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Prime Abyss Runecrafting [Deleted]

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Mar 5, 2019
This bot sometimes won't move your character at Edgeville after you left an alter and sometimes it won't move in the middle of abyssal. Lucky I was able to rescue my character with 10 hitpoints. This bot worked great for a few trips then your character won't move at all. Great bot, but it shouldn't be left unattended until it can be fixed.

I use old school RuneScape version and my screen is "fixed". I don't know why my character won't move after he teleported back to Edgeville and I don't know why he was standing in the abyssal after the mage took him there. The bot will work again when I move him closer to something that will take him to the second stage (inside the abyssal with several alters). For example, I take him to a mining rock and the bot will work again. If I move him closer to the Edgeville bank then the bot will work again. I don't mind support this bot, but I would appreciate if you could take a quick look at this for me.
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Jun 9, 2015
This bot sometimes won't move your character at Edgeville after you left an alter and sometimes it won't move in the middle of abyssal. Lucky I was able to rescue my character with 10 hitpoints. This bot worked great for a few trips then your character won't move at all. Great bot, but it shouldn't be left unattended until it can be fixed.

I use old school RuneScape version and my screen is "fixed". I don't know why my character won't move after he teleported back to Edgeville and I don't know why he was standing in the abyssal after the mage took him there. The bot will work again when I move him closer to something that will take him to the second stage (inside the abyssal with several alters). For example, I take him to a mining rock and the bot will work again. If I move him closer to the Edgeville bank then the bot will work again. I don't mind support this bot, but I would appreciate if you could take a quick look at this for me.
Send over the log file through PM please.
Logs can be found in your RuneMate client under 'Help' -> 'View logs'.
Jul 11, 2018
Bot goes to dark mage to repair pouches however never repairs them instead keeps clicking the map.. Ill pm you a log if you need. Let me know. Thanks.
Mar 22, 2017
I've had the bot get stuck twice repairing pouches at the mage on osrs and then just logs out after 5 mins. Had it happen on 2 occasions.

00:38:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:38:04 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:04 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:38:04 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:38:04 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3027, 4840, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:04 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3027, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3029, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:05 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3027, 4840, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:05 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3027, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3029, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:05 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:05 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3029, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3028, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3029, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3029, 4841, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3029, 4841, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Building BresenhamPath route from Coordinate(3029, 4841, 0) to Dark mage(level: 0, position: 3039, 4834, 0)
00:38:06 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3029, 4841, 0), Coordinate(3030, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3031, 4840, 0), Coordinate(3032, 4839, 0), Coordinate(3033, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3034, 4838, 0), Coordinate(3035, 4837, 0), Coordinate(3036, 4836, 0), Coordinate(3037, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3038, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0)]
00:38:06 INFO [Dark Mage] Selecting ^Repair-pouches|Repairs$
00:38:11 INFO [Inner ring] Switching obstacle state
00:38:12 INFO [Interact: Rift] Selecting ^Exit-through$
00:39:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:40:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:41:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:42:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:43:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc
00:43:12 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:43:12 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:43:12 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route from Coordinate(3039, 4835, 0) to Coordinate(3039, 4832, 0)
00:43:12 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiIiIIiiIi: [Coordinate(3039, 4835, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4834, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4833, 0), Coordinate(3039, 4832, 0)]
00:43:13 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
Found another bug when the player dies, the bot just tries to use the blast furnace tele in minigames tab on osrs
Jun 9, 2015
Found another bug when the player dies, the bot just tries to use the blast furnace tele in minigames tab on osrs
Navigation is handled by the client, so there's not really anything I can do about this other than reporting the issue, which I will be doing.
You can easily fix this yourself by changing the respawn location to Edgeville. You can find more information about this here.
Apr 6, 2019
my bot seems to be stuck on closing beast of burden inventory... and if i dont use a familiar it just says caching bank 5 times

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\danie\RuneMate\logs\Prime Abyss Runecrafting FREE 4-09 0-14-28.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:01 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 7 statistics and 1 skills for abyss-rc-free
00:00:02 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:02 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] Waiting for user input...
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:02 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:02 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:03 INFO [Settings] Selected Nature
00:00:03 DEBUG Rune config RuneConfig(rune=Nature)
00:00:05 INFO [Settings] Selected Abyssal lurker
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Rock set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Boil set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Eyes set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Gap set to true
00:00:09 INFO [Settings] Obstacle: Tendrils set to true
00:00:15 DEBUG Settings: {
"rune": {
"rune": "NATURE"
"pouch": {
"giant": true,
"small": true,
"large": true,
"medium": true
"potion": {
"use": true,
"inventory": true,
"quantity": 1
"food": {
"use": true,
"inventory": true,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "BASS"
"teleport": {
"teleport": "LODESTONE"
"obstacle": {
"boil": {},
"eye": {},
"prioritizeDistance": true,
"prioritizeLevel": false,
"tendril": {},
"rock": {},
"gap": {}
"stop": {
"death": true
"outfit": {
"use": false
"familiar": {
"familiar": "ABYSSAL_LURKER",
"use": true
00:00:15 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:16 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:16 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Small pouch$
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:17 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:17 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Small pouch$
00:00:18 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:00:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Small pouch$
00:00:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:18 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:18 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Small pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Medium pouch$
00:00:20 WARN [Bank] Action not found in [Bank, Collect, Cancel, Talk-to, Walk here, Examine]
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Medium pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:20 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:20 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Medium pouch$
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Large pouch$
00:00:22 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:22 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Large pouch$
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:00:23 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Giant pouch$
00:00:23 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Giant pouch$
00:00:25 INFO [Setup] Closing Beast of Burden inventory
00:01:06 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 10000ms
00:01:07 INFO [Banking] Caching bank (#1)
00:01:08 INFO [Banking] Caching bank (#2)
00:01:10 INFO [Banking] Caching bank (#3)
00:01:11 INFO [Banking] Caching bank (#4)
00:01:11 INFO [Banking] Caching bank (#5)
00:01:12 INFO [Bot stopped] Thanks for choosing Prime!
00:01:13 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for abyss-rc-free
00:01:13 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking abyss-rc-free
00:01:13 INFO Out of Runecrafting pouches.
Last edited:
Mar 28, 2019
ive been using this bot for about a week or 2 and not had 1 issue until today..
now it wont select any obstacle, it says its looking for one and then runs around a bit and then says walking path.. then back to looking for obstacle. even when its standing next to 1 it still don't realize its there.
and im not doing anything wrong this im sure of because im doing everything ive been doing and had no issues until now. I even tried to set it up 4 times to make sure I was setting it up correct and still the same issue everytime.

edit: this is for OSRS
Jun 9, 2015
ive been using this bot for about a week or 2 and not had 1 issue until today..
now it wont select any obstacle, it says its looking for one and then runs around a bit and then says walking path.. then back to looking for obstacle. even when its standing next to 1 it still don't realize its there.
and im not doing anything wrong this im sure of because im doing everything ive been doing and had no issues until now. I even tried to set it up 4 times to make sure I was setting it up correct and still the same issue everytime.

edit: this is for OSRS
There are some issues with the RM client at the moment - the client dev is aware. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 18, 2019
Bot is working absolutely wonderfully! Definitely worth it. Side note, was curious about the blood altar being removed (RS3), can we expect to see that in the near future? Just asking out of curiosity no rush.
Jun 9, 2015
Bot is working absolutely wonderfully! Definitely worth it. Side note, was curious about the blood altar being removed (RS3), can we expect to see that in the near future? Just asking out of curiosity no rush.
Yes you can!
Mar 18, 2019
As always, the bot works wonders. Was curious about the possibility of the level 90 Massive Pouch and Ethereal outfits being supported in the future?
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Apr 20, 2019
Awesome bot! Working great so far! Do you plan to add support for mounted glory in POH?

Awesome bot! Working great so far! Do you plan to add support for mounted glory in POH?

Bot gets stuck in the abyss and idles about 3 times per hour. Would you please look into this? Thanks
Feb 18, 2016
Hi man, Love the bot and works great on all but two items:
1. When starting with pouches in bank it crashes (will try to find logs)
2. When have the "eat at bank" option it often goes to the "north" bank spot, eats, and then goes to the west bank stop to fill up on essence.

It works, but with item 2 it does seem kinda recognizable as bot behavior.
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