when performing special attacks to ensure they're pumped out quickly for weapons like the g-maul. The issue with that is that when it hits 0 (even for a fraction of a second), the bot is looping much quicker and picks up on the fact that it's out of special attack energy, so starts swapping back to your regular equipment. Again, this is something I aim to fix in the re-write which I have planned by only performing a special attack whilst under the effect of the power surge, and not performing any other tasks (unless safety critical) until the power surge has ended.
Nov 11, 2016
hey if anyone has some feedback for me, that'd be appreciated. using a main to max combat from 76/96/76 and I've been running the bot for about 10-12 hours a day and I'm hesitant to run it continually, or "suicide" it as some would call it. after reading many people maxing their combat with this bot I'm just curious of how much of a risk running it most of the day would be... as in if it would raise any red flags towards jagex or do you think i'd genuinely be safe...?
Dec 27, 2016
Does anyone have an issue when you run this bot for a good amount of time and you suddenly get logged out during combat?
I did 5 hours with Dharok/GMaul, I always babysit and I saw myself just log out while fighting in a dream. Then the auto login just logs me back in right away.
uwu :3
May 3, 2017
Does anyone have an issue when you run this bot for a good amount of time and you suddenly get logged out during combat?
I did 5 hours with Dharok/GMaul, I always babysit and I saw myself just log out while fighting in a dream. Then the auto login just logs me back in right away.
yeah it happens. usually its part of 6 hour log, other times its just a random dc
Mar 30, 2015
@Party Does dharok repair work? It seems to have repaired all except the weapon and it got stuck trying to repair it clicking repair on bob for hours while I was away :(could you put a failsafe, if it does not gain exp in 10 minutes to shutdown? I think I just lost like 3 hrs and as well my account was standing at bob for 3 hrs
Last edited:
Sep 8, 2017
OK, I just got banned after login after update. Seems fair I guess, been running the bot for like 6 days straight.
Awesome bot, keep it up.
Ever thought about adding granite maul support for power surge? As of now the bot uses the specs and switches back to standard weapon. Make it stay at spec bar during power surge, that'd be great.
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Ever thought about adding granite maul support for power surge? As of now the bot uses the specs and switches back to standard weapon. Make it stay at spec bar during power surge, that'd be great.

Should do that already, though the timing may be off if the spec is used and the bar doesn't quite fill up quickly enough.

I know I've been saying this a lot but IRL has been killing me recently so when I do get a chance to finish the re-write, all of the issues mentioned here will be addressed.