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Prime Abyss Runecrafting FREE [Deleted]

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Nov 5, 2018
Turn the multiplier up to speed it up.
Moving items wont change anything, you just need to be in the first tab. (The one where it says "The Bank of Gielinor")
Yes i understand that. right when you open the bank everything is right at the very top of bank
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
Yes i understand that. right when you open the bank everything is right at the very top of bank
Actually I think I misunderstood your issue, I'm sorry about that.
You were trying to run the bot with all pouches and it wouldn't withdraw essence?
Nov 5, 2018
Actually I think I misunderstood your issue, I'm sorry about that.
You were trying to run the bot with all pouches and it wouldn't withdraw essence?
it does withdraw it but it just keeps right clicking and withdrawing all over and over when invy is full. so it just sits there
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
it does withdraw it but it just keeps right clicking and withdrawing all over and over when invy is full. so it just sits there
Could you try running with small, medium and large pouch? (as this is the only setup I have actually tested)
Jul 24, 2017
I left Quantum and joined Prime! Happy botting :)

So far seems to be running very smoothly! Only issue is it seems to be ignoring the ethereal outfit even though I have it selected in my settings & occasionally it will stop walking the path it's on, but temporary fix it to click and make your character walk a couple squares then it carries on as normal.

I'm not sure if you need me to post a log or anything?
Jul 10, 2015
Nice to see you joining Prime! They've always been a high quality group.

I'm getting this error for some reason:

00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics for abyss-rc
00:00:00 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:00 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:01 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:01 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:03 INFO [Settings] Selected Abyssal lurker
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to false
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to false
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to false
00:00:12 DEBUG Settings: {
"potion": {
"quantity": 1,
"use": true
"outfit": {
"use": false,
"stop": {
"food": true,
"pouches": true,
"death": true,
"potions": true
"pouch": {
"large": true,
"small": true,
"medium": true,
"giant": true
"familiar": {
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_LURKER",
"use": true
"obstacle": {
"distance": 35.0,
"eye": {},
"rock": {},
"gap": {},
"prioritizeLevel": false,
"boil": {},
"prioritizeDistance": true,
"tendril": {}
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"teleport": {
"teleport": "WILDERNESS_SWORD_1"
"food": {
"type": "BASS",
"quantity": 1,
"use": true
00:00:12 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:13 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 112, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property validate has not been initialized
at robot.IiIIIIIIiiI.if(jc:79)
at robot.iIIIiIiIiIi.new(bc:82)
at robot.iiIiiIIiiii.run(gc:115)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txb:13366)
at nul.IIIiIIiiIiiIi.run(lrc:228)
00:00:13 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc
Aug 15, 2018
00:00:10 SEVERE Settings entered were invalid: Both the RockObstacle and TendrilObstacle are selected.

What game mode are you on?
This is intentional if you are on OSRS, but you'll receive this error if you're on RS3 as well. The latter is a bug that will be fixed in the next update.

Im on rs3.. but it just keeps updating according to the log file?
Jun 9, 2015
RobinPC updated Prime Abyss Runecrafting with a new update entry:

Prime Abyss Runecrafting v0.0.11 Released!

Prime Abyss Runecrafting updated to v0.0.11.

Read the rest of this update entry...
it does withdraw it but it just keeps right clicking and withdrawing all over and over when invy is full. so it just sits there
I'm aiming for a fix in version v0.0.12.

So far seems to be running very smoothly! Only issue is it seems to be ignoring the ethereal outfit even though I have it selected in my settings & occasionally it will stop walking the path it's on, but temporary fix it to click and make your character walk a couple squares then it carries on as normal.

I'm not sure if you need me to post a log or anything?
This issue is fixed now. Make sure your minimap is as big as you can make it.
Apr 17, 2015
Tried to run it twice but can't upload logs because wrong filetype or something, both times it would do a run or two before glitching out, first time it would go into the abyss and then try and enter via methods I had not selected (Had thieving and agility enabled, it was spam clicking the mining one). Second time it did a run or two and then got stuck trying to open the bank with the right click menu open, and then when I fixed that manually and resumed the bot, it got stuck trying to cross the wilderness ditch with the right click menu open.

EDIT: Just done it again where it spam clicks on the mining entry point as opposed to the two I have enabled ;-;
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2018
most of the times, it doesnt click the key for the wilderness sword to teleport to edgevile

also, it cant find the craft alter for blood runes, just searches for it with the mouse..

sometimes it cant find the nature teleport thingy in the abyss

often doesnt know how to click the craft nature altar thingy

also, why does it click the sword with the mouse and not hitting the key button to teleport to edgevile?
Aug 28, 2018

I loved the last bot, not having any luck with the setup on this one so far though lol. If I have any of the needed items in my inventory it will just continuously open the bank.
(I think I may have paused it and put the items in my inventory, thats how I found out about the wicked hood, but the second log is with it withdrawing al items and trying to do it's thing)

00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics for abyss-rc
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:00 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:37 INFO [Settings] Selected Abyssal parasite
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to true
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to false
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to false
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to false
00:00:54 DEBUG Settings: {
"teleport": {
"teleport": "WILDERNESS_SWORD_1"
"food": {
"quantity": 1,
"use": true,
"type": "BASS"
"familiar": {
"use": true,
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_PARASITE"
"pouch": {
"giant": true,
"small": true,
"medium": true,
"large": true
"potion": {
"quantity": 1,
"use": true
"stop": {
"death": true,
"pouches": true,
"potions": true,
"food": true
"outfit": {
"use": false,
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"obstacle": {
"eye": {},
"distance": 35.0,
"prioritizeLevel": true,
"boil": {},
"prioritizeDistance": false,
"tendril": {},
"rock": {},
"gap": {}
00:00:54 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:54 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:54 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:55 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:00:55 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:00:59 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:00 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:01:02 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:06 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:01:06 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:01:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:02:07 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:08 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:10 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:10 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:11 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Bank, Collect, Cancel, Walk here, Examine]
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:11 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:11 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:13 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:13 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:17 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Giant pouch
00:02:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:26 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:02:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:26 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:02:26 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:02:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:31 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:37 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:04 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:07 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:37 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:37 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:03:41 INFO [Navigation] Built iiiIIIIiIII: [Coordinate(3097, 3496, 0), Coordinate(3096, 3496, 0), Coordinate(3096, 3497, 0)]
00:03:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:43 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:03:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:51 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:04:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property validate has not been initialized
at robot.IiiiiIIIIii.for(cc:37)
at robot.iiIiiIIiiII.else(jc:164)
at robot.iiiiiIIIiIi.run(sc:19)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txb:13366)
at nul.IIIiIIiiIiiIi.run(lrc:228)
00:04:58 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc

Then if I have all the items in the bank, and they have to be at the top and close together or it will just repeatedly open and close the bank. It withdraws them all, teleports with the wicked hood then tele's back. Walks to the bank, teles with the wicked hood, teles back and gets stuck.
(Also just noticed the name is null instead of my name in this one, not sure if that has something to do with it.)

00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics for abyss-rc
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:01 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:01 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to true
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to false
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to false
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to false
00:00:14 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:14 DEBUG Settings: {
"obstacle": {
"rock": {},
"gap": {},
"distance": 35.0,
"prioritizeDistance": false,
"tendril": {},
"boil": {},
"eye": {},
"prioritizeLevel": true
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"familiar": {
"use": true,
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_PARASITE"
"teleport": {
"teleport": "WILDERNESS_SWORD_1"
"stop": {
"potions": true,
"pouches": false,
"food": true,
"death": true
"potion": {
"use": true,
"quantity": 1
"outfit": {
"use": false,
"food": {
"quantity": 1,
"type": "BASS",
"use": true
"pouch": {
"small": true,
"medium": true,
"giant": true,
"large": true
00:00:15 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:19 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:19 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:25 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:25 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:25 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:26 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:26 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:28 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:28 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Giant pouch
00:00:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:30 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:30 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:35 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:35 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:36 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:00:36 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:00:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:55 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Wicked hood
00:00:55 INFO [Interact: Interact with Wicked Hood] Selecting .*Teleport.*
00:01:05 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3109, 3156, 3)
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:06 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:06 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 530ms
00:01:23 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 0.
00:01:25 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3067, 3505, 0)
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:26 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:30 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4664ms
00:01:31 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 16.
00:01:37 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:37 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:38 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3502, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3502, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:43 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 5280ms
00:01:44 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 11.
00:01:44 INFO [Interact: Interact with Wicked Hood] Selecting .*Teleport.*
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:53 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:55 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:02:12 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 0.
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:19 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:02:19 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 20.
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:29 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4050ms
00:02:29 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:39 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4734ms
00:02:39 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:45 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc

Hope I can get it figured I loved your last bot lol. Seems like I'm the only one having this problem though so it's probably user error. Thanks.
Last edited:
Jun 9, 2015
Tried to run it twice but can't upload logs because wrong filetype or something, both times it would do a run or two before glitching out, first time it would go into the abyss and then try and enter via methods I had not selected (Had thieving and agility enabled, it was spam clicking the mining one). Second time it did a run or two and then got stuck trying to open the bank with the right click menu open, and then when I fixed that manually and resumed the bot, it got stuck trying to cross the wilderness ditch with the right click menu open.

EDIT: Just done it again where it spam clicks on the mining entry point as opposed to the two I have enabled ;-;
Aiming to fix interaction issues in the next update.
As for you other issue, it will query for obstacles within a range of 35.0. If I increase that number good chances are your character will run around the entire abyss to find the perfect obstacle. I don't think you want that.

most of the times, it doesnt click the key for the wilderness sword to teleport to edgevile
also, it cant find the craft alter for blood runes, just searches for it with the mouse..
sometimes it cant find the nature teleport thingy in the abyss
often doesnt know how to click the craft nature altar thingy
also, why does it click the sword with the mouse and not hitting the key button to teleport to edgevile?
Aiming to fix interaction issues in the next update.
PlayerSense determines whether or not to click/use a hotkey. This means that every player has a different way of doing it.


I loved the last bot, not having any luck with the setup on this one so far though lol. If I have any of the needed items in my inventory it will just continuously open the bank.
(I think I may have paused it and put the items in my inventory, thats how I found out about the wicked hood, but the second log is with it withdrawing al items and trying to do it's thing)

00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics for abyss-rc
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:00 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:37 INFO [Settings] Selected Abyssal parasite
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to true
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to false
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to false
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:47 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to false
00:00:54 DEBUG Settings: {
"teleport": {
"teleport": "WILDERNESS_SWORD_1"
"food": {
"quantity": 1,
"use": true,
"type": "BASS"
"familiar": {
"use": true,
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_PARASITE"
"pouch": {
"giant": true,
"small": true,
"medium": true,
"large": true
"potion": {
"quantity": 1,
"use": true
"stop": {
"death": true,
"pouches": true,
"potions": true,
"food": true
"outfit": {
"use": false,
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"obstacle": {
"eye": {},
"distance": 35.0,
"prioritizeLevel": true,
"boil": {},
"prioritizeDistance": false,
"tendril": {},
"rock": {},
"gap": {}
00:00:54 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:54 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:54 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:55 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:00:55 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:00:59 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:00 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:01:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:01:02 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:06 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:01:06 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:01:06 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:01:07 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:02:07 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:08 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:10 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:10 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:10 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:11 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Bank, Collect, Cancel, Walk here, Examine]
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:11 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:11 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:11 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:13 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:13 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:13 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:17 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:02:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Giant pouch
00:02:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:02:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:02:26 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:02:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:26 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:02:26 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:02:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:31 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:02:37 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:01 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:04 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:07 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:37 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:37 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with MyName(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:03:37 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:03:41 INFO [Navigation] Built iiiIIIIiIII: [Coordinate(3097, 3496, 0), Coordinate(3096, 3496, 0), Coordinate(3096, 3497, 0)]
00:03:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:43 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:03:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:03:51 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:04:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property validate has not been initialized
at robot.IiiiiIIIIii.for(cc:37)
at robot.iiIiiIIiiII.else(jc:164)
at robot.iiiiiIIIiIi.run(sc:19)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txb:13366)
at nul.IIIiIIiiIiiIi.run(lrc:228)
00:04:58 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc

Then if I have all the items in the bank, and they have to be at the top and close together or it will just repeatedly open and close the bank. It withdraws them all, teleports with the wicked hood then tele's back. Walks to the bank, teles with the wicked hood, teles back and gets stuck.
(Also just noticed the name is null instead of my name in this one, not sure if that has something to do with it.)

00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics for abyss-rc
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:01 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:01 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to true
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to false
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to false
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:10 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to false
00:00:14 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:14 DEBUG Settings: {
"obstacle": {
"rock": {},
"gap": {},
"distance": 35.0,
"prioritizeDistance": false,
"tendril": {},
"boil": {},
"eye": {},
"prioritizeLevel": true
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"familiar": {
"use": true,
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_PARASITE"
"teleport": {
"teleport": "WILDERNESS_SWORD_1"
"stop": {
"potions": true,
"pouches": false,
"food": true,
"death": true
"potion": {
"use": true,
"quantity": 1
"outfit": {
"use": false,
"food": {
"quantity": 1,
"type": "BASS",
"use": true
"pouch": {
"small": true,
"medium": true,
"giant": true,
"large": true
00:00:15 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:15 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:15 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Small pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Small pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:19 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Medium pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:19 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:19 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Medium pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:25 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:25 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:25 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:26 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Large pouch
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:26 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Large pouch
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:28 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Giant pouch
00:00:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:28 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of Giant pouch
00:00:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:30 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:30 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Wilderness sword [1-4]$
00:00:35 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3097, 3496, 0)
00:00:35 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:36 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Counter [3097, 3495, 0]
00:00:36 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:00:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x Wicked hood
00:00:55 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Wicked hood
00:00:55 INFO [Interact: Interact with Wicked Hood] Selecting .*Teleport.*
00:01:05 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3109, 3156, 3)
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:05 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:06 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:06 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 530ms
00:01:23 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 0.
00:01:25 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with null(level: 92, position: 3067, 3505, 0)
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:26 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:30 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4664ms
00:01:31 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 16.
00:01:37 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:37 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:38 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3502, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3502, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:43 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 5280ms
00:01:44 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 11.
00:01:44 INFO [Interact: Interact with Wicked Hood] Selecting .*Teleport.*
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:53 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:53 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:01:55 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [LodestoneVertex(lodestone=EDGEVILLE, x=3067, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3068, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3070, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3507, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3506, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3075, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3076, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3503, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3085, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3089, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3504, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:01:55 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:02:12 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 0.
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:19 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:19 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 0ms
00:02:19 DEBUG [WebPath] Incremented the last successful step index cache to 20.
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:25 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:29 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4050ms
00:02:29 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Building WebPath route to Area(3095, 3496, 0 -> 3097, 3498, 0)
00:02:34 INFO [Navigation] Built iIiiiIiiiiI: [CoordinateVertex(x=3067, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3071, y=3505, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3501, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3072, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3073, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3074, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3077, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3078, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3079, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3080, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3081, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3082, y=3497, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3083, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3084, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3090, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3091, y=3500, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3093, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3094, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3095, y=3499, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3498, plane=0), CoordinateVertex(x=3096, y=3497, plane=0)]
00:02:39 DEBUG Timed action (WebPath#getNext()) took 4734ms
00:02:39 DEBUG [WebPath] getNext() returned null.
00:02:45 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc

Hope I can get it figured I loved your last bot lol. Seems like I'm the only one having this problem though so it's probably user error. Thanks.
Can you give me a screenshot of your inventory? I ran the bot on RS3 for 2 hours last night without any issues (same setup as you).
Apr 17, 2015
So what's the best way to go about running this then? Do we equip a pickaxe/hatchet depending on whichever is highest in level? Or is there a chance that all 3 options you have enabled then might not be within the queried distance? I remember using this on RS3 before you released it for OSRS and I never had a problem with it running from one side to the other to find the thieving/agility entry points.
Jun 9, 2015
So what's the best way to go about running this then? Do we equip a pickaxe/hatchet depending on whichever is highest in level? Or is there a chance that all 3 options you have enabled then might not be within the queried distance? I remember using this on RS3 before you released it for OSRS and I never had a problem with it running from one side to the other to find the thieving/agility entry points.
You don't have to worry about this when using RS3
Sep 20, 2018
Seems to work better now, only issue im running into now is the ethreal outfit it fills it but keeps trying to fill it over and over.
Aug 15, 2018
1 new bugs found... at the wall to wilderness, it sometimes accidently click the abyssal titan, then it just waits... not closing it down.

within an hour, this happend twice

also it still struggles with blood altar
having a hard hard time finding/clicking craft altar option

an as a third, its not moving screen if it cant click the thing it wants to click, like if he can see the toes of the guy he wants to click, he keeps trying to click it.. not moving screen so he can fully see him
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