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Prime Crabber

Jan 8, 2022
The bot missclicked and equipped an iron pickaxe that was looted, leaving me to train with a iron pickaxe for up to 19 hours. Can you please implement a fix to ensure that the weapon of choice is not changed once the bot begins?

lmao im sorry this happened but thats funny lol
Jun 9, 2015
Only other suggestion is when they not aggressive anymore sometimes it takes like 10 times for it to go far enough.
This will be fixed in the next version. Thanks for reporting it.

The bot missclicked and equipped an iron pickaxe that was looted, leaving me to train with a iron pickaxe for up to 19 hours. Can you please implement a fix to ensure that the weapon of choice is not changed once the bot begins?
Yeah can do. Sorry about this.
Jan 8, 2022
Yeah used it probably 5+ hours a day everyday give or take for like 2 weeks and it rarely has any problems. I have noticed though when it is being weird that if you restart RM and rs and start the bot with fresh settings it'll work normally.
Jan 8, 2022
Not trying to complain but I think i've lost about a dollar restarting the bot 15 minutes in, over the course of a few weeks. Didn't want to say anything at first because I thought user error or something but today I watched it closely. The bot will randomly just start messing up and not recognize the hotspots at all, it will be on the hotspot currently attacking crabs and it'll just start the traversal walking thing and then world hop, and then in the new world it will just walk around lol. I've tried pausing the bot and resetting the hotspot but it's like it doesn't recognize that it is currently on the hotspot. I don't really care about the money, I believe runemate is pretty cheap service for what it provides, but the waste of botting time per day is annoying. Just thought it would be good to tell you. This is on the isle shit.
Jun 9, 2015
Not trying to complain but I think i've lost about a dollar restarting the bot 15 minutes in, over the course of a few weeks. Didn't want to say anything at first because I thought user error or something but today I watched it closely. The bot will randomly just start messing up and not recognize the hotspots at all, it will be on the hotspot currently attacking crabs and it'll just start the traversal walking thing and then world hop, and then in the new world it will just walk around lol. I've tried pausing the bot and resetting the hotspot but it's like it doesn't recognize that it is currently on the hotspot. I don't really care about the money, I believe runemate is pretty cheap service for what it provides, but the waste of botting time per day is annoying. Just thought it would be good to tell you. This is on the isle shit.
That is annoying, and definitely not intended behaviour. Let me see what I can find.
Also issued a $1 refund.
Jun 9, 2015
Oh man you didn't have to do that I appreciate you!
Can you send me the log file in DM? I just forced the bot to hop worlds a few times and every time it ran back to the spot correctly. I need some more information, as I cannot reproduce it at the moment.
Jan 11, 2017
That is annoying, and definitely not intended behaviour. Let me see what I can find.
Also issued a $1 refund.
I've ran into a similar issue before too, it will walk off to reset the aggro of the crabs, then will say "idle, taking a break"...and will literally just stand there for hours on end. I had to restart the bot manually each time. Happened last night, it stood in one spot near the mine on Zeah for 4ish hours.
Jun 9, 2015
I've ran into a similar issue before too, it will walk off to reset the aggro of the crabs, then will say "idle, taking a break"...and will literally just stand there for hours on end. I had to restart the bot manually each time. Happened last night, it stood in one spot near the mine on Zeah for 4ish hours.
Did you have breaking enabled? Also, if you could post logs next time this happens, I can investigate the issue.
Nov 18, 2018
Where exactly can I set up this bot at ammonite crabs every location I've went to, it hasn't worked? Does anyone have screenshots of where it works and what settings I need to be on?
Oct 8, 2019
I think something broke with the latest update, because I can barely use it anymore at crab claw isle. It works to set up and everything, but when crabs de-aggro and the bot runs off to reset, it just spends its time clicking into the water trying to get farther away and gets stuck, and I have to reset the entire bot. probably wasted an hour or two just screwing with settings trying to get it to stop. Everything has worked amazingly up until this point however, great work~
Jan 11, 2017
It's not displaying xp gain. Is not showing what skill is being trained, and not showing what the xp per hour is.
Jun 9, 2015
Where exactly can I set up this bot at ammonite crabs every location I've went to, it hasn't worked? Does anyone have screenshots of where it works and what settings I need to be on?

I think something broke with the latest update, because I can barely use it anymore at crab claw isle. It works to set up and everything, but when crabs de-aggro and the bot runs off to reset, it just spends its time clicking into the water trying to get farther away and gets stuck, and I have to reset the entire bot. probably wasted an hour or two just screwing with settings trying to get it to stop. Everything has worked amazingly up until this point however, great work~

It's not displaying xp gain. Is not showing what skill is being trained, and not showing what the xp per hour is.

Update coming soon to address all of these issues, as well as some nice quality of life changes:

Jun 9, 2015
RobinPC updated Prime Crabber with a new update entry:

[SALE] Prime Crabber v4.0.0 Released!

[SALE] Prime Crabber updated to v4.0.0.

Read the rest of this update entry...

- Fixed bot clicking on water when resetting.
- Fixed bot getting stuck when taking a break, or when world hopping.
- Fixed bot not recognizing aggro.
- Fixed bot not looting throwables if the user was always in combat.
- Fixed bot not looting on Fossil Island.
- Fixed bot running way to far to reset aggro on Zeah West.
- Fixed bot spam clicking on loot and/or when walking using the viewport.

- Increased overall performance, making the bot very fast at identifying new targets when roaming.
- Increased the speed at which the bot recognises that aggro was lost.
- Extended the Fossil Island north location so that all hotspots are properly supported.
- Added 9 more potions.
- Added location images so you can see the exact area that is supported for that location.
- UI updates.
- API updates.
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