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Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

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Dec 31, 2015
I got banned using this for like 5 hours last night. Beware.
Its unlikely you got banned as a result of activity from the previous day, bans are usually delayed. Either way, Blast Furnace is a highly watched area for bots on OSRS.
Jan 4, 2017
Dec 31, 2015
So hows every one finding the new version? It much more stable than before?
Jun 10, 2017
Didn't know Blast Furnace was highly watched. There are a shit ton of people so I thought I was safe lol. If you could change how the bot deposits the bars, that would be great. Also, I got stuck one time where the bot clicked "climb stairs" then it just stood at the top indefinitely until I checked the bot and fixed it.

An important thing to note is the break handler on this bot. I do not have it enabled but when I checked on the bot, I was logged out and the bot was still running saying "resuming after break" or something like that...very strange.

Edit: Got stuck upstairs again. It seems to misclick occasionally and clicks "climbs stairs", the bot doesnt know to climb back down.

Edit 2: Yeah, it misclicks and climbs the stairs pretty often...happened about 4 times today.
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Jun 20, 2017
I don't know what it is but the bot will work fine for around 30 mins and then it will get stuck on collecting the ingots, ive clicked the esc interface allready which allows it to work for a while, but yh, it will get stuck :/
Feb 15, 2015
Sometimes when using staminas and doing addy bars the bot will try and withdraw a stamina potion when the inventory is full. I think this happens when it is withdrawing ore and then the stamina wears off while the inventory is full. This will stop the bot with the error "Unkown error caused when banking"
The log


  • 06-30 20-17-11 - Prime Blast Furnace.txt
    642.8 KB · Views: 1
Dec 31, 2015
Sometimes when using staminas and doing addy bars the bot will try and withdraw a stamina potion when the inventory is full. I think this happens when it is withdrawing ore and then the stamina wears off while the inventory is full. This will stop the bot with the error "Unkown error caused when banking"
The log
Will investigate tomorrow when I have some time.
Sep 29, 2015
Okey I started the bot and it ran for 6 minutes but then had a stroke. (some how it just deposited 2 coal ores into the furnace)
I guess I will be banned since it stood still trying to spam the input for around 33 minutes.

You should add if the previous 2-5 actions were the same it force closes the bot so it doesnt run like I did for 33 minutes doing nothing but click that thing.

Logs down below.

EDIT: When I started the bot again I recieved this log: "BOT STARTUP - Checking current Coal Count In Furnace! Varbit valid amount: 254" So it had put 254 coal into the machine.


  • 07-01 21-14-05 - Prime Blast Furnace.txt
    423.7 KB · Views: 1
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May 28, 2017
Hey so i just found a bug to your script. So the script to making steel works perfectly every now and then but after it awhile it stops and keeps just putting more coal in even thoughi ts already at max. Now i know why this happens is because everytime the belt stops it keeps adding more coal until the belt works then it adds iron ore again. And repeats the process. Now everytime the belt stops it keeps adding more coal to the point where eventually theres to many coals to put in and gets stuck on trying to put more coal in. Now im not sure how bot scripting works, but if theres a way to tell the boat to stop adding more coal after its max full and just put iron ore in that be great. Because after the belt stops working and it adds more coal it keeps filling the thing up to the max coal held. And then it keeps putting coal in even though its full and doesnt know what to do. I can show you the log if you would like but i know for a fact thats what the problem is. But if you want me to show log heres one of the logs. Now this isnt the most recent one but same thing happened then. The otehr log file i have that happened more freaquently with this problem says the file is too large. I've never seen that happen before but wont let me upload because file is too big.

Edit: I just realized it does the pattern where it sometimes fills coal bag once and then does inventory of iron ore and then other times it gets full bag of coal in bag and then retrieves another set of coal. That could also why it happens to max coal and gets stuck. So its not the belt stopping its just the pattern it does. Where sometimes it does multiple inventory of coals set of just 1 coal and 1 iron ore.

Also i think i found a reason why your bot is getting dectectived more often. Everytime its at 75 run energy it refills up one time. It does this everytime. And that makes it very easy to detect for a bot because everyone other person would be doing the same. I would make it where it refills its energy randomly but not lower than 10 energy. Just like how you have the deposite x amount to random is perfect. That is what makes a bot undectable! AGAIN IM NOT A BOT SCRIPTOR. Just trying to help your script become the best it can be. :)

Also i tested it without a coal bag and still does same pattern. Gets more coal and banks and then gets more coal and goes back to bank and refills up coal to max and just gets stuck.

*!(PROBLEM)!* I think it keeps refilling the coal because it doesnt see the xp rate when it usually does and therefor it keeps withdrawing more coal till it sees exp drop but its too late and gets full and gets stuck.

Now i don't know if this happens too on making other bars but i know for a fact the steel bars is bugged.

(7/4/2017)Edit#2: I am making adament bars and it works fine. So it has to be the withdrawing process. I dont think its the xp that is the problem anymore and happy 4th of july! :)


  • 07-03 04-46-46 - Prime Blast Furnace.txt
    144.9 KB · Views: 1
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Jun 10, 2017
I think this is a client error but the bot spam click the button to take the bars for 20mins lol...

Here are the logs:

00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:00:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 INFO Using interface to determine coal bag quantity change
00:01:00 INFO Using interface to determine coal bag quantity change
00:01:00 INFO Coalbag: 0
00:01:00 INFO Coal Change. Old Coal: 27, New Coal: 0, Diff: 27
00:01:00 INFO Ore Change. Old Ore: 0, New Ore: 0, Diff: 0
00:01:00 INFO ORE CHANGE. OLD: 27 NEW: 27
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Coal"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:01:35 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
00:19:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Runite bar"})
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